General strategy of the male god of fast wear

Chapter 239 The End of the Game

Chapter 239 The End of the Game
Tao Yaoyao used her thin body to string up the bamboo slices, when she saw all this, Sam was slightly taken aback, Tao Yaoyao was sitting on everything, the bamboo slices were like a child's size of clothes right now.

"This is armor made for people. You should know clearly that wearing this thing will get in the way." Wearing this thing will get in the way, Tao Yaoyao nodded when she heard this and looked at the sam.

"You are right, it will hinder things, but... Carl doesn't like to use too much force, he just wants to protect himself, and this thing will not slow down his reaction speed," Tao Yaoyao looked at the situation Sam said.

Right now, this is armor, a very thin type. Right now, with this kind of armor, it can more or less remove a little damage. Sometimes the damage is less, and the hope of survival is more. Looking at Karl who is not far away, he is fighting with Ked , Tao Yaoyao's eyes have that sigh.

Right now the opponent's reaction is much better, but it's only much better, because once encountering a powerful enemy, she is just a rookie. Tao Yaoyao began to make her own defensive armor for the opponent.

At this moment, Sam didn't speak, his leg injury has already healed. These days, he didn't have much training, but sat and adjusted the power in his body, so that the two forces could be in harmony with each other. Let yourself become blind in the corner of your eyes because of these two forces.

"By the way, I want to ask, which day I fell into a coma, what did you use to heal my wounds?" At that time, she felt a force entering her body, and then comforted the second force in her body. After hearing this, Taoyao Yau looked at Sam.

"It's very important to me. You know my magic is dual-element, but it's not innate," Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback when she heard this, and left Sam.

"Can magic not be born? Can it be faked?" Now if the magic is not born, then many people in the world can fake magic.

"Of course it is possible, but in this forgery process, out of a hundred people, there will be no one who will die, and only one person will survive ten times. I am originally a magic stone of the fire element, so I I survived, but because of this, the two forces in my body always lost control, but what you gave me one day calmed down," Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback when she heard this.

Right now, the people outside couldn't hear the sound completely, because the image stone also had shortcomings to some extent, and Tao Yaoyao couldn't help pursing her lips when she heard this.

"Then my special ability, reach out..." Tao Yaoyao said after hesitating for a while, hearing this, Sam stretched out his hand, and after Tao Yaoyao grabbed his hand, he felt the constant warmth into his body.

When he felt the warm current, Sam froze for a moment, "Try to use those two magics in your body to see if my power can comfort them?"

Tao Yaoyao looked at Sam and said, Sam nodded when he heard this, and began to use the magic in his body. The troubles in the body, when being used, did not feel uncomfortable on the body, but felt Those two forces are constantly merging together.

Tao Yaoyao felt that the things on her body were sucked in for a moment. At that moment, the whole person felt very uncomfortable, and her internal energy was continuously sucked in. But at this moment, Sam's complexion is getting better and better. Those two strands of magic are there. Blending, in the process of blending, they are gradually intertwined.

After being completely entangled, I saw Tao Yaoyao's pale face, "Are you okay?" Sam supported Tao Yaoyao and said, he felt that the magic was much stronger than at the beginning, even if he met now After Na He Zhan, there will be no power to resist. Now He Zhan can face the old head-on.

"If you're not doing well, I'll have something to do," Tao Yaoyao looked at Sam and said, when he heard this, Sam was a little embarrassed, and with that apology, he looked at Tao Yaoyao and said.

"I'm really sorry just now, I didn't hold back my strength, but... right now, my magic won't have any problems." Now that my weakness has been completely resolved, there won't be any obstacles or problems anymore up.

When she heard this, Tao Yaoyao breathed a sigh of relief. This Sam is strong, and she and Karl are more secure. She looked at Karl and Ked not far away, and looked at the snowflakes in the sky. "Carl, come here,"

Carl heard this and walked over. Tao Yaoyao put the armor made of bamboo on Karl and put it on the inside. After putting it on, Karl was slightly taken aback, "What kind of sister is this?"

Hearing this, Tao Yaoyao smiled, "This can be used as a protective shield for Karl, and can protect Karl." Right now, this thing fits well, and there is an inner jacket inside. Looked at Caldor.

Carl was slightly taken aback when he heard this, and showed that smile, "Thank you sister, I will cherish it very well." He knew that his sister had made a big move. Although his sister didn't tell him these days, Carl still knew it.

Seeing this sister's smile now, he felt that he must also work hard to protect himself, Tao Yaoyao nodded, "We will do it the day after tomorrow, Carl, after you train today, we will not train tomorrow."

It is a crazy thing to think of intercepting He Zhan and Gong Yan, but now he can only do so. Hearing this, Karl nodded, "Are you scared?" Tao Yaoyao looked at Karl and said .

"With my sister here, I won't be afraid anymore, because I've grown up," Carl said seriously, his eyes no longer had the fear and fear at the beginning, and he will definitely live with his sister.

Tao Yaoyao, who heard this, couldn't help but her eyes turned red immediately, "Good boy, go down..." Tao Yaoyao let Carl go down, this match is an arena where everyone will fight The devil's game is really annoying.

The day after tomorrow will be hands-on. At night, when Tao Yaoyao wakes up to watch the night, she sees Carl moving around not far away. She still gritted her teeth as she watched the other party's face turn red from the cold. When she looked around, Tao Yaoyao couldn't help pursing her lips.

"This child..." But right now, I didn't go up after all, because with more strength and strength, there is more hope of living. Now this world is different. There is magic here. Difficult, at first she thought that magic would exist in this arena, but soon she was wrong, almost all the strong have magic.

Tao Yaoyao sat not far away and watched Carl's training. Carl was constantly jumping and working hard there, because he didn't want to be a burden to his sister, and he didn't want to be a drag in the team.

And in order not to be a drag, the current self needs to work harder than anyone else, because he doesn't have the magic of others, and he is not as strong as others. As I told my sister, he can only rely on his own flexibility to save his life.

(End of this chapter)

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