General strategy of the male god of fast wear

Chapter 241 The End of the Game

Chapter 241 The End of the Game
Tao Yaoyao ran with Carl, and the people behind were chasing after him, "Carl climb down," Tao Yaoyao sternly yelled, jumped sideways, pulled the bow and arrow directly, and shot over. With the strength of the bow and arrow, the bow and arrow directly penetrated the past.

Tao Yaoyao held Carl's hand and ran, Sam didn't use all his strength at the moment, but was retreating steadily, because they were the targets of escape, so he really shouldn't be too aggressive right now.

Sam and Tao Yaoyao ran away in embarrassment, but Ked had already been taken hostage. Looking at the direction where Tao Yaoyao and the others fled not far away, Gong Yan's eyes flashed. It's outside, and if you go forward, you will be in the area of ​​the Philosopher's Stone.

"Tell me, what do you want to do?" Right now, Tao Yaoyao and Carl's running route is very strange, and there is no hesitation along the way, which means it was planned from the beginning.

"You want to know?" Kede looked at the palace nightmare and said, if there is anyone who hates the people of the Yin country the most, it should be the palace nightmare in front of him. Half of the blood in the palace nightmare belongs to the Yin country, but Not recognized by the people of Silver Country.

It is usually the savage, but now the savage also has a prejudice against him, he is like a living monster, and everyone does not accept him, but... force value is the best way to win people over.

Because he is powerful enough, the savages gradually lost their prejudice against him and accepted him. Just when Gong Yan thought that life would be good, he never thought that the competition in the arena was about to start.

Gong Yanshou was the first person to be selected, in fact... the people of Yin Country do not want the person in front of them to be alive, at least not at this moment, and at this moment, Gong Yan knows very well .

"Oh, it seems that you really know something, tell us and let us hear it," Gong Yan looked at Ke De and said, cooperation here is just what cooperation means, as long as you threaten your life, anyone can be betrayed.

"I'm only talking to you," Gong Yan frowned when he heard this, and waved to everyone, and at the moment when those people went down, Ked looked at Gong Yan.

"Do you want to get out alive?" Kede's words made Gong Yan couldn't help laughing. In this arena, he has no opponents, so he doesn't need help from others.

"Do you think I can't win?" Right now, this person underestimated himself, Gong Yan became a little angry, and Ked said immediately when Gong Yan was angry.

"It's not that you don't think you can't win, and you may not be able to find a better way to go. You clearly know that those people regard you as a shame. Even if you get out alive, they will not be very happy about it. "Especially those high-level personnel, even more so.

Gong Yan knew what Kede said from the very beginning, but no one told Gong Yan. After being opened bloody, Carlton suddenly turned ugly, "Shut up..."

"I won't talk, but can you lie to yourself that you're cold?" Kede's words made the nightmare's face look bad, but gradually, the nightmare calmed down.

"You angered me, but... I won't kill you, you should have an answer that satisfies me," Gong Yan knew clearly that Kede should have an answer that satisfied him.

Hearing this, Kede nodded, "Yes, there is an answer, and that is... the interference stone." After hearing this, Gong Yan narrowed his eyes and looked at Kede.

"Are you kidding?" Interference stones cannot be sold even in the black market, which is prohibited by the state, especially for people like them, it is even more impossible to get them.

When he heard this, Nakde smiled and said, "I'm not kidding," because it is absolutely impossible to get the interference stone, so he is very relaxed about this inspection.

Moreover, there are interference stones at the moment, and they are all in the hands of big shots. When the interference stone on the girl was brought in, few people knew it, and it was just as if she was a piece of jewelry.

Because there are many people who know the interference stone, but only a few people have seen the interference stone, and the girl's interference stone is blue, and the other interference stones have already been used, and gradually become red. It will also turn red after magic, but neither Tao Yaoyao nor the girl has magic, so the interference stone is still blue.

The blue interference stone can only be detected with special equipment, and... no interference stone has appeared in the past hundreds of years, so the detection of the interference stone's movement has gradually disappeared, and naturally it will not There are detection channels.

And at this moment, when Tao Yaoyao sees the interference stone, she will feel that she is an interference stone, and it is entirely because of the system. Although the system is broken, many common identifications can still be used.

So right now, Tao Yaoyao recognized the Interference Stone at a glance, and at this moment, after hearing this, Gong Yan said, "The Interference Stone is associated with the Sorcerer's Stone, and a crater will appear every 100 years, and every It will be picked by Yin Country people once, so how did you get it?"

"Don't ask about this, I'm just telling you that we have interference stones," what are you doing, what do Tao Yaoyao and the others want to do?Now Gong Yan will know soon.

"So you let me catch you on purpose, just to tell me the news, yes... But have you ever thought about what will happen to you if you fail?" Gong Yan said coldly.

"The end... Didn't our end make this worse from the beginning?" In this arena, is there any end that is worse than fighting in this arena?

Gong Yan didn't say anything after hearing this, because what Kede said was right now, "You want me to cooperate with you and run together, okay...I promise you, but if you leave us, then don't blame me You're welcome,"

He clearly knew that if he continued to kill like this, his dozen or so brothers would definitely die, and Gong Yan didn't want to see it. If there was a way to escape death, he would have to try desperately right now.

When he heard this, Naked nodded and said, "Don't worry, we are not stupid, if you are abandoned, it will not do us any good, but we need to prepare, if you agree, Just say a word here, and it will be conveyed for you,"

Ke De took out a paper crane. When he saw the paper crane, Gong Yan was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Ke De with a frown, thinking that this man was doing the brushing by himself, but soon Gong Yan followed suit. He did what he said, because there was really no need to slap himself right now.

After the words were finished, the paper crane began to dance and flew up. Seeing this scene, Gong Yan's eyes flickered. This was really miraculous. Soon the paper crane disappeared in midair. Sure enough, there are all kinds of wonders in the world.

(End of this chapter)

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