General strategy of the male god of fast wear

Chapter 234 The End of the Game

Chapter 234 The End of the Game
He Zhan was taken away by this He Jiaer, Tao Yaoyao knew for the first time how powerful the teammate of the God Assist Pig is, and now this He Jiaer is simply a God Assist Teammate, for herself it is a God Assist, for He Zhan it is a pig teammate.

Tao Yaoyao climbed out of the snow, looked at the frozen pale man, and walked not far away with her back on her back, "Don't die from the cold," there was that poison on the wound, and now she had to hurry up. Do some cleaning and detoxification, but Tao Yaoyao finds it a little difficult to detoxify the person in front of him when the snow is completely white.

But even if it is difficult, she still has to find a way. Tao Yaoyao walked not far away, looked for the antidote under the tree, looked at the person not far away, used that internal force to keep the other person warm, and then walked forward .

Because the hunting started constantly at this time, once someone finds her now, Tao Yaoyao knows very clearly that she and Sam will be hunted down. This Sam was in mid-air, looking for the antidote.

"The antidote..." Tao Yaoyao couldn't help being happy when she saw the grass under the big tree not far away, but she soon heard movement, someone was chasing her, and Tao Yaoyao immediately became nervous Get up, if you are discovered now, you and this Sam are in danger.

Tao Yaoyao hid to the side, "Where are we going?" The person who came now was not the chased person, but the hunted person. Several people ran while covering their wounds. When they saw this person running away, Tao Yaoyao Can't help being slightly taken aback, the blood on the man's body stained the ground red, but what Tao Yaoyao paid attention to was not this, but the gem hanging on the man's neck.

It was a blue gemstone, Tao Yaoyao told herself the name in the riot, it was...interferon, this woman actually has an interference stone, but she quickly smiled, now except for the arena outside.

There are few magic stones in other places that can imprison people's magic. It's not surprising that the woman is wearing it now, because she doesn't know the function of the interference stone at all. After seeing the interference stone, Tao Yaoyao licked it. lick your lips.

After looking at Sam, he quickly pursed his lips. Should he get some herbal medicine for Sam, or grab the Interference Stone?Tao Yaoyao fell into a very embarrassing situation.

Tao Yaoyao pursed her lips and sat not far away, when she saw someone killing him not far away, Tao Yaoyao and Sam hid, using that spell to cover them up, just like in the snow.

The two were killed by the man who came after him. Tao Yaoyao didn't have much emotion when she saw it. In this place, killing and being killed are very common. After seeing the man leave, Tao Yaoyao went to get the interference Stone, pick up cheap...

But in the next second, the woman opened her eyes and saw Tao Yaoyao's actions, "Help me..." Tao Yaoyao pursed her lips when she heard this, looked at the interference stone, and dropped the A box of medicine, and then take the stone away.

This medicine was redeemed by her own points, she is lucky at the moment, but the rest is up to her to ask for more blessings, after Tao Yaoyao got the Interference Stone, she finally turned and left.

But at this moment, the woman took the medicine and smeared it on her body. Looking at the back of Tao Yaoyao leaving, she breathed a sigh of relief. It was great that this person didn't kill herself.

Tao Yaoyao took Sam to collect herbs, and then brought Sam into the cave below Boob, and began to clean the other's wounds, chewed up the herbs, and applied them on Sam's foot injuries.

Tao Yaoyao stood on the cloth, and used a paper crane to send a message, telling Karl that she and Sam were very good, but was delayed for a while, and when she returned to the cave, she saw that Sam was trembling all over.

Tao Yaoyao quickly used her internal energy to protect the opponent's body. Sam had a dream, dreaming that his whole body was icy, feeling that everything around him was forbidden, without any ability, and his magical physique was gone.

He is a rare dual-line magician in the world, but he has a shortcoming, that is, his magic is very unstable, and because of this instability, his vision will occasionally become very poor.

That's why he never told Tao Yaoyao that when his sight became poor, he didn't dare to let others find out, so he stepped into that trap with one foot.

Sam felt that he was going to die right now. There was poison in the trap, and he was poisoned right now. If he continued like this, he would definitely not be able to survive, and the woman had no reason to bring her dying person with her.

Sam felt that the whole person was terribly cold. It turned out that cold was like this, because he was a magician of the fire department, and he never knew about cold, but the only time right now was when he died.

Suddenly, just when he felt that his whole body was about to be frozen, the warm air flowed directly into his body, and his lower abdomen became warm immediately. When he felt the warmth, he was slightly taken aback.

what is this?Opening his eyes slightly, he saw Tao Yaoyao crawling beside him. When he saw Tao Yaoyao, Sam couldn't help wondering, was it a dream?
But the pain on the feet let Sam know that this was not a dream at all, so he couldn't help but smile, stretched out his hand and rubbed Tao Yaoyao's beautiful hair, "You girl..."

He thought he was abandoned, but he didn't expect that she was not. In fact, in this arena match, he clearly knew that it was the people of the Yin Kingdom who wanted to weaken their unity and combat effectiveness.

In a few years, 500 people will be sent in, so even if they are born quickly, they will not be able to keep up with those who die quickly, and the strong and weak will all be sent in. It is impossible for those who want to rebel against the Silver Kingdom right now, because ...Many people have died in the arena, and there is no longer any extra time to stand up and resist, and the only thing they can do now is to survive.

When he saw Tao Yaoyao, Sam's gaze gradually became colder. I'm afraid he is not the only one who is not reconciled, many, many people are not reconciled, but right now... Few people in District Y are really rebelling Yes, because there is no way to resist.

Karl stood here waiting for Tao Yaoyao to come back, but the sky was getting dark, Tao Yaoyao hadn't come back yet, Ked was training himself, and he didn't speak when he saw Karl, there were assignments for hunting and hunting, and he didn't have any right now. Urgent, I soon saw a paper crane flying over not far away.

"What happened?" The paper crane did not come back, which is really strange. Carl, who heard this, reached out to touch the paper crane, and soon there was a message.

"Sister and Sam met He Zhan's people, but the two escaped now, let us leave immediately, and there will be another round of cleaning soon." Right now, hunting at night, hunting during the day, It was getting faster and faster, and the birds were hiding, no one sent a message to themselves, so they could only try their best to protect themselves, "We leave immediately..."

"Okay," Kede nodded upon hearing this, went to pack his bag, then stuffed everything into the backpack, and immediately followed Karl to leave. There was still half a month, half a month of fighting, Who will stay till the end?
(End of this chapter)

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