General strategy of the male god of fast wear

Chapter 232 The End of the Game

Chapter 232 The End of the Game
"Catch her... chase me..." When she looked not far away, Tao Yaoyao hid in the snow, her breathing gradually stopped, and she lowered the sound of her breathing. The murder weapon was in the snow.

"Where is the person? Where is the person? Footprints..." When they saw the footprints not far away, those people immediately showed a fierce look, and then a group of people slashed not far away, each fiercely desperate chopping.

But when a few people rushed over, the organ was triggered in the next second, and then shot the bamboo pole directly, and then shot the person to death. Some people ran not far away, but Sam stood not far away and directly used the knife looked over.

The blood was directly spilled on the ground, Tao Yaoyao stood on the big tree not far away, looked at those dead people, the snow on her body fell directly on the ground, when she saw the blood color not far away, the corner of her mouth was cold smiled.

"Let's go..." In this hunting, either you hunted others, or someone else came to hunt you. Tao Yaoyao looked not far away. Right now, the interference stone must be found quickly. When Yao got off the tree, she heard a muffled humming sound. After hearing this sound, Tao Yaoyao couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

She ran not far away, "Sam, what's the matter with you?" Seeing Sam's face, his eyes were trembling, his foot was pierced, after seeing this, Tao Yaoyao looked around.

"Haha...the prey is on the bait, look...I said, it's best for us to pick up the bargain later," when hearing this, Tao Yaoyao and Sam both looked not far away, and at the moment the man took the bait He walked over with a smile, with brown hair and a cold mouth.

At this moment, the woman next to the man was slightly taken aback when she saw Sam, "Isn't this Sam? I didn't expect this trap to catch Sam," and the person next to him at this moment was Searia, and Searia did not expect to be caught. After catching Sam, he was taken aback for a moment.

"It's Sam. I didn't expect you to be here. Why... have you lost your positive courage? You chose this kind of dirty method to arrest people?" Seya looked at Sam and said, the current trap really doesn't want to be Sam. style of.

Looking at Tao Yaoyao beside him, she is petite and hiding behind Sam, her innocent eyes make people feel pity, "It turns out that there is a little white rabbit who needs to be protected, no wonder it is so weak ,"

These words are basically saying that Tao Yaoyao is the one who dragged Sam down. Tao Yaoyao pursed her lips when she heard this. It's playing the oil bottle.

"Ahem... dare to come, I will kill you, Searia..." Sam was about to stand up, Searia looked at Sam coldly when he heard this, Tao Yaoyao knew Searia , Isn’t this man the one who followed Sam at the beginning?

"I'm sorry for you. When there are people, I protect you...but you..." Sam shouted angrily. When he heard this, Seya's face gradually turned cold.

"But you gave up on Juliet. It was you who left Juliet behind. It was your fault that Juliet was killed. If it wasn't for you, Juliet wouldn't have died. Didn't you say that you don't bring a bottle of oil to the weak? What's going on now? I am willing to take the woman I like? What about Juliet? Juliet has been with us for many years, you bastard..."

After hearing this, Tao Yaoyao looked at Sam, Sam didn't speak, and Juliet was also in the same district as him, but it's a a face-to-face confrontation with others, and it was still the first and second.

At that time, Juliet was injured, one of her legs was injured, and she couldn't walk at all. The people behind her were chasing after her. A lot of things on her body were lost, and the brothers lost a lot. In the last case, he left That Juliet.

For this point, if he was a newcomer, he would still choose in the same situation, because that woman is too weak, and the weak seek protection from others here, but he is not born to protect others.

Even if Tao Yaoyao is now, if Tao Yaoyao has no ability, he will be abandoned, so he has not regretted it, and he will not have more resentment if Tao Yaoyao abandons himself now that he is injured.

"The weak have no right to live here." This is an arena, an arena for fighting, not an arena for other people to have fun. Only death and the strong exist here.

When he heard this, Seya's face twisted in an instant, and he slashed at Sam directly. As for Tao Yaoyao, he was completely ignored, but when he approached, his abdomen hurt, He saw that Tao Yaoyao stabbed him in the abdomen, and soon the girl stepped back and sprinkled the powder in her hands.

"Follow me..." Seya sternly sternly saw the man running away, "Tell the boss that Sam has been found, cough and chase..." Then he covered his wound and started chasing the girl.

"What are you doing with me? My leg is injured right now," Sam said, looking at Tao Yaoyao, "Do you know that Juliet is my childhood sweetheart, but she is too weak, so when she was injured, I abandoned her and left her where she was, and when I left, I could still hear her heart-piercing screams, but I didn't look back, "

"This is the rule of the game, I will take you away, because you are the strong one, and that woman is the weak one, no one stipulates who to take risks for, and no one is your teammate," don't talk about justice in this kind of place, Don't say anything, never betray words.

Because she knows very well that the betrayal here is only a momentary thing, and the man is not wrong right now, because if she doesn't have a 70.00% chance to run away right now, she will also leave this man right now.

Tao Yaoyao led Sam to run, and the footprints and blood stains behind them would expose them. Tao Yaoyao directly led the people up the tree, and began to bandage Sam briefly, and then ran with the rattan.

"We can't do anything like this, then number one and number two are coming soon, and the two of us are together right now, so we won't be able to run away," Tao Yaoyao pursed her lips when she heard this, and suddenly slammed, Something bumped directly behind them, and the two of them fell to the ground, and they saw a person not far away, dragging that huge hammer.

"You're still running alone," Tao Yaoyao pursed her lips when she heard this. Now that she was using her spells, Tao Yaoyao directly took out the yellow charm, and then began to throw the spell out. After this action, he was slightly taken aback.

Soon there were strange figures appearing around, "giggle...giggle..." existed like ghosts and ghosts, and some of the less courageous ones turned pale with fright, but the courageous ones.

"Get out..." Shocked back with the breath on his body, the yellow paper appeared on the ground. When they saw this paper, the faces of those people were not good-looking. There were footprints in front of them, but there were three rows of footprints right now.

At this moment, the footprints stretched not far away, in three different directions. Right now, they are going their separate ways. The footprints are exactly the same. Many people frowned and looked at each other when they saw it. Soon, they walked not far away tacitly.

And at this moment, Searia is in a group with the woman just now, and there are two people left in place at this moment, one has a head of black hair, his figure is similar to that of an ordinary oriental person, his expression is cold, and his sharpness is like an eagle, and this person It was He Zhan, the second-ranked He Zhan, and at the moment, beside her was a petite woman who looked like a night elf. The explosion on her body was not surprising, but it gave others a soft and weak feeling, but No one dared to move, because she was He Zhan's younger sister.

(End of this chapter)

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