General strategy of the male god of fast wear

Chapter 253 The End of the Game

Chapter 253 The End of the Game
What is the Shura field like?Mr. Rong felt that what he saw was pretty much the same. A chicken almost made the other party burn down the house, and the blood was all over here. Mr. Rong shook his head, looking at Tao Yaoyao not far away, he couldn't help but directly He sighed and walked over. "Give me the knife," holding the knife and putting it down.

He directly grabbed Tao Yaoyao and put it not far away, "Sit here obediently, I'll come..." After saying that, he rolled up his sleeves and started to act against the mountain, Tao Yaoyao stared at Mr. Rong dumbfounded.

Killing the chicken and removing the feathers, and this series of actions are so fucking proficient, Tao Yaoyao couldn't help but twitched the corners of her mouth, walked over directly, looked at Mr. Rong, the dishes looked very similar, and the rice boiled Alright, now it's time to cook.

"Young Master Rong, your cooking skills are really good," Tao Yaoyao said, this man is simply the object of all women's hearts, not to mention his beauty, this culinary skill, so many girls are turned upside down.

When he heard this, Mr. Rong didn't change much, but Tao Yaoyao could see that the corners of the other party's mouth were raised slightly, and the alluring smile almost blinded Tao Yaoyao's eyes.

Tao Yaoyao ate with her head down, secretly cursing why this man looks so evil?Isn't this a disaster? Don't mess with it?No... This is harming herself and others, Tao Yaoyao looked at Mr. Rong.

"Eat chicken... eat more, thank you for sending it, you are right, I used to eat dog's food, but now I live like a human." Those grains are very rough, if it is coarse grains such as corn, it will be fine , but that is basically what other people don't eat and filter for them, but there is no way... People in this world, if they are not a high-class person, but a low-class person, they can only accept their fate and eat it.

"Then how do you plan to repay me?" Young Master Rong approached suddenly, Tao Yaoyao was startled, and the whole person backed away, but because she got up too violently from sitting, she threw herself backwards out of habit, which would make Tao Yaoyao lose her head It's impossible to break blood.

But soon she was hugged by someone, Tao Yaoyao raised her head to look at that person, she couldn't help being slightly taken aback, she was hugged by Mr. Rong, "You girl...why are you so frizzy? .”

At that moment, the sound of breathing could be heard, Tao Yaoyao swallowed, and stretched out her hand to push him, as if she saw Sam, she was a little guilty, because she didn't figure out who Emperor Yao Jiu was for a while, it would hurt Sam The gaze made Tao Yaoyao feel that she wanted to be caught by the palace.

"I'm fine with that, let me go quickly," Tao Yaoyao pushed aside, "Young Master Rong should go back early after eating, I have something to do at night,"

"I won't get in the way," Mr. Rong said while sitting calmly, "Besides, it's very impolite to refuse a person from the Yin Kingdom to stay overnight at your house."

Seeing that evil smile and that wicked expression, Tao Yaoyao wished she could slap her in the face, "Okay, your uncle... I'm going to sleep," she said, and ran upstairs, but her stomach grumbled halfway. Goo cried.

"Let's eat and go to sleep," Young Master Rong's laughing voice made Tao Yaoyao's face turn even redder, wow... You bastard, you won't let yourself die of shame.

Tao Yaoyao went back to her seat to eat. While eating, she looked at Mr. Rong, "Mr. Rong, can I ask you something? Are you trying to sow discord?"

"Sowing dissension?" Young Master Rong looked at Tao Yaoyao in a daze for a moment, thinking how could she think of this word, Tao Yaoyao smiled when she heard it, and looked at Young Master Rong with a smile on her face.

"It's just to sow discord, you send me food, cook for me, I think you are sowing discord, telling all the savages that I betrayed them, and after you drove me to a corner, come to let me speak, so It's easier to get what you want, isn't it?"

Tao Yaoyao suddenly became vicious, Mr. Rong was stunned when he heard this, he looked at Tao Yaoyao, as if he was saying how could you think like this, it was hurt eyes, Tao Yaoyao felt that it was a bit too much up.

But right now... I can't help it, Sam is outside, and... hey... my younger brother Karl is still by this palace nightmare, Tao Yaoyao feels that what she did, she will swallow a needle.

"Is that why you miss me?" Mr. Rong got up straight and shrouded Tao Yaoyao in the darkness, "Hmph..." A table of dishes was overturned, and then he turned and left.

Tao Yaoyao caught the chicken with quick eyes and hands, and looked at the person walking away not far away, Tao Yaoyao sighed, and began to sit not far away and ate, getting up, this person was kind to herself, she knew, maybe he It's Emperor Yaojiu, maybe... it's K, but no matter who it is right now, Tao Yaoyao knows where Karl is in the palace.

If I get along too happily with Mr. Rong, can Karl become a hostage from a guest?Tao Yaoyao is very aware of the bad roots of people. Although these people are not real people, the people in the virtual world still act according to this person, and their nature remains the same.

Tao Yaoyao was eating, and after finishing eating, she began to pack up. Looking at the goods piled up not far away, Tao Yaoyao rested her chin with her hand, seriously thinking about what to do next?Only then can Karl come back, but when Karl comes back, he will also go out, eh... a dilemma, I don’t know where Sam is, did you see it just now?You won't tell Gong Yan and the others, will you?

Tao Yaoyao thought a lot, was in a daze, waited in a daze for a while, and then went to wash and go to bed, forget it... I don't like to use my brain, so I still take one step at a time.

Sam returned to his residence with a bad face, "Did something happen?" Hearing this, Sam's face became even more ugly.

"That bastard wants Xiaoyao to be her darling," the darling is the plaything of the people from Yin Country, and the plaything is a savage, and at this moment, Sam feels that Mr. Rong wants Tao Yaoyao to be her darling, so If you don't have anything to do, you can either rape or steal.

When hearing this, Gong Yan frowned, looked at this Sam, "Will you?" Although that girl is exquisite and cute, she is just a little kid no matter how you look at it, it is really not worth the effort of others up.

Hearing the suspicious words, Sam looked at Gong Yan, who was embarrassed by seeing Gong Yan, he knew that he had said something wrong, because this Sam just liked Tao Yaoyao, and now he felt that Tao Yaoyao was not good, was it not Questioning Sam's gaze.

"Then what are you going to do? But who is the one who looks to listen to the girl?" If it was a soldier, this man must have already been killed, it seems that he has some status.

"Young Master Rong Jiarong," the sentence made Gong Yan stunned, and felt that it was the most outrageous sentence he had ever heard.

"Just kidding, Mr. Rong will fall in love with that girl..." Because he was too excited, the palace nightmare said, and immediately let the Sam look at him with vicious eyes, with a cold expression on his face to kill.

"What do you mean? Is Xiaoyao very bad? You men of no quality," at least two years later, his Xiaoyao will definitely be born, and when the time comes, she will dare to say no to the palace nightmare.

"No, I was just too surprised. I always thought that man was a person who could become a monster. He was obviously evil, but he never contaminated women. But... Mr. Rong fell in love with that girl, is it true or not?" False? It’s really difficult to handle, but it’s easy to handle if it’s fake.”

If it is false, I can just ignore it, but if it is true, it will be difficult, because if you are sincere, there is no guarantee that Tao Yaoyao will not be tempted too. Thinking of the gaze of Mr. Rong, at this moment Sam's expression was complicated, and he couldn't tell if it was real or not?
(End of this chapter)

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