General strategy of the male god of fast wear

Chapter 233 The End of the Game

Chapter 233 The End of the Game
He Zhan looked around and saw his sister frowning while playing in the snow not far away, "He Jiaer, come here," He Zhan frowned, in this dangerous place right now, let alone He Jiaer Yes, even you have to be careful.

When hearing this, He Jiaer curled her lips, "Brother, you are too careful. With my brother here, no one dares to touch me," she said, playing there alone.

When I first came to this arena, I was afraid, but since I came in, I realized that my brother is the most powerful. Right now, no one dares to touch my brother, not even the palace nightmare in front, because if my brother really fights him hard, That would only hurt both sides, so I don't have to worry about these issues right now.

Hearing this, He Zhan couldn't help frowning, but at this moment, Tao Yaoyao hugged Sam tightly and hid in the snowdrift, both of them blocked their breath, not daring to have any Move, for fear of being discovered by He Zhan.

In the beginning, Tao Yaoyao originally planned to take Sam away after those people left, but now she didn't expect that He Zhan would suffer here, and there was no way to leave right now.

But fortunately, the shikigami I made can run right now, I am afraid that I and Sam will not be able to carry it, and at this moment Hejiaer looked at her brother, " say, Gongyan Why are you always so cold to me?"

Tao Yaoyao curled her lips when she heard this. This woman is He Zhan's younger sister. Now that He Zhan has joined forces with Gong Yan, they are all murdered in this place. No one is talking about love, but just look at her. He Jiaer's character must be a headache.

But there’s no way… who made her have a good big brother right now, He Zhan didn’t say anything, just took something to eat, the third one in front was killed, now there are more fourth and fifth ones, it’s hard to find out , I didn't expect that the person ran away again now, but when the woman ran away with the person just now, what was that thing?
Feeling like a ghost, I squatted down and picked up the paper on the ground, "This is the shadow of a person... What is this used for? Was that thing just in case? Brother..."

After hearing this, He Zhan did not speak, but looked at the paper, and soon someone came back, "It seems that the person is not over there..." Seeing the person who came back, He Zhan said.

Hearing this, the person nodded, "There is a cliff in front of me, and my footsteps disappear on the cliff." Right now, the person who chased the cliff disappeared, so they had nothing to do.

Hearing this, He Zhan didn't say much. After a while, another couple came back, "Did they get caught?" He Zhan frowned and said, the man nodded.

"I chased after the wolves, there are bloodstains..." The wolves don't have torn clothes, and there are so many wolves, they don't dare to mess around at the moment. He Zhan couldn't help but frowned when he heard this. frown.

One is on the edge of the cliff, the other is on the side of the wolves, and the only one left is missing. Soon Seya and his partner came back, "I didn't see anyone, and the footprints were broken halfway, I guess it's not where I am, you guys Didn't see anyone either?"

But when he saw several other people, Seya couldn't help but frowned and said, He Zhan smiled when he heard this, "It seems that we have met an opponent, no matter who this person is? It can disappear in a short distance with blurred vision, and leave footprints, which is obviously not easy. It seems that the weak girls you talk about have given you a lot of trouble."

"I'm looking for it," Seiya said, and when he heard this, He Zhan shook his head, telling people not to go, Seya pursed his lips after hearing this, and quieted you down without saying a word.

"Let's go," said He Zhan, looking around, and then led the people away, but his eyes were full of strangeness, and when He Zhan left, Tao Yaoyao still didn't move, the man just looked around At one glance, she could feel that gaze was waiting for her to come out.

Tao Yaoyao hugged the comatose Sam without any movement, just waiting for those people to leave completely, her sanity could cover a long distance, and she clearly knew that someone was staring at her not far away.

"Brother, didn't we leave? Why are we still here, brother, I'm so cold, I want to go back and eat steamed buns," He Jiaer said, and the people not far away had different expressions, of course the ones who didn't like it were the most .

Surya's partner looked at He Jiaer, "There is no way to compare people." Others have a big brother, at least they don't need to have any worries before the finals, but...

"When the time comes, Gong Yan will definitely win," Gong Yan has no weakness, but He Zhan has He Jiaer, and the existence of He Jiaer will make He Zhan very passive.

It would be fine if He Jiaer was smarter, but this woman is so stupid, she makes enemies of her brother every day, as if everyone is afraid of her and dare not do anything to her, but she doesn't want to think about it.

When the final outcome comes, those people will stand on the side of the palace nightmare, and He Jiaer and He Zhan will undoubtedly die, but it's a pity... a fool will never need a brain, such a simple and clear thing, that fool But they don't know anything.

But when she heard this at this moment, the woman smiled, "I also hope that Gong Yan wins, at least... this idiot is an eyesore to me right now." Treat yourself as if you were a slave.

If it wasn't for the fact that she didn't leave He Zhan too far away every time, they would have found a way to kill this He Jiaer early in the morning. He Zhan felt hostile to this person. My sister couldn't help frowning when she ordered people around casually.

"He Jiaer..." Why is this woman so stupid right now? He Zhan is getting more and more headaches. He is really good, but this younger sister always makes trouble for herself. He cried and cried.

But right now regardless of her, she also has a severe headache, He Jiaer heard this and said, "Brother, we are making a fire to make something to eat," He Zhan's expression was ugly when he heard this.

"Who told you to make it? If you're hungry, just eat this dry food and put it out for me," He Zhan said coldly, "Don't start a fire again, it will expose us," He Zhan said coldly at the moment, really having a severe headache.

"Brother, what are you afraid of, you are so powerful, so what if those people come? Let's kill one by one, brother, let's eat..." He Jiaer said indifferently, she was just making food at the moment.

"Destroy it for me," He Zhan's face became ugly, and his tone was full of evil spirits. He Jia'er was so fierce that he immediately burst into tears.

"You bully me, you promised mom, you will take good care of me, woo bully me, you bully me...I ignore you," said He ran not far away, He Zhan When he saw it, he immediately grabbed Na Hejiaer's hand.

"I said, now is not the place to lose your temper, please be quiet, He Jiaer... If you don't want to kill me, then be quiet..." He Zhan's face was not good-looking, and being dragged down by his sister is not the first time. once.

But this time is different, the current hunt is coming to an end, everyone's force value is constantly increasing, and it is not impossible for the weak to hunt down the strong, although he is strong now, if He Jiaer continues to make trouble , He Zhan felt that he would die one day.Die in this arena.

He Jiaer burst into tears when he heard this, and the other people in the team frowned. After seeing this, He Zhan said, "Go... go back..."

Originally, he wanted to sit here and wait for Sam to come out. He could feel that people were around here, but now... if his sister made a fuss, it would be impossible for people to come out, so he could only wait for nothing.

"I'm going back," I heard those words humanely, but with reluctance, they came to hunt, not to watch a family drama, and now they have worked hard all day, but this person didn't wait, and almost Being annoyed to death by He Jiaer, many people suddenly became angry in their hearts, and Seiya was the most angry person.

If Juliet had exchanged positions with this idiot in front of her, Juliet would definitely be a very good younger sister, and she would definitely be well protected and live to the end, but it's a pity... After all, there is no way to compare people with each other. This kind of idiot, unexpectedly With such a powerful brother protecting him, it really made people angry.

(End of this chapter)

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