General strategy of the male god of fast wear

Chapter 240 The End of the Game

Chapter 240 The End of the Game
Gong Yan looked at He Zhan, and when he saw the wound on He Zhan's abdomen, "You shouldn't be injured this time," Gong Yan knew clearly that He Zhan was capable, but he was injured, and the injury was not serious. .

Seeing He Jiaer who was terrified not far away, she was crying hard now, with a look of grievance, as if someone owed her, seeing such He Jiaer, the palace said.

"It was He Jiaer who dragged you down and hurt you. He Zhan, have you forgotten what I said? She is your weakness. If the last one survives, it will be the three of us. I will not hesitate Kill her, and if you stop her, you are doomed to die," He Jiaer actually came out to make trouble when He Zhan hunted and killed her this time.

The other party was the No. [-] character. At that time, He Zhan drove him to a dead end, but the other party looked like a very cute and pitiful young lady. As soon as He Jiaer saw it, he stood in front of the other party.

"Brother, how can you be so ruthless, he is still a child," He Zhan's face was uglier than anyone else's when he heard this. Right now, there are no children in this arena.

Because there are only killings and being killed here, but my idiot sister said that the other party is a child, how can this not make He Zhan feel ridiculous, looking at He Jiaer, "Get out of the way..."

"No, if you want to do something, you'll kill me first," He Jiaer immediately shouted loudly. When she spoke, with that angry expression, seeing He Zhan's face contorted like this.

"Sister, help me," and at this moment Naska was holding Hejia'er's hand and said, her pitiful appearance was indeed very lovable. When hearing this, Hejia'er immediately burst into maternal love stand up.

But at this moment, Na He Zhan's face was ugly, seeing that Na Sika was going to attack He Jiaer, he pushed He Jiaer away and wanted to kill Na Si Ka, but he didn't expect that the other party was just holding flowers. After seeing this, He Zhan frowned.

He Jiaer blamed her elder brother even more, but she didn't expect that when Na Sika was stabbed by Na Sika and Si Ka slipped away immediately, that's why He Zhan was injured.

At this moment, He Jiaer was crying there, "It's not my fault, it's his own carelessness,'s not my fault," but no one around her comforted her, this kind of brainless person, It's better not to get too close.

At the beginning, some people liked Hejiaer. Hejiaer was beautiful and kind, so she naturally hated her, but she didn't expect that the so-called kindness in the end caused those who liked her to die one by one.

Gradually, many people also realized what kind of virtue He Jiaer is, that is, a lunatic hypocrite, relying on the protection of others, she can take other people's lives to take risks, but what she did was only for the sake of Satisfy her vanity.

I hate many of these people. Here, each of them wants to live. Even if they will choose to commit suicide after leaving their own team, no one really wants to die, so right now they can all Every day you live, you will work hard every day.

But this He Jiaer will make this little dream shatter in an instant, look... the person who is as powerful as He Zhan is also almost dragged down to death by this He Jiaer.

Tao Yaoyao and that Sam were in the tree, Karl and Naked were waiting to escape not far away, Tao Yaoyao directly set up He Jiaer who was not far away with a bow and arrow, and now this woman is Na He Zhan's Sister, if you cripple her, this He Zhan will definitely catch up.

Hunting and killing some of their people can be done, and at this moment Tao Yaoyao directly shot the bow and arrow, He Jiaer was crying aggrieved, she felt that everyone didn't like her anymore, she was obviously right, but Why always blame yourself.

The elder brother is so powerful, he didn't believe Yeri himself, it really had nothing to do with her, when He Jiaer was crying, he suddenly saw something shoot over him, and He Jiaer fell to the ground directly.

Not far away, He Zhan was treating the wound. He was slightly taken aback when he saw He Jiaer fell to the ground, his head was a little blank, and he ran over directly, hugging He Jiaer, "Jiaer, don't scare brother..."

Even though this He Jiaer has had a great influence on him, he still really loves his sister. In fact... He Zhan clearly knows that if He Jiaer's character is outside, people won't be so annoying , because this is a killing arena, there is no need for those inexplicable kindness.

And I am also dragged down again and again this time, and finally have a deep dislike. This is not only because I don't like this character, but also because I don't want to die, but I can see that He Jiaer is going to die. At that time, He Zhan immediately panicked.

Gong Yan looked around when he heard the movement, and soon saw someone running not far away, "Catch me," these people ambushed their own people in their own territory, this is a complete provocation, and now I must To tear this man into pieces.

Tao Yaoyao and this Sam started to run, followed by people, quickly guessed the hidden weapon, and then injured many people, Gong Yan's face was ugly, looking at the running route of Tao Yaoyao and the others At that time, Gong Yan knew that these people planned to ambush him from the very beginning.

Gong Yan chased after him all the way, while Tao Yaoyao and others ran away. Now when they were chasing and killing, after Gong Yan was teased by others, he completely fucked with Tao Yaoyao and the others, and Tao Yaoyao also It is with this idea.

Tao Yaoyao and the others were sitting not far away. After the first confrontation today, Tao Yaoyao and Sam were at a disadvantage, and Karl was also shot by an arrow. Fortunately, because of the bamboo armor, Karl is fine right now. .

"Let's run here next," Sam pointed not far away, "It will be very dangerous to accept it, Gong Yan will never allow anyone to provoke us, and this time we provoked, so the ends of the earth will not let go But we, as it happens, we can take advantage of this and get away,"

But at the moment on the side of the palace nightmare, although He Jiaer was shot, but she is still alive, He Zhan looked at the palace nightmare with a bad expression, "Do you think they did it on purpose?"

"Yes, there are only four of them, and Sam is stronger, but Cade and the other two are very weak, so there is no reason to challenge me." Now the palace nightmare knows confidently that here only the four of them are still strong. He is not qualified to provoke himself, but now they are here, which is indeed very suspicious.

He Zhan was slightly taken aback when he heard this, "Indeed," he was angry at first, but now after hearing the words of Gong Yan, he also thought of it. Eat the bear's heart and leopard's guts to provoke.

But now there are really people, unless the two of them have a serious purpose, what do they want to do in life?That's why he deliberately approached them and let them chase after them, but why?
"No matter what the reason is, find a living one and come back tomorrow, and torture to extract a confession is enough. Just arrest the youngest one." The youngest and Tao Yaoyao are siblings, and arresting him is the best choice.

(End of this chapter)

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