Chapter 219
On the day of the big show, the gongs and drums were blaring, and many people had already attended. Tao Yaoyao was wearing that beautiful wedding dress, and was carried out from the house by the happy wife. When Tao Yaoyao was carried out by the happy wife, Then Li Hongwei stretched out his hand to pull him, and then hugged him directly.

"Okay," many people were laughing there, Tao Yaoyao was carried into the wedding place, there were many people standing on both sides, and at this moment Li Hongzhao was sitting not far away, looking at Tao Yaoyao When we were with Li Hongwei, Li Hongzhao took the main seat and replaced his parents as witnesses.

When he was the witness, Li Hongzhao didn't speak, and the big wedding started soon. At the beginning of the big wedding, Xipo started to say one obeisance to heaven and earth and two obeisances to high hall.

Tao Yaoyao followed the rhythm of Li Hongwei and began to get rid of it. When she was kneeling on the ground, she suddenly felt that something was still there. Tao Yaoyao had something wrapped around her waist, and quickly dragged him back .

"You dare," a voice suddenly came from behind. When Tao Yaoyao heard this, she was taken aback for a while, and soon she was embraced by a cold embrace. At that time, Tao Yaoyao turned around and saw Huangfu Qingxuan.

"I didn't agree to this wedding," Huangfu Qingxuan said coldly, "My woman, when will it be your turn to marry?" The words were so domineering that Tao Yaoyao felt amused when she heard these words.

"Your woman? Let go of your hand," Li Hongwei said coldly when looking at Tao Yaoyao. Suddenly, his expression warmed up.

Even though the fight is in full swing right now, this man still protects her. Tao Yaoyao feels that... At this moment, being soft-hearted is not sentimental, but just involuntary. Tao Yaoyao knows that her feelings for the man in front of her have never been It's not that kind of deep love, maybe it's moved, but...after all...

Tao Yaoyao shook his head, and Huangfu Qingxuan started to fight with his own insecurities. Right now, he was at a disadvantage with Li Hongwei, and the two of them fought more and more fiercely, but Huangfu Qingxuan didn't notice that Tao Yaoyao held the dagger in his hand , in the next second, directly and fiercely pierced Huangfu Qingxuan's chest.

Huangfu Qingxuan didn't have any precautions against Tao Yaoyao, the knife directly pierced his chest, Huangfu Qingxuan looked at the knife on his chest, his expression was shocked, and he couldn't believe it, Li Hongwei saw Tao Yaoyao so neatly, Also startled.

Huangfu Qingxuan directly half-kneeled on the ground, Tao Yaoyao looked at Huangfu Qingxuan, "System Lord, I have completed the task, I'm going back," she's going back, she's going back.

Mr. System didn't answer, but Li Hongwei walked over instead, "I'll say, Huangfu Qingxuan, let go of my bride." one knife.

Li Hongwei's saber was a bit deeper than Huangfu Qingxuan's, "If you don't come out, I'll kill both of you, come out..." Tao Yaoyao looked at Li Hongwei, and put the saber directly on Li Hongwei's face. Magnificent neck.

When Li Hongwei saw Tao Yaoyao, "Why? So I was the one you plotted against?" When he looked at Tao Yaoyao, he felt an unspeakable pain. When he heard this, Tao Yaoyao smiled laugh.

"No, I'm scheming." Right now, no one is letting go. Hearing this, Li Hongwei clutched his chest, and the people around him dare not go up. Now that the two demons have been assassinated, there is no one left. Dare to get close, but none of those monsters moved without the words of Li Hongwei and Huangfu Qingxuan.

Huangfu Qingxuan looked at Tao Yaoyao with that complicated gaze, Tao Yaoyao's voice did not let the System Lord come out, " seems that you are all dead," Tao Yaoyao looked at Li Hongwei and said, listening Li Hongwei who heard this said looked at Tao Yaoyao.

