General strategy of the male god of fast wear

Chapter 224 The End of the Game

Chapter 224 The End of the Game
After Tao Yaoyao snatched the dagger, it was very sharp in her hand, so she didn't need to think about eating meat right now, but... right now... she needed a lot of planning to run out.

Because there are crystal stones everywhere, and at this moment when the people of Yin Country saw Tao Yaoyao's actions, many people began to discuss, "This girl is not bad, but it's a pity that her heart is too soft."

Right now, she clearly had the opportunity to kill that person, but she chose to let it go. Right now, this is obviously a soft-hearted person, but he is too soft-hearted, and it will only hurt herself.

"That was Sam just now... the most powerful lunatic, and now she is miserable," Offending a lunatic is not a wise choice, and this woman is going to be miserable now.

After Tao Yaoyao got the knife, she took the knife and chopped off the bamboo not far away, then washed it and used it to fill water. After dealing with everything, she went back directly with the things.

Tao Yaoyao gave Carl a drink of water, Carl took a sip, and ate some fruit, "My sister made some meat, and my sister will go and roast it for you to eat. Be good here."

Barbecue can't be near here right now, or it will attract a lot of people. As long as you see the fire here, you will come to kill people, so now Tao Yaoyao has to go far away. When he heard this, Karl nodded .

Ke De also ate something, looked at Tao Yaoyao, "It's not safe," now that the meat is good to eat raw, Tao Yaoyao looked at Ke De indifferently.

"You need nutrition. If you can't keep up with the nutrition, do you think you can win next?" If you don't eat some nutrition, Carl will be very dangerous, especially at the moment, this person is weak and doesn't like it. Physical strength is the best here. arms.

Tao Yaoyao ate the fire not far from the brook, and sat on a big tree. Because it was still daytime, the meat was roasting very quickly at the moment. She only needed to cook it. She didn’t dare to eat it raw. She won't wrong herself to eat those that will have parasites, well... Although there will be no problems with parasites, she is also disgusting.

After roasting the meat, Tao Yaoyao took it back, and Sam came later, looked at the fire on the ground, couldn't help frowning, squatted down and looked at the footprints, "It's a person , probably in her teens, woman..."

The footprints looked very shallow, and the woman's figure should be very petite. Thinking of this, Sam squinted his eyes. If he remembered correctly, the body of the person who pressed himself to the ground was also very petite. She didn't use strength. It's chocolate.

From the palms pressing on his legs, Sam knew that the girl was very petite, about 13 years old, no...should be bigger, they can't eat enough, so naturally they won't be as strong as others, Especially women.

Tao Yaoyao didn't know that the place where she lived was known by others, so she gave the meat to Carl, and when Carl ate it, "My sister smells so delicious, is this the last time I eat meat?"

In the past, I always ate wild vegetables. My father died in this arena, and my mother was left alone. Now my mother has no way to protect them and give them a better life, so the two of them grew up together. I have eaten meat.

After hearing this, Tao Yaoyao didn't say a word. After running away by herself, it would be very difficult for Carl to eat meat again, because the task is just a task, and it is impossible to stay for too long. Right now, all I can teach her is.

"You have to learn to work hard on your own and become stronger, so that you can eat meat," Tao Yaoyao's words made Carl nod, and then gave half a piece of meat to Naked. This is pheasant meat. When he saw this meat, Naked didn't say a word, just took it and ate it.

Right now, it's the most important thing for you. Tao Yaoyao went out directly at night. She went to explore the terrain. If she wants to grab something right now, she needs the terrain.

Kede told himself that the terrain here is different in four seasons. Right now it is not too cold in summer, but when it gets colder, it will be miserable. In a month, there are half a month of winter. If the current winter is not thick clothes, will freeze to death.

Moreover, the last half month is winter, and the people of Yin Country are very good at playing. Tao Yaoyao looked at the terrain and found that other people had also come. Tao Yaoyao took a knife and cut a branch I cut it, and tried the toughness with that hand. The toughness was good. I used my own clothes, weaved it into a rope, and wrapped it around the two sides to make a bow and arrow.

In this kind of place, only bows and arrows can be made with bare hands. It is obviously impossible to make other weapons. After Tao Yaoyao made the bow and arrow, she used it. It is obvious that this thing is an attack from a distance. best weapon.

Tao Yaoyao squatted not far away, and ate the fruit with her hand. While eating the fruit, she looked at the person not far away. The man seemed to be the one who grabbed the weapon by herself, but... it doesn't matter right now He grabbed something and ran away.

Tao Yaoyao leaned against the big tree, and then began to feel drowsy. When the sun just rose, Tao Yaoyao stood directly on the top of the tree, watching the movement not far away, and soon There was a giant eagle flying over, the giant eagle came from afar, when Tao Yaoyao saw it, she couldn't help but pursed her lips.

This arena is really big. If you walk alone, you may not be able to go out for a month, and now the home field is the size of those seven or eight competitive basketball courts, let alone all of them will be played right now.

The giant eagle has supplies right now, Tao Yaoyao immediately drew the bow when she saw it, and shot the giant eagle down. After seeing the giant eagle being shot down, she immediately ran not far away.

"That's right..." Right now, the hunting giant eagle didn't say it's not allowed, so right now, Tao Yaoyao is not breaking the rules, but... this is the first time someone has dared to do this three hundred times.

When Tao Yaoyao set up the giant eagle, few people heard the movement, but they also sensed that something was wrong, frowned, and secretly said that it was time to deliver the supplies, but now... soon came the giant eagle again. There are three eagles in total, but now only two have appeared, and one has not come, so it is impossible to get lost.

Tao Yaoyao was squatting next to the giant eagle, the giant eagle was dying, Tao Yaoyao started to get supplies, took a thick piece of clothing, put one on herself, took some medicine bottles and leave immediately.

"By this river..." Sam saw the giant eagle fall, and immediately chased after it, but soon found that half of the supplies had been taken away, so he couldn't help but smile.

"It seems that someone is smarter than us. Judging from the strength of an arrow piercing the heart, it should be good at strength." Now he knows that he has shot down the giant eagle, and after looking at the footprints, it is as big as it looked last time Laughing at the deal, I couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

Just one footprint, but the strength of this giant eagle, could it be that he made a mistake, this is actually a petite man?If it was a woman, the strength would be stronger, but...seeing the delicate hair on the top, she couldn't help but smile, "Little cat's..."

Sam looked at the supplies, "Take them back," he said, and chased them not far away. Those people shook their heads. It seemed that this person was eyeing the prey, and started to take things one by one. He just snatched some , Now I picked up some, which is really profitable.

Sam chased after Tao Yaoyao, with that smile on his mouth, "I found you, little cat," he dared to grab something from himself, and saw that the woman would clean up after he caught it.

(End of this chapter)

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