General strategy of the male god of fast wear

Chapter 246 The End of the Game

Chapter 246 The End of the Game
At the end of the game, the people of Yin Country looked at everything on the screen. At this moment, someone smiled and said, "These two are the only ones. What about Gong Yan, Sam Hezhan and others?"

Now that these few people are gone, it's just this kind of thing that wins, and the man who is speaking at the moment has that silvery hair and long eyelashes that are like ice and snow, setting off those two jewel-like eyes with crystal clear It's eye-catching.

Especially when talking, there is a smile in the eyes, which almost sucks everyone in, even men will be inspired, but when those people look at the man at this moment, they all swallowed. Swallow.

The people of Yin Kingdom are famous for their beauty, their beauty is just like the angels of the elves, they are always so intoxicating, and the savages all have a lot of magazines, black, gray, brown, all kinds of hair colors. Such a color made the people of Yin Country feel that those people were not human at all, but a kind of savage.

"Yes, they all fell off the peak of the Philosopher's Stone. There are wild beasts under it, and it is impossible to get out alive." When he heard this, the man looked at the speaker indifferently.

"Young Master Rong...don't be angry, we're going to investigate right away," but few people were willing to go there, and there were few people who were willing to go to places where they might encounter danger if they brought disturbance stones. get involved.

Hearing this, Mr. Rong waved his hand and said, "Forget it, it doesn't matter if you run away... As long as you leave that area, your body position will be displayed. Let's go and award medals to the two champions."

Mr. Rong said lightly, as if he was talking about something he was used to, he got up and walked not far away, and saw that there was a photo in the competition, and the person in the photo at this moment was that Taoyao tender.

When he saw Tao Yaoyao, Young Master Rong was taken aback for a moment. He always felt a little familiar, but he quickly shook his head and forgot about it. It is naturally a joy to see the winner of the five-year competition. matter.

But those savages were not happy. They all lowered their heads with tears in their eyes, not looking at the joyful smiles of those people, because it meant that what they saw was that those people stepped on the flesh and blood of their relatives, But still laughing, using the flesh and blood of his own relatives to have a carnival every five years.

For this carnival, I have never seen a savage willing, but who made them losers, they have no reason to resist at all, "Mom... Dad? Why hasn't he come back?"

When she heard this, the woman pursed her lips and said nothing. She looked at the car going away and said, "Let's go back and wait for your father to come back." After following the palace nightmare, it is impossible to have a chance of survival in the end.

And the worst thing was that Gong Yan also died. This blow made their mother and son almost fall into despair. Alian looked at her son and swallowed the tears in her heart, because she couldn't fall down again.

Thinking of when her husband was leaving, "Alian, listen to me, I can't come back, Gongyan is very powerful, and He Zhan is the same, the two of them can kill me with their fingers, so Alian, I will Allegiance to them, and then give you and your son in exchange for a better life, "

Gong Yan and her husband live in the same area, in this slum area, and at this moment, there are [-] people who have entered their area, and there are a total of [-] savage areas at this moment, and this area every time Ten regions will be selected.

Then draw lots, and after the names appear on it, they will be located immediately to find them and take them away. As long as the people who are drawn are unwilling to go, the whole family will die.

Alian was cooking while crying, and saw that the rice vat had already bottomed out, and immediately squatted next to the rice vat and cried out. Many people are crying today. Alian's area is the first area. , and at this moment, it is the people from the tenth district and the eighth district who are successful.

The people in those two areas are very happy right now, because they have a strong person. It is selected from the other eight areas, and if there is no winning area at this moment, it will be even more miserable, and many other areas will be directly selected.

But at this moment when A-Lian was crying, her mouth was suddenly covered by someone, and A-Lian panicked. Could it be that after her man died, she was being watched by others, "My wife, don't talk,"

When A-Lian was called his wife, A-Lian was slightly taken aback, and when she turned around, she saw that it was her husband, and there were more than a dozen people behind her, so she couldn't help being a little taken aback.

Right now, most of the dozen or so people are from their own area, aren't they all dead?There are very few arena games that wild people can see, so in many cases, they only know a little bit.

But at this moment, seeing her husband, Alian, burst into tears. After sitting down, Li Kui told the ins and outs of the future. point go,"

"I know my wife, so I will take you and your children away. We will all take our wives and children with us. Don't worry, we have made arrangements." This area cannot stay any longer.

Fortunately, among the dozen or so of them, they are not too out of the house, and they are ashamed inside, and their appearance will not be easy to be recognized at the moment, but there are a few people who will.

Tao Yaoyao is one, Sam is one, Gong Yan is one, and He Zhan is one. Kede looked at those people and said, "Look, we don't use things. Now it's you guys who wash their faces every day. Now it's Everyone recognizes you,"

"..." The corners of the mouths of the few people twitched when they heard this. This is the first time that this person who doesn't like cleanliness has spoken such righteous words. Tao Yaoyao sighed. She and Gong Yan and the others, It's all because a few people are quite capable. Since they have some skills, they naturally don't want to make themselves dirty.

And they didn't know at the beginning that they would escape. Someone told them at the beginning that they could escape. Sam must have thought it was a whimsical idea, but now they really escaped in a whimsical way.

Tao Yaoyao and the others started to move quickly and ran out after hearing the gunshot of victory. After they got out, they came to the first district to meet their family members. Tao Yaoyao and Karl are not from the first district. They are people from District [-], but their relatives are dead, so naturally they don’t need to return to District [-]. They planned to part ways from the beginning, but Gong Yan was right, it’s not good to disperse too early, so they have a group People come to the first district and take people away.

The purpose is, since they came out together, they have to help each other. If those few people are allowed to take their families alone, it will only expose them. It is better to act together and act as a cover, so as to completely bring their families come out.

(End of this chapter)

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