General strategy of the male god of fast wear

Chapter 252 The End of the Game

Chapter 252 The End of the Game
Tao Yaoyao changed some food for work and went home. On the way back, she could feel that someone was following her. When Tao Yaoyao felt someone, she turned her head and saw several people holding knives.

"Sisters are all savages, and I don't want to hurt you, but we are starving, and there are children at home, will you give it yourself or us?" Tao Yaoyao's mouth twitched when she heard this.

That’s a good point, this robbery is up to her, Tao Yaoyao shook her head, “This is also my ration, there is no bark digging in this place, I don’t want to starve to death, if you want food, you can do it yourself Work,"

"Damn work, work... Even if we work hard for the rest of our lives, we still won't get other people's money for a day. Are you going to give it to me..." Tao Yaoyao became fierce as she spoke, and took a step back.

"Don't get excited, I'll give..." Tao Yaoyao gave food to the other party, but when the person got it, she directly grabbed the knife in the other party's hand and kicked it, and the three men were directly kicked to the ground.

"Don't tell me, there are children in your family who will starve to death, and I will starve to death." Since you are afraid of starving to death, you should work harder to find food instead of robbing yourself, a woman, let alone... He shouldn't come to snatch his own, don't he hate Yin Guo's people very much?Then go grab it, Mr. Rong is here, go grab him.

Tao Yaoyao took the food and left, and soon she felt someone rushing towards her. When she turned her head, she saw the man behind her, whose forehead was pierced by someone, and the blood flowed out, and there seemed to be something white. Yaoyao became sick.

Tao Yaoyao's cheeks were stained with blood, she was in a very bad mood at the moment, yes, and Mr. Rong was also in a bad mood, he was supposed to help, but now look... it should be filled even more.

Tao Yaoyao rubbed her forehead, wiped it off with a brocade handkerchief, then walked out of the road, retched beside it, suddenly saw this brocade handkerchief made of real silk being handed over, when she saw this brocade handkerchief , Tao Yaoyao couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

"You didn't scare me just now, did you?" Young Master Rong's sudden gentleness made Tao Yaoyao tremble uncontrollably, and she immediately took a step back, expressing that she had no problem, but no matter how she looked at it, it was him who had a problem, thank you.

"Do you think this thing can scare me? It's just a little disgusting," Tao Yaoyao shook her head and said, if she wasn't disgusted, she wouldn't have any problems at all. In fact... people are easy to be hypocritical.

Especially in many cases, if you can treat yourself well, you will naturally not let yourself live a bad life. Tao Yaoyao is such a person, and now you can let yourself live well, and suddenly feel that the blood is a bit disgusting.

Hearing this, Mr. Rong remembered that she had entered the arena, "How did it feel when she entered?" At the beginning, he hadn't paid attention to Tao Yaoyao, should be Said that he has hardly ever seen the arena.

This kind of fighting is not interesting at all. If you really want to fight, let the strong fight to the death on that battlefield, instead of hunting the weak in the hunting arena.

I have seen it a few years ago, but after these years, I don’t love it anymore. When Tao Yaoyao heard this, she looked at Mr. Rong, "How should I say it, I have an indescribable feeling, I have no body In it, who knows the feeling, "

If he was not in it, who would know the feeling? When he heard this, Mr. Rong didn't speak, but sat beside Tao Yaoyao. Tao Yaoyao was holding a generation of food in his hand. Mr. Rong frowned.

Z took it directly, Tao Yaoyao didn't move, but looked at Mr. Rong, wondering what Mr. Rong was going to do?Young Master Rong looked at the food, "What is this? For dogs?"

"..." Tao Yaoyao's face darkened, she looked at Mr. Rong fiercely, snatched the food back, and turned around to leave. Seeing that Tao Yaoyao was angry, Mr. Rong frowned , what did I say wrong?
"Come here on the [-]st," Mr. Rong called, and soon a subordinate came, "Did I say something wrong just now? Isn't that something even dogs eat?"

"..." Mr. Rong, you are destined to have no daughter-in-law. "That is the food that girl ate just now. The king said that these people are not qualified to eat the same food as us. Of course... If it is Mr. Rong, you will give it to me." Naturally, it's different,"

The good rice grains will be under the control of the Yin people, and they will not give them to the savages at all, and the only way to get them at this moment is to get them from the Yin people, otherwise, there is no way to eat high-quality grains.

"You go..." Mr. Rong's words made No. [-] immediately understand what he was going to do, and immediately went to find the best food. Tao Yaoyao returned home and sighed... I don't know Karl how's it going?I don't even know where Sam is going at the moment?
Tao Yaoyao suddenly heard a voice outside the door, and many savages came out, and saw the carriage pulling a load of things. When they saw those things, everyone was slightly stunned and envious, because Those are foods that are eaten.

When Tao Yaoyao heard the knock on the door, she opened the door and saw the food, she slammed the door the next second, hugged her bag of food, and gave it directly to the number one, "This is the last one, what do you find?" Bar……"

"..." No. [-] touched his cheek, looked at Tao Yaoyao, and felt that he was too much like a bandit, so that he would let other girls hand it over without saying a word, and Mr. Rong who was watching from not far away His eyes narrowed slightly.

I felt the pressure on the first day, and couldn't help swallowing, "You misunderstood, this is for you, you can take this girl too," trying to grab Tao Yaoyao's hand, I felt my hand Burned, immediately put it on the ground and took a few steps back.

"Hi, please use it," and then left the carriage and ran away. When Tao Yaoyao saw the man running away, she blinked her eyes, opened the belts and looked, and there were still living clothes hanging around. Good food like chicken, beef, etc.

But at the moment when I opened it, I saw the flour, and I blew a little out. This is the best white flour. After seeing this, Tao Yaoyao blinked, "Who gave this to you? It's not illegal for me to eat it and give it away. Bar?"

"..." No. [-] almost fell, you are going to give it away, see if Mr. Rong doesn't clean up you, Tao Yaoyao looked around when she saw this time, and saw that No. [-] returned it to you. When I left someone to carry the goods, I felt really sweet.

When all the food entered the room, Tao Yaoyao took out a box of biscuits and gave it to a few people. When those people saw it, they immediately shook their heads, "No need, we still have things to do."

These two are savages, do they know that it was given to this girl by people from the Yin Kingdom, if they eat it themselves and are suspected of being robbed, then it will be miserable, and they ran away in a hurry, thinking that this woman should have been robbed Which master of the Yin country fell in love with it, so he would keep it like this, but such a gift of knowingly, it can be seen that the other party really likes it, because the people of the Yin country raise savages secretly.

After the people walked out, Tao Yaoyao blinked her eyes, and felt that these things were enough for her to eat for a while, and immediately grabbed the chicken and told the kitchen, as a kitchen idiot, Tao Yaoyao who can cook cooked things is good, He started to ping-pong-pong inside, and heard Mr. Rong outside frown, and when he walked in, he saw the Shura field.

(End of this chapter)

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