General strategy of the male god of fast wear

Chapter 223 The End of the Game

Chapter 223 The End of the Game
She took the child to sit not far away at a glance, and then gave the child a drink of water. After Carl drank it, he looked at Tao Yaoyao, "Sister, do you think we can go back?"

In the current killing, can he and his sister get out alive?Impossible right now... because he and his sister are too weak right now, and they can only die in this slaughter.

When she heard this, Tao Yaoyao nodded, "We will get out alive, I will take you out," she would take him out, let alone take him out now.

"Sister bird is here," Karl stretched out his hand to let the bird stand, and listened to what the bird said. When he heard this, Karl was slightly taken aback, "Someone is here, sister bird."

Hearing that someone was coming, Tao Yaoyao looked not far away, but Naked didn't come back, she was slightly taken aback when she saw this, and hugged Carl directly, Carl wanted to go by himself, but he was hungry here all day, and he was too weak right now. Weak, not as fast as Tao Yaoyao, Tao Yaoyao put the person on the big tree, "You wait here obediently, wait for me to come back,"

Since Kede has cooperated with him, it is impossible to leave it alone now. When he heard this, Karl nodded, "I know, I will, sister, be careful,"

"Okay," Tao Yaoyao nodded and went straight down the tree to find Kede. When he found Kede, he saw that Kede was besieged by a few tall and burly people. Tao Yaoyao couldn't help frowning.

Looking at the branches not far away, Kede raised his head and saw Tao Yaoyao. He was stunned for a second and saw the road floating over like a swing, and then Kede stretched out his hand in the next second. , grabbed Tao Yaoyao and the two and swung not far away.

"Damn it, chase me..." He said and chased him directly. While chasing, several people were holding the bamboo. Tao Yaoyao looked at Ked and saw Ked's expression.

"Are you going?" Kede shook his head. Those people directly broke his legs. He couldn't run now. When he saw Tao Yaoyao, he couldn't help but pursed his lips. Right now he Afraid that this woman would abandon him.

When she heard this, Tao Yaoyao frowned, and directly resisted the person and walked not far away. When she was walking, Tao Yaoyao heard the voice behind him, knowing that those people were chasing him .

Kede didn't expect Tao Yaoyao to take him away, so he couldn't help being surprised, he didn't expect Tao Yaoyao to take him away, "Where the hell is it, let me find it, find it..."

Tao Yaoyao and Ke De hid in the bushes, watching those people passing by, neither of them dared to make a sound, but there were three people coming, and fighting now would attract others, so it's not suitable for action.

Kede squatted without speaking, the injuries on his legs and feet made him grit his teeth, but at this time his life was almost gone, so why would he be so scruples now.

After waiting for a while, Tao Yaoyao saw this person go away, "Don't go out, it's still in the dark," Tao Yaoyao said, this person hasn't gone far at the moment, hiding is the best, hearing this While speaking, Naked nodded.

After a while, those people came back as expected. Tao Yaoyao saw that person leaving, so she led them away. When she led them away, she came to the big tree of Karl. At the beginning, I saw that Karl didn't know when he disappeared.

After seeing this, Tao Yaoyao couldn't help but frowned, and directly asked Ke De to stand here, and jumped up the big tree, but this person was not there at the moment, "Carl..."

"Sister... ah..." Tao Yaoyao's face turned cold when she heard the scream, and she ran not far away. Ke De... Seeing everything, he also followed.

After Tao Yaoyao left, he saw that Carl was transferred to the tree, he couldn't help being slightly taken aback, looked around, "Sister, don't come here...they are..."

This is the second round of hunting. Right now, the first round is about some weak people being hunted down, but now it is the strong ones fighting each other. Tao Yaoyao looked around, prepared the stones on her body, and threw them into the grass Lost it.

The footsteps became faster and faster, and when it hit someone, she immediately felt pain. As soon as Tao Yaoyao saw it, the stone in her hand hit the opponent's acupuncture point directly, and then she jumped to hug the person in her arms , Cut off Nakar's rope directly, and ran not far away from holding the person to play.

"Kill them for me," Tao Yaoyao put Carl not far away, and the bamboo stick that was there threw over, directly swept those people away, and looked at the group of people coldly.

"Get out..." Tao Yaoyao has scruples about her own strength, and Ked also came over. Right now, no one can tell that Ked is injured. The three of them stood together, and those few people just started He hesitated and backed away.

After Tao Yaoyao saw the people retreating, she led them away directly, and then said, "We are hiding here, the wounds on both of you, this is herbal medicine..." He took out the herbal medicine and let Ke De and Karl apply it on their bodies .

"Tomorrow, the first batch of supplies will be delivered here, which is enough for ten people," and it's only for one day, but even on this day, those medicines are what everyone dreams of snatching.

When she heard this, Na Tao Yaoyao looked at Ked, "What are you going to do?" After hearing this, Na Ked said, "You want me to snatch it?"

"You are not allowed to go. Your brother has a high fever, and I will also have a fever in a while. Those medicines are used for it," Tao Yaoyao couldn't help frowning when she heard this. Crashed, the system is no longer providing any substance at the moment.

"I will find a way, but while I'm away, can you protect my brother?" The system doesn't give material, and now I can only find a way to get material, because if I don't want to get it now, there is no way Save herself, during this month, she can protect herself, but Karl doesn't.

And Tao Yaoyao knew very well that she didn't intend to participate in this killing, and she planned to take Karl away after she was equipped with food and supplies.

Upon hearing this, Naked nodded, "Okay, I will... I will protect him," and Na Tao Yaoyao nodded after hearing this.

"But if I see that something happened to Carl, then don't blame me for being rude," Naked nodded when he heard this, expressing that he would definitely.

Tao Yaoyao looked at Carl, "Carl, you must take it with you, listen to Carl's words, sister is going to get things, you must be careful, don't move around,"

"I'm going to get some food now, look at Carl," he said, and walked out of the cave. Right now, the cave is very hidden, but if there is any other movement in it, passers-by will still find it.

Tao Yaoyao went to get something to eat, when she saw the fruit, she picked it up, got some water, saw the bamboo not far away, Tao Yaoyao looked not far away, but she didn't have a knife right now, When looking not far away, his eyes flickered slightly.

Several people had that knife on their backs. When Tao Yaoyao saw the knife, she showed a smile on her face, and ran not far away, squatting in the grass, and when that person passed by, she directly killed the knife. The person was pressed to the ground, but no sound came out.

"Don't move, I want a knife, I'm not in the mood to play this perverted game with you," Tao Yaoyao took the knife and ran not far away, but when the man raised his head, he found that there was no one around.

"What happened to Sam?" A few people ran over, the blond man looked around evilly, his jewel-like eyes were extraordinarily alluring.

"My weapon was robbed just now," he licked his lips and looked around, "it's a girl, it's really dare to rob me,"

This was really a hunting that made me excited. It was the first time someone attacked me, and it was still my knife, but it was the biggest mistake that the girl didn't kill me.

(End of this chapter)

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