Chapter 218
Tao Yaoyao went out with Li Hongwei, and Li Hongwei took Tao Yaoyao to the cloth shop. At this moment, the red cloth in the cloth shop was in Tao Yaoyao's hands. His expression faded.

"This red cloth is the best, do you like it?" Li Hongwei stood aside and said, when Tao Yaoyao heard this, she looked at Li Hongwei and held the red cloth in her hand.

Tao Yaoyao raised her head and looked at Li Hongwei lightly. These days, this man has been careful to please her. She can feel his kindness and his love for her.

But Tao Yaoyao can't put her heart completely on him. Many times, if she misses it, she misses it after all. Maybe...she doesn't like anyone, but right now she is just tired and wants to do something The matter will be completely settled in front of them.

Tao Yaoyao put away her expression, and then threw the cloth aside, "It's okay, just follow your wishes," Tao Yaoyao's words made Li Hongwei look bad, and when he looked at Tao Yaoyao, Li Hongwei Hong Wei's expression became colder and colder.

"You make me feel like a fool, where am I laughing alone?" Right now, I am like a fool, arranging all this and many things here.

Right now, Li Hongwei dislikes the whole person, and he still has that indescribable grievance. When he spoke, he laughed at himself, "Could it be that just because of my small mistake, you have completely condemned me?"

"Li Hongwei has always been on your own initiative, as I said..." Tao Yaoyao looked at Li Hongwei when she heard this, and when she looked at the bride's things, she said in extremely indifferent words, "Aren't you I knew from the beginning that this was just a trick to lure people out, so why should I care so much?"

Tao Yaoyao looked at Li Hongwei and said, when she spoke, she was just stating one thing. When she heard this, Li Hongwei tightly grasped the fabric in her hands, and people not far away knelt on the ground When he felt the anger on Li Hongwei, his whole body trembled.

"You're right,'s just a trick," said the man, almost gnashing his teeth, "but I'm going to give up all of this. When I'm the happiest, I'm so stupid,"

Li Hongwei's words carried deep anger, but when Tao Yaoyao heard these words, she didn't have any excessive emotions because of Li Hongwei's words, "You think too much yourself,"

Seeing Tao Yaoyao's Li Hongwei's expression was terribly frightening, he crushed the red cloth in his hand, and seeing Tao Yaoyao's Li Hongwei's expression when he was standing not far away, "You are really ruthless!" ,"

Tao Yaoyao pretended not to hear the other party's words, still looking at those hairpins, and when she was done, she planned to go back. When Tao Yaoyao was sitting in the carriage, when she opened the curtain, she saw a figure, and saw that Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback when she saw the figure.

The curtain was quickly lowered, "What did you see?" Seeing Tao Yaoyao's expression, Li Hongwei was slightly taken aback, and when he heard this, Tao Yaoyao shook his head.

"I just saw some passers-by," Tao Yaoyao shook his head and said, seeing Tao Yaoyao's expression, Li Hongwei didn't ask any more questions, but lowered his head and played with Tao Yaoyao's palm.

Tao Yaoyao did not withdraw her hand from the other party, but let the other party play with her hand, Tao Yaoyao's hand was always being pulled, and after getting off the carriage, Tao Yaoyao's hand was still pulled by the other party with.

When Li Hongwei entered the mansion, he suddenly stopped and looked not far away. At this moment, the man in the blood-red clothes was standing not far away. When he saw the man, Li Hongwei's expression was instantly stained with blood. up.

Tao Yaoyao saw the person standing not far away, although she was in a daze for a while, she quickly swept over coldly. The three of them, Huangfu Qingxuan and Tao Yaoyao, just looked at each other like this. any action. ,

When Huangfu Qingxuan looked at Tao Yaoyao's hand, which was held tightly by Li Hongwei, he couldn't help but his eyes turned cold, and Tao Yaoyao was embraced by Li Hongwei in the next second, "Huangfu Qingxuan... this is I heard that I'm getting married, would you like to congratulate me in advance?"

When Huangfu Qingxuan heard this, his face turned black instantly, and when he looked at Tao Yaoyao, "Are you going to get married?" The marriage with that Li Hongwei is just for that chicken.

When Tao Yaoyao met this gaze, she smiled, "The previous wedding was too crude, I want to make up for it, if you want to come, come..." Tao Yaoyao's words made Huangfu Qingxuan disappear immediately, Tao Yaoyao looked at the disappearing person, subconsciously clenched her hands together tightly.

"Let's go back," Li Hongwei said while holding Tao Yaoyao's hand. Tao Yaoyao nodded and followed Li Hongwei in. When Tao Yaoyao entered the mansion, she turned her head and glanced.

The wedding between Tao Yaoyao and Huangfu Qingxuan was very grand, for Tao Yaoyao, she didn't care at all, but for Li Hongwei, Li Hongwei would not regard the wedding as just a bargaining chip, he was sincere I want to marry Tao Yaoyao.

How many times is Tao Yaoyao's wedding now?It seems to be the second time, the first time was Changfeng, and besides... it should be at this moment, Tao Yaoyao rubbed her forehead, and let the servants start to try on her wedding dress.

Right now, this wedding dress has just been delivered, and it is made of high-quality material embroidered with red peonies. When I put it on now, it makes the whole person look very luxurious. When the bridal makeup is tried, Li Hongwei walks outside the door. came in.

When she saw Tao Yaoyao, she couldn't help being slightly taken aback, her whole body was amazed, the astonishing eyes filled with indescribable joy, when the maids saw it, they immediately knelt down.

"Master..." Hearing this voice, Tao Yaoyao turned her head and looked at the people not far away. When she saw Li Hongwei, Tao Yaoyao smiled, and Li Hongwei walked over directly.

"It's so beautiful," he went forward to hold Tao Yaoyao's hand, "It's so beautiful... I'm looking forward to tomorrow's big wedding," Li Hongwei didn't answer when he heard this, and looked at his bridal gown.

On the day of the wedding, many invitations were sent, Huangfu Qingxuan looked at the invitations in his hand, his expression almost twisted, "When did you send this?"

When he heard this, the servant immediately knelt down and trembled when he looked at Huangfu Qingxuan, "Yes, tomorrow is the big wedding,"

"Want to get married? Hehe...Delusion," the two of them want to get married right now, that is simply delusion, he will not let Tao Yaoyao and Li Hongwei's wedding have any results, he will completely ruin this wedding.

"Let people go down to prepare. I will attend the wedding in person tomorrow," when Huangfu Qingxuan spoke, his dark eyes turned blood red little by little, and when the person below heard it, he immediately tightened his head. Clinging tightly to the ground, not daring to make half a move.

(End of this chapter)

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