General strategy of the male god of fast wear

Chapter 251 The End of the Game

Chapter 251 The End of the Game
Mr. Rong asked someone to track the paper crane, but the people who came back said that the paper crane disappeared when they went out, and there was no way to track it. When he heard this, Mr. Rong smiled, "This is really an interesting thing. Things, go and watch people carefully, don’t let them run away, life is a mess, everyone who comes into contact with her must be thoroughly checked, and the list of those who fell into the Philosopher’s Stone area will be given to me.”

Mr. Rong didn't believe that Tao Yaoyao and Carl were the only ones alive, there must be others right now, I need to investigate carefully at this moment, those people who fell together, after all, are those people, and they are investigating their family members.

The information was sent in quickly. During the investigation of the information, "You said, most of the family members of these people have disappeared? It seems that there is something tricky, is it a temporary idea?"

It's okay if it's a temporary idea, if you think about it first, it's too unbelievable, but... I quickly smiled, whether it's a temporary idea or not, it's incredible.

"Yes, it disappeared on the day of the victory parade," and everyone was the same. Hearing this, Mr. Rong touched his chin, and looked calmly at Xia Huanhuan who was sitting outside the window not far away.

"I know you go down," many things revolved around this girl, and now I have to find a breakthrough in this girl, but this girl doesn't seem to be simple.

Under the simple appearance, the cunning in his bones is invisible to others, but... a cunning fox will also fall down, what method should I use?The beauty trick... I haven't used it before, so I'll give it a try with her.

If other people hear it, they will definitely complain secretly, because the man in front of him is using the beauty trick almost every day, so there is nothing wrong with it right now, whether it is a beauty trick or not.

Tao Yaoyao knew that her identity had been exposed, so she didn't have too many eyes, and more of it was about free activities. In the eyes of others, she more or less let herself go.

And she still let her own personality go wild. When Tao Yaoyao was going out, she met Mr. Rong. If you don't kill yourself, you will never let him go.

"Are you free today?" Tao Yaoyao looked at Mr. Rong when she heard this. If she was familiar with Mr. Rong, she would definitely say that you look sick, right?But why do I feel that he seems to be a little sick.

"I'm busy with that. I still have something to do. I'm going to deliver the goods." Tao Yaoyao pushed the person away, closed the door with a click, and then ran away. When she saw Tao Yaoyao running away, Mr. Rong blinked his eyes.

"Am I earth-shatteringly ugly today?" If it's not earth-shattering, why is this woman running so fast right now?It's as if he is a short-sighted person, a person who doesn't want to look too much.

After hearing this, the subordinates shook their heads one by one. There is really no way to get in touch with those five short people. No matter how they look at their young masters, they are all handsome and picturesque people, just like those in the artistic painting. Those who came out had nothing to do with those five shorts.

"But why did she run away?" As if he was some kind of demon, the corners of his mouth twitched when he heard this, could he not run away?Master, the smile on your face, you think is very kind, but in the eyes of other girls, it looks very sinister.

There is a saying that is to be courteous for nothing, rape or steal. Tao Yaoyao ran not far away, but was suddenly covered by someone and dragged into the alley, "Don't move..."

Tao Yaoyao couldn't help being slightly taken aback by the familiar voice, and soon she saw that Sam, "Why are you here? No... now you quickly Click to go, my identity has been exposed, hurry up, something has been put on me..."

"I know, I'll just come and see if you're okay," Sam nodded. After feeling the movement not far away, he hugged Tao Yaoyao fiercely. Getting more and more anxious, Tao Yaoyao was so anxious that before she could speak, she saw Sam push her away and ran away.

"You have nothing to do," it turned out that after Mr. Rong arrived, Sam pushed Tao Yaoyao towards the person who was coming. Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback when she saw the disappearing person, and then looked at Mr. Rong.

"I'm fine, fine...I've got things to do," what's Sam doing here?And he knows, how what?It's been so long since I came out, except for seeing myself at the beginning, I haven't seen almost anyone since then.

"Don't rush away, what happened to that person just now? Should you tell me?" Mr. Rong looked at Tao Yaoyao and said, when he heard this, Tao Yaoyao's expression was not good, and he looked at This Mr. Rong.

"Mr. Rong seems to have a big problem now. Is it really okay for you to embarrass me here? If you waste your time on me like this, you won't get anything beneficial at all," he said, and walked straight away, "Trouble is all right. Get out of the way, don't block the road,"

"Mr. Rong, if you fall in love with this woman, we will do it for you," said the subordinate when looking at Mr. Rong. If he hadn't taken a fancy to someone else's little girl, it would be impossible for him to pursue her so hard at this moment.

But to be honest, a big man, chasing a little girl like this, and with such looks, but there is no progress, it can only show that this person is very disappointed.

Mr. Rong looked at those people, "Hehe...why do you want to make plans for me, but you still think I'm too stupid to ask you to help me so I can succeed?"

Mr. Rong's words were aggressive, and the servants who heard them shook their heads quickly, "No, Mr. Rong, we just think, Mr. Rong, you are such a high-ranking person, why should you please a savage, such a savage, take it back That's it, if you don't obey, break your hands and feet... ah ah ah..."

The bad idea became more and more serious, Mr. Rong kicked it directly, with a cold expression on his face, "My man, if anyone of you touches it, then I will chop off his hand."

Thinking that Tao Yaoyao's hands and feet were broken, he felt uncomfortable, and his heart became very angry. Those people who heard this said, how dare they call Tao Yaoyao's attention, right now this evil star is protecting Tao Yaoyao Yao, all of them can't wait to kneel and lick immediately, so as to get the favor of Mr. Rong.

Tao Yaoyao was carrying a basket to deliver the goods, the savages didn't have much to live here, especially the work was so cheap and pitiful, Tao Yaoyao wanted to live, but could only work.

It's really fucking aggrieved, I've been busy for two days, but it's just a catty of coarse grains. When Tao Yaoyao saw the coarse grains, she shook her head, she was really pissed off, at least people from the Yin Kingdom work here When it is time, it will be ten times as good as hers, and of course the handmade goods are the same.

In order to cover up my money from unknown sources, in order to keep myself fed, I can only do temporary work at the moment. I forgot to mention that when buying rice, it is much cheaper to go alone, so Tao Yaoyao’s money from unknown sources, People from the Yin Kingdom can eat it for a year, but she...hehe, it can be eaten for a month.

(End of this chapter)

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