General strategy of the male god of fast wear

Chapter 247 The End of the Game

Chapter 247 The End of the Game
Standing outside the door, Tao Yaoyao saw He Zhan sitting not far away, playing with the puppet in her hand, which was carved out of wood. Tao Yaoyao couldn't help being slightly taken aback when she saw it, and walked away past.

"He Zhan..." In these days, Tao Yaoyao still has a revolutionary friendship with Gong Yan and his party. In the beginning, they were chased and killed by others, and they fought each other, but none of that was voluntary. .

Although there is hatred, it is more towards the people of the Yin Kingdom, and when he heard this at the moment, Nahe Zhan, my lord, looked at Tao Yaoyao, only then did Tao Yaoyao realize that the people above him were Hejiaer.

"Do you think I'm hypocritical?" I only remember after I die. If I really care about it, why don't I save others?And at this moment, He Zhan has never let go of He Jiaer's death, maybe he wants to let it go, but at night, He Jiaer will always come to his dream and question himself loudly, why didn't he save her?

When Tao Yaoyao heard this, she looked at He Zhan and said, "No, I just think that your way of pampering was wrong from the beginning, and she... also got used to blindly asking for it, and now I don't take you seriously anymore," because of the habit of asking for it at the beginning, Nahejiaer felt that her brother should do everything for herself.

"The next time He Zhan sees He Jiaer, he will question him loudly. You have done a good job. The only bad thing is that you didn't teach her or tell him that you are not her slave."

Tao Yaoyao opened the mouth and said, because of He Zhanzai, He Jiaer caused a lot of trouble, and was finally left behind. Tao Yaoyao knew very well that she was acting like a baby and wanted her brother to chase after her behind her back.

But was it time to carry someone behind your back?Obviously not, but He Jiaer never thought about it, she just wanted to show everyone, look, this is my elder brother, I can do whatever I ask, if you dare to bully me, my elder brother will definitely not I will let you go, a kind of behavior.

But one day He Zhan was unwilling to cooperate anymore, He Zhan didn't say anything when he heard this, Tao Yaoyao got up and left, Gong Yan's arrangement was almost done, and he took everyone away that night.

In a new place, there will be interesting things happening. Tao Yaoyao lives in a house in this area and lives with Karl, while Kede and Sam have their own affairs.

Gong Yan directly changed his face and became a person from the Yin Kingdom, and no one would doubt him, because his appearance was almost completely that of a Yin Country person, but because he was under surveillance since he was a child, there was no way to change his appearance at all. .

After putting on Yin Guo's clothes, the palace nightmare walked on the road, and he could feel that everyone's eyes were different. got scared.

The people in Yin Country look similar, but they are not, because there are too many beautiful looks, which will make the savages have a gap, and feel that the person in front of them makes them unattainable, so they will not pay attention to everything about the other party.

As for the people of Yin Country, although they think that the palace nightmare is more serious, no one will say that stupidly, he is like a savage, because this is very impolite, there is no 100% proof, no one Dare to say, but some people think that he thinks of the palace nightmare, the palace nightmare of the arena, but there is also a bit of reluctance and dislike between the eyebrows. Although some people think it is, no one thinks that the palace nightmare is the self-proclaimed person in front of him. Ah Jiu's people.

Gong Yan killed a person, his appearance was somewhat similar to his own, and after stealing the memory of the other party, he completely faked it. When Gong Yan knocked on the door, Tao Yaoyao opened the door for a moment, and saw Gong Yan Blinked.

Now this palace nightmare is a little different from before, "You... Palace nightmare?" Tao Yaoyao was a little uncertain. Hearing this, Gongyan nodded and walked in directly. After entering the room, she looked at the Look around the decorations.

"It seems that your little life is going well." After the other people ran out, they all found a place to settle down. Perhaps because of the experience of the Shura field, many people's mentality has changed. For the hysterical revelation of dissatisfaction with life, some are only positive.

Because of this kind of mentality, many people feel that their lives are happier, "Where is your goodness, but where did your clothes come from?"

Isn't he from this half of the silver country?But what's going on at this moment, why are you wearing the clothes of Yin Guo people?You must know that the people in the Yin Kingdom are very opposed to themselves, and they marry those savages when they marry and live.

Because they feel that it is lowering their status, so as long as they find such signs, they will be expelled, and their children will be monitored for life, or they will be sent to the arena to die.

After entering the arena, these mixed-race children died the fastest, but Gongyan survived and subdued many wildlings, which made the upper echelon of Yin Country already dissatisfied, so when Xia Huanhuan proposed, that Gong Yan would agree without hesitation.

"I've changed my identity, so I'll tell you, give me the interference stone from the other person." Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback when she heard this, "You're useless right now, give it to me..."

"Okay, then you have to give me 100 gold coins," Tao Yaoyao said immediately, it really didn't help much, she was short of money right now, she planned to go out to do business, because both Sam and Kede had left, Tao Yaoyao Yaoyao felt that maybe they were not the ones she was looking for, so she could only work harder now, go out more and let that demon emperor find her.

After seeing Tao Yaoyao's expression, Gong Yan frowned, "I heard that you are looking for someone? What's the name of that person? Tell me, I will find it for you..."

With my own identity, I can help find someone. If I really couldn't say this before, Tao Yaoyao shook her head when she heard this.

"I'm afraid no one else can help me. I can only find it by myself, but I still have to thank you," Tao Yaoyao said. out of their own.

"Forget it, here's a hundred gold coins," said Tao Yaoyao and gave the gold coin to Tao Yaoyao. Tao Yaoyao immediately laughed when she saw the gold coin, and pulled Gong Yan into the room for dinner.

"Keep your eyes open when you see money," Gong Yan murmured subconsciously. If you didn't see the money, you wouldn't even let yourself in at the gate, but once you saw the money, you would immediately let yourself in to eat. This is really discriminatory.

"It's not about money, it's just reciprocity. Carl has eaten," Tao Yaoyao smiled, and then called Carl who was in the room, and Carl ran out after hearing this.

Carl was slightly taken aback when he saw the palace nightmare, and hid behind Tao Yaoyao in shock, "Sister..." Trembling, Tao Yaoyao sighed after seeing it.

"Don't be afraid, he is someone my sister knows." Originally, he was going to say it was Gong Yan, but Gong Yan's gaze let Tao Yaoyao know that he didn't want Karl to know, so she changed her mouth.

Carl nodded and went to take the bowls and chopsticks to eat, Tao Yaoyao looked at the palace nightmare, "Do you have the ability to interfere with other people's sight?" Otherwise, how could Carl not recognize it, it has changed, But he is not blind, how could Karl who came out of the arena together not recognize him?

"It's good that you know," he felt strange, how could this woman recognize him at the first sight, she really was a strange person, but she was recognized by Tao Yaoyao, but she didn't pay too much attention, both The handle is in the hands of the other party, so naturally they are not afraid of the other party's betrayal. As for the so-called poison the two of them had in the beginning, it was actually candy, and they knew it well but didn't say it.

When Karl was eating, he waited carefully and ran away after eating. After Gong Yan got the interference stone he wanted, he left without staying. Tao Yaoyao knew... this man would definitely use the interference stone to do bad things. And Tao Yaoyao soon found out the truth.

(End of this chapter)

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