General strategy of the male god of fast wear

Chapter 248 The End of the Game

Chapter 248 The End of the Game
Gong Yan didn't come back after taking away the interference stone, Tao Yaoyao sat alone in that room, thinking about what Emperor Yaojiu said to her, but it all came like this, but the person still didn't find it, it was a little impatient.

Tao Yaoyao was sitting not far away when she saw Karl come back, "Sister...something happened, the king is dead." When Tao Yaoyao heard this, she was slightly taken aback, the king was dead, and she opened the door I saw people coming and going outside.

"Go away and catch the assassin..." Soon someone drove Tao Yaoyao and others out, and then began to search for everything in the room. Tao Yaoyao and Na Karl were driven out and stood outside the door. Karl was a little scared, Tao Yaoyao hugged Carl, watching the movement inside.

Because he ate better, Carl is now no different from a 13-year-old child. Tao Yaoyao touched Carl's hair on Tao Yaoyao's chest, "Don't be afraid, it's okay,"

Karl nodded and did not speak, but the fear in his eyes was still there. The savage was bullied by the people of the Yin country, and when he saw the people of the Yin country, he would have subconscious fear.

After watching those people come out, Tao Yaoyao returned to the room, and saw the mess in the room, "Let's clean it up..." But while cleaning up, there was movement from the back door of the computer, and she couldn't help it immediately Slightly taken aback.

After Tao Yaoyao pushed open the door, she saw Gong Yan lying on the back door with serious injuries. Tao Yaoyao knew that if she left it alone, there would be no trouble, and Gong Yan would be arrested. If you take care of it yourself, you will be very dangerous.

After gritting her teeth, Tao Yaoyao dragged the person into the room, and began to undress the other person to clean the wound, "Sister..." Carl came in and panicked after seeing it.

"Carl... listen to my sister, don't say it, you didn't see anything, you didn't see anything, go and pack your things," Carl nodded after hearing this, and went to pack his things.

Tao Yaoyao began to apply medicine to Gong Yan, Gong Yan fell into a coma, Tao Yaoyao sighed, and at this moment, the people from Yin Kingdom were still looking for it. At this moment, Mr. Rong stood not far away, looking at those people.

"I've searched, but there's no one?" Mr. Rong frowned and said, when he heard this, the man from Yin Kingdom nodded his head, and Mr. Rong's eyes became ugly, and he looked at the savage's residence.

"Go and search again." No one knows whether those people will return to their hiding place in the next second. This time, Mr. Rong also followed. , Gong Yan woke up.

"This is me... cough cough... it's you..." Gong Yan was slightly taken aback when he saw Tao Yaoyao, "Thank you for saving me," Tao Yaoyao who heard this said looked at Gong Yan , Throw away all the bloody things and burn them with fire, and wipe off the blood quickly.

Gong Yan was slightly taken aback when she saw that Tao Yaoyao didn't take care of herself. After Tao Yaoyao cleaned up, "Leave immediately when the injury is healed." .

She didn't want to leave any trouble, if he was the one she found, she would be happy, but the problem... she wasn't sure, and soon Gong Yan smiled, "You are so heartless... I will leave,"

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, and Carl ran in, "My sister and those people are back, and they are still searching every house." When hearing this, Gong Yan's face became ugly, Tao Yao The same is true for Yao.

"Sister..." Hearing Carl's cry, Tao Yaoyao came back to her senses, directly grabbed Carl's shoulder, looked at him and said.

"Go shopping for my sister, and you can't come back when those people haven't left," Tao Yaoyao knew clearly what Carl left behind, "You are too easy for others to see your emotions, so be good and don't cause trouble for your sister ,"

Don't say anything that is good for the other party. It's true. The other party will choose to live and die with him. Why don't you just say a few words of disgust and let the other party leave obediently. Tao Yaoyao actually thinks that Karl is too easy to reveal his emotions Yes, it's dangerous to stay and be interrogated right now.

Karl was not reconciled to hearing this, but still listened to Tao Yaoyao's words and went out. Mr. Rong saw that Karl who was going out didn't care, but walked directly into Tao Yaoyao's house, and Tao Yaoyao gave the card The nightmare of the spell palace.

"This thing can be used for three seconds, three seconds of invisibility, you should seize the opportunity." Fortunately, I cleaned up all the blood, otherwise there is no way to explain clearly right now.

"My lord..." Tao Yaoyao came out from the downstairs, Mr. Rong raised his head and looked at Tao Yaoyao, he was slightly taken aback when he saw Tao Yaoyao, he seemed to know this girl.

"You..." Mr. Rong frowned and said, Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback when she heard this, did she know herself?But right now, if I'm not her, could it be this K?With Emperor Yaojiu.

"You are from this year's arena," Tao Yaoyao's heart trembled when she heard these words, how did this man know that he was a contestant in that arena?

"My lord, are you talking about the arena? Is it the arena for the competition? I haven't been there, but there are many wonders in the world. If there is someone who looks like it, it will be my relatives. I moved here a few days ago." On the other side," Tao Yaoyao said fearlessly in the face of danger, as long as she didn't admit it, the other party would have no way to kill her as a person in that arena.

When he heard this, Mr. Rong looked at Tao Yaoyao. He was indeed very similar to that woman, but the only difference was that this woman was more mature in height and appearance, while the one in the arena seemed much younger. .

When Tao Yaoyao saw that the other party didn't ask, she breathed a sigh of relief, and someone quickly cleaned it up. At this moment, Gong Yan was hiding in the closet, and the knife kept stabbing in. Gong Yan quickly dodged, and soon Soon the closet was opened.

Someone looked in from the outside, and Gong Min directly took the spell and stuck it on his body. When the man saw what he saw inside, he closed his eyes, but he quickly opened it in the next second, and it took only three seconds. It will be over soon.

But the other party closed it quickly, Gong Yan breathed a sigh of relief after the person left, but was very interested in Tao Yaoyao, although it was only for a few seconds, but it was of great use right now.

Tao Yaoyao was standing downstairs, everyone in Yin Country had gone downstairs, Mr. Rong looked at Tao Yaoyao and said, "Did you see an injured person today?"

"Is that person the murderer, my lord?" Tao Yaoyao raised her head and looked at the other party with innocent eyes. Tao Yaoyao is young now, so she can act cute and pretend to be stupid. After seeing Tao Yaoyao's appearance, Mr. Rong nodded. Nodded and smiled.

"Well, so you have to tell me," Tao Yaoyao shook her head immediately, indicating that she didn't see it, and soon Mr. Rong pressed Tao Yaoyao on him, and Tao Yaoyao could feel that this person was on her body. What did you put on your body?But there is no way to find out.

"If you have something to do in the future, tell me," Tao Yaoyao nodded when she heard this, listen?Is it bugging yourself?But thinking about this era, eavesdropping is indeed much more convenient than others.

(End of this chapter)

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