That gaze seemed to be saying, waiting for Tao Yaoyao to make a move, or betting that Tao Yaoyao would not dare to make a move. When Tao Yaoyao met that gaze, her expression turned cold, and she directly stabbed him fiercely. .

Tao Yaoyao made a ruthless hand, and the hand did not stop at the moment. Li Hongwei looked at Tao Yaoyao, but in the end, Tao Yaoyao's hand stopped on that neck, Li Hongwei suddenly laughed, but the next The second Tao Yaoyao closed her eyes and gave a knife, the blood spilled on Tao Yaoyao's cheek.

When Huangfu Qingxuan looked at Tao Yaoyao, he didn't show any expression, "Is it time for me?" Huangfu Qingxuan looked at Tao Yaoyao, Tao Yaoyao didn't speak, and was waiting for the report from Mr. System.

"Suddenly, I have a very important matter. I obviously killed the owner of my mission this time, but I didn't have any adverse reactions. I didn't die... It seems... a bullshit mission," Xia Huanhuan said, With a sigh.

Hearing Xia Huanhuan's words, Huangfu Qingxuan didn't know why he suddenly had a bad premonition, and saw Xia Huanhuan stabbing himself in the chest with a knife, but suddenly someone grabbed his hand, and the space was silent. He was held tightly by someone, and when he turned around, he saw Li Hongwei, who was supposed to die, open his eyes.

When Tao Yaoyao saw Li Hongwei, Li Hongwei's expression changed at this moment, and he was no different from a normal person. When she saw Tao Yaoyao, "Long time no see."

Hearing this, Tao Yaoyao was taken aback for a moment, then suddenly laughed, looking at the surrounding scenery, she was looking at Huangfu Qingxuan who was squatting not far away, the injuries on Huangfu Qingxuan's eyes were completely healed Yes, Tao Yaoyao smiled after seeing this. "I just said, that's how it is..."

From the beginning to the end, she was thinking about one thing, and now she really thought of it, she felt that many things were wrong, and now she finally thought of it, Tao Yaoyao clutched her forehead, a lot of memories in her mind came like a tide.

Those memories kept passing into that head, "No. [-]... You never thought of attracting him, No. [-]... You are just a string of codes, why are you afraid of death?"

"One hundred numbers..." Tao Yaoyao suddenly laughed when she heard this, and looked at Huangfu Qingxuan, "Dongfang should be the Virus Lord they are talking about,"

When she heard this, Tao Yaoyao suddenly laughed, almost all her little lovers remembered, many things, those things almost drove Tao Yaoyao crazy.

"Why do you want to seal my memory? Why... you tell me Huangfu Qingxuan, you tell me?" Tao Yaoyao cried, when she spoke, there were traces of tears, and her whole body was almost hysterical, "Why... ... woo woo..."

"Ahh..." Tao Yaoyao covered her head. When she felt those things, her whole body almost collapsed. When she spoke, she was crying, but she was laughing at the same time. The appearance of laughing and crying made her feel Feeling distressed, Huangfu Qingxuan walked over and hugged Tao Yaoyao, who was crying like that.

"You bastard... bastard..." While speaking, he beat Huangfu Qingxuan desperately, crying thoroughly, Huangfu Qingxuan didn't speak, feeling that when Li Hongwei bit his shoulder, his expression was distressed , Gently appease Tao Yaoyao's emotions.

"Don't cry, don't cry..." Right now is better than last time, her emotions have been buffered, and there is no tendency to collapse. At least last time, although she was heartbroken, she didn't feel ashamed.

And when Huangfu Qingxuan looked at Li Hongwei who was not far away, "I won," Li Hongwei grabbed the palm firmly, looking at Huangfu Qingxuan with a cold expression.

"You didn't win, at least this time it's a tie," looking at the unconscious Tao Yaoyao, "I didn't lose, and you didn't win, at least neither of us fell in love with her,"

(End of this chapter)

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