General strategy of the male god of fast wear

Chapter 249 The End of the Game

Chapter 249 The End of the Game
After seeing Mr. Rong leave, Tao Yaoyao looked not far away, took a piece of paper, started to fold the paper crane, then opened the door and walked out, the paper crane flew into the room very quickly, and at this moment the palace Yan, who knew Zhihe, couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

"It's possible that someone put something on me? If there is something to do, leave as soon as possible, and take my little brother with you, I'm not safe," Gong Yan was slightly taken aback when he heard this. If this is the case now, it is indeed not safe .

Carl returned home, "Sister, sister..." But before she could say a few words, someone covered her mouth. Gong Yan looked at Carl, then disappeared and said something in Carl's ear.

When he heard this, Carl was slightly taken aback and pursed his lips, "If that's the case, I'll go with you," if that's the case, I'll go with her, because she doesn't want to embarrass her.

Let her sister be in danger because of her own existence. After hearing this, Gong Yan breathed a sigh of relief, took Carl away, and Tao Yaoyao breathed a sigh of relief after returning to this home.

"Mr. Rong, what's the matter with you?" Someone said cautiously after seeing the expression of Mr. Rong, Mr. Rong glanced lightly, and he placed a bug on the girl, but the girl didn't talk to others right now. .

Even if he spoke, it was just some parents of the neighbors who were short-sighted. Hearing this, he couldn't help being slightly taken aback. He clearly felt another breath just now, but the soldiers couldn't find it. Could it be that they left?
After thinking of this, Mr. Rong's expression turned bad, and at this moment Tao Yaoyao sat down and started eating, "Sister, I went to play with brother, sister, you should be careful when you call alone."

With a call from the communicator, Tao Yaoyao nodded, said something to Carl, and then went to sleep. While sleeping, she dreamed of many things in her dream.

It was about the past, about Dongfangbai, about Changfeng, many, many, when Tao Yaoyao woke up, there were tears in her eyes, she rubbed her eyes and felt that she was too sentimental.

In order to prevent others from suspecting Tao Yaoyao, she did things very regularly. At this moment, Gong Yan took Na Karl to her residence, and at this moment He Zhan was also there, "Isn't this the little girl's younger brother? Why? brought it here?"

"Something happened to me, and her sister was almost discovered. Now her sister is under surveillance. Let me bring Carl back to avoid further trouble," Gong Yan explained simply.

"What did you say? Gong Yan, where did you go to her? We agreed at the beginning, this matter must not involve Dao Xiaoyao and her siblings." The person who spoke at the moment was Sam, and Sam was also in the team. When he arrived at Sam, Carl was slightly taken aback, not only Sam, but also Ced.

"Sam, why are you here? My sister said you have something to do, but you haven't seen my sister for a few days, and my sister is very worried about you," my sister said these days, without conscience... She was talking about Sam and Ke De, after going out Just don't contact Tao Yaoyao anymore.

But he didn't expect that Sam would be in this palace. Hearing this, Sam rubbed Carl's hair, "I have something, how are you and your sister?"

"Okay, I just feel that these days seem to be very boring," and he always loves to be in a daze. When he heard this, Sam couldn't help laughing, because it was so cute, and his personality really didn't change much.

"Karl, go eat something, we have something to say here," Sam asked someone to take Karl to eat, and Karl knew that they had something to say that he couldn't let him hear, so he heard something after walking for a long time.

"You said, you can't provoke their siblings, but why did you go to her house? Do you know that if she is found out, she will be very dangerous," Sam said looking at the palace.

Gong Yan who heard this sighed and said, "I don't want to, but I was desperate at the time, so I was naturally her." That's why I went to find Tao Yaoyao, although I'm sorry, but it's someone else. no choice.

Sam frowned when he heard this, and Sam's expression was not good, "We can't live without her, so you can't look for her anymore,"

Knowing that Sam is very kind to Tao Yaoyao, but those people don't know how protective they are, "We won't go, as you can see, after we came out, we never went to look for the Karl brothers and sisters at all,"

Because my identity would cause trouble, everyone present knew that they hadn't gone to find that Tao Yaoyao, not to mention... Among the escaped people, Tao Yaoyao and Carl were the youngest, so many Everyone subconsciously protects them.

Hearing what everyone said, Sam looked better, and looked at Gong Yan, "I won't go in the future, are you satisfied with that?"

Gong Yan knows that Sam misses Tao Yaoyao very much, but he hasn't visited Tao Yaoyao these days, he knows that Sam's purpose is to better protect Tao Yaoyao and Carl's siblings.

"Okay, let's talk about something else, because our assassination this time was very successful, so our life will be very difficult in the future," said Sam, Gong Yan and others, few of whom are vegetarians. After they came out, Gong Yan even contacted most of the people, and how to cooperate to do that well is to overthrow the tyranny of the Yin people.

At this moment, after hearing this, Sam actively participated in it, and also showed his strength, which was comparable to that of He Zhan, and the only requirement for entering was not to go to Tao Yaoyao to participate in this event. matter.

Although Gong Yan thought it was impossible, she nodded after thinking of Tao Yaoyao and Carl, because those two people were indeed not suitable for doing these things, Carl was too young, and Tao Yaoyao... now this person looks like a It's too simple to do these things.

At this moment, Sam knew that Gongyan was looking for someone, so he would be so angry, but he didn't hold on to it, but said that the next thing, they are all victims of it, and they don't want their children, their own Loved ones are picked in at a time.

They know very well that no matter where they go, they know that they can escape, but their children will definitely be included in the file this time, and then selected to participate in this hateful game.

So after Gong Yan said it, everyone immediately joined in. During the participation, they also mobilized other people. Because of the reputation of escaping from the arena, many people joined immediately, and the organization grew in an instant. up.

A few days ago, Gong Yanhe fought with Sam and went to assassinate His Majesty, and succeeded, but Gong Yan was hunted down for several days and dared not go to the base. He was afraid that he would be caught when he came back, because... He was left with a mark, but on the day of the elimination, he was injured by Mr. Rong, so he ran to Tao Yaoyao's place with injuries.

At this moment, the code name of their group is revolution, a revolution of the heart has begun, and the person who takes the lead at this moment is Gong Yan, a half-breed of the Silver Kingdom and the wildlings.

At this moment, they are discussing the next plan. Although the emperor is dead, there is still a Rong family in this regime. The Rong family exists in Yin Country just like the regent. Ben's Mr. Rong even has the title of son of heaven, which means a child who is favored by heaven.

(End of this chapter)

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