General strategy of the male god of fast wear

Chapter 225 The End of the Game

Chapter 225 The End of the Game
Not long after Tao Yaoyao left, she heard movement behind her, and when she turned her head, she saw the blond man appearing in front of her. The man was slightly taken aback when he saw Tao Yaoyao. secret.

At present, this petite figure looks like a 13-year-old child. When she saw this child, she couldn't help but licked her lips for a moment, and was about to arrest him. When Tao Yaoyao saw this Sam When he grabbed himself, he couldn't help frowning.

He directly slashed with the knife there, but his backhand was snatched, and he was directly pressed to the ground, "Under the absolute power of the little cat, opportunism is not acceptable, you should be obedient, otherwise I will hurt you, "

When Tao Yaoyao heard this, she couldn't help but frowned, "Are you trying to touch me?" The hand shrank, and he kicked Sam, but he was lifted immediately. with that leg.

Tao Yaoyao's calf was grabbed by someone with one hand. When he was caught, that Sam looked at Tao Yaoyao, "You are cute and troublesome," and threw the person out as soon as he said, Tao Yaoyao The whole person was thrown on the bushes not far away.

When Sam was going to catch him, he saw this person running away, and immediately chased after him, but Tao Yaoyao was so small and fast that he couldn't catch him at all, "Damn..."


As he said that, he directly said angrily, and at the moment when Tao Yaoyao was running away, she would still go to get those food, after picking it up, she left carefully, and ran directly from the tree, the footprints on the ground will usher people.

"What happened?" After Tao Yaoyao went back, Ke De looked at Tao Yaoyao, Tao Yaoyao shook her head, took out the big sweater, then gave it to Carl, and threw a scarf to him Ked.

"You have met someone," said Tao Yaoyao now that the dagger was gone, and the strangle marks on her hand, it was obvious that Tao Yaoyao had met someone, if she hadn't met someone now, she would not have lost the dagger.

"I met someone," and under the strength of that person's hand, she couldn't resist at all. Now Tao Yaoyao looked at Kede, took out the healing medicine, and gave it to Kede. I'm giving Carl the cooling medicine.

Carl fell asleep after eating. Tao Yaoyao went to get water, and saw Sam not far away. When she saw this person, Tao Yaoyao ran away immediately, but soon the knife shot straight at him. at their own feet.

"You run, are you running fast, or am I moving faster than you?" Tao Yaoyao smiled when she heard this, and looked at the smile on Sam's expression. With that coldness.

"The little kitten is not running away," Sam walked over, Tao Yaoyao smiled, and started to do it the next second. When she did it, she splashed the water in her hand on Sam's face.

Sam dodged subconsciously, and Tao Yaoyao ran straight away when people were dodging, and Sam went to chase, the fireball directly enveloped Tao Yaoyao, Tao Yaoyao looked at the fireball, and then she didn't move.

This bastard is actually a magician too. Damn... Tao Yaoyao couldn't help sighing when she thought that she and Karl could also listen to the language of birds, she really met an enemy.

"Don't get excited, I'm just joking with you, it's clear water, it's not poisonous," Tao Yaoyao said with a smile, her golden hair and charming smile are as breathtakingly beautiful as an elf.

Sam looked at Tao Yaoyao, and directly stretched out his hand, Tao Yaoyao was puzzled, "Weapon..." Tao Yaoyao jumped, saying that he didn't have any weapons on him right now. When he saw Tao Yaoyao, Sam frowned.

"Brother doesn't believe me? You can search for yourself," when Sam heard this, his expression was cold, and Tao Yaoyao took off her clothes. a coat.

"Don't play with me, I still don't like it," Sam said coldly, Tao Yaoyao curled her lips, put on her clothes in contempt, and brushed her hair with that smile on her face.

"You don't like it, I'll let others see it, tell me... What's the purpose of blocking me and not killing me?" Tao Yaoyao smiled and said, she didn't have ruthlessness, but she still had a small hidden weapon.

Tao Yaoyao showed no fear, she was really going to fight with someone desperately, and the other party would not have a good time right now, Tao Yaoyao put her hands behind her back, Sam smiled, "Hands..."

Hearing this, Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback, but she still stretched out her hand. The next second, someone grabbed her hand and broke it off. Tao Yaoyao couldn't help crying out in pain, "Bastard..."

"That's how restlessness is." He hugged the person directly, then took out the bamboo behind him, and couldn't help smiling when he saw it, "What is this? Don't tell me, it's for eating,"

Tao Yaoyao couldn't help pursing her lips when she heard this, and looked at Sam intently, "I like to eat here, can you control me?"

When he heard this, that Sam looked at Tao Yaoyao, pinched Tao Yaoyao's chin, "You are really stubborn, but you have to think clearly, if you are stubborn, don't blame me for being rude..."

"You are already very impolite," Tao Yaoyao smiled and looked at Sam. Sam carried Tao Yaoyao and passed by the river. Tao Yaoyao pushed directly by the lake, and her hand hurt Heartbreaking.

Sam didn't expect Tao Yaoyao to have that reaction. He didn't hug her tightly and saw Tao Yaoyao fell into the lake from his shoulders. Sam is a magician of the fire department, and now he has more or less scruples about water, "You can How long have you been hiding?"

But she could hide for a long time. Tao Yaoyao dived under the water to the opposite side, and when she saw no one there, she crawled out. When she crawled out, she couldn't help coughing a few times, her whole body was terribly cold.

Tao Yaoyao hugged her body and walked not far away, while walking, Tao Yaoyao trembled, and then ran to the cave, "Sister, what's wrong with you?"

"I'm fine, let's leave quickly, I've provoked a lunatic, if we don't leave...we are all in danger," Tao Yaoyao hugged her body, and when he heard this, Karl nodded, and walked with Tao Yaoyao with his things. Yaoyao left, and Ke De followed behind.

"Who did you meet?" Said while looking at Tao Yaoyao, after hearing this, that Tao Yaoyao told about Sam, when she heard this.

"If I'm not mistaken, that person is a magician from Sam's fire department. He is 23 years old. Among these people outside, he ranks fifth. How did you provoke him?" Ked frowned and said.

"Why are you afraid? If you are afraid, you can leave now," Tao Yaoyao's words made Ked frowned. He is not such an ungrateful person, at least he has received a lot of help from Tao Yaoyao right now.

"I have clear grievances and grievances. It is impossible for me to leave now. Your hand...I will break it back for you," Tao Yaoyao nodded when she heard this. When her hand was broken, Tao Yaoyao's face was pale with pain , but still held back.

"Let's leave." Tao Yaoyao was ready in her hand, but even though she pushed it back, it still hurt. Tao Yaoyao took the people away and needed to find a good place to look at the big tree not far away, "We Just take it on the tree, there are birds... Carl understands the language of birds, he can do scouting, "

Tao Yaoyao knew that she was too sloppy at the beginning, if it wasn't for her sloppy and inattentiveness, she wouldn't be so seriously injured right now, and she still has no power to fight back. He has learned this lesson, and now he must actively overcome .

That man was only fifth, so she didn't have the ability to fight back. If she met the first few, she might be even more dangerous now. So this is not a simple game, but a very dangerous competitive killing. She needs to be careful.

(End of this chapter)

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