General strategy of the male god of fast wear

Chapter 282 The End of the Game

Chapter 282 The End of the Game
"No," He Zhan shook his head, and Tao Yaoyao didn't ask any more questions when she saw this. When Jasmine looked at Tao Yaoyao, her eyes were always gloomy, looking at her elder brother.

"Brother, look, I just said that women are sluts, hooked up with another man again, shameless vixen..." Jasmine cursed loudly, the words were a bit nasty and it was hard to hear. happiness.

Sam didn't expect that his well-behaved and lovely sister when he was a child would have such a personality when he grew up, with a bad tone and a vicious look, always appearing so ferocious, which made people feel uncomfortable.

"That's enough, Jasmine, what's going on with you? How did Xiaoyao offend you? From the beginning to now, you've been against Xiaoyao everywhere. There are many things wrong with her, but those are not for you to judge." Yes," Sam said coldly.

He knows how Tao Yaoyao is good, and he also knows that Tao Yaoyao is not good. He doesn't need others to talk too much in front of him, and besides, does his sister care too much, and her attitude is also very bad. I feel very depressed, what is it that made this well-behaved sister look like this.

Jasmine burst into tears when she heard this, "You are still fierce to me. If it wasn't for you, would I have been bullied since childhood? If it wasn't for you, would I have become like this? It's all your fault, yes your fault……"

When she heard that Sam was having trouble with Jasmine again, Tao Yaoyao waved her hand to express that she had no choice but to do anything about it. He Zhan frowned, maybe because he also had a sister Xiong who cheated on him. After the situation, I immediately felt empathy.

After the quarrel between Sam and Jasmine, He Zhan walked over, looked at Sam, "here..." took out the wine, and when Sam saw the wine, he sighed and started drinking it stand up.

"Unreasonable, unreasonable..." Sam felt unreasonable. He didn't protect her well, but Sam also knew that he was working hard to protect her, but now she betrayed them to Rong Yao.

If he hadn't known about this, Sam wouldn't be so disappointed. He Zhan smiled and said, "It's very unreasonable. Back then, my stupid sister was so unreasonable. She... Killing people and letting people go depends entirely on your own mood, and you like to hang around in front of the palace nightmare all day long, and you always like to cause trouble for me. You know me... It looks beautiful at the moment, but in that arena Inside, I made too many enemies, after all, I couldn’t survive to the end,”

But he wants to live and doesn't want to die, death is too lonely and too painful, he wants to live and enjoy this world, but Hejiaer has become a block in his way, he has no choice but to move her away.

In fact, He Zhan didn't want He Jia'er to die, but many times He Jia'er always did his own way, and finally forced himself to let go. When he heard this, Sam didn't refute. If it is said who is most qualified to discuss with himself The younger sister's matter, I'm afraid this is He Zhan.

Everyone knows about He Jiaer, and now his younger sister is exactly the same as He Jiaer back then, He Zhan stood up and said, "Sam, you have to be clear about one thing, you are an older brother, but you are not a slave. Some people you indulge too much, in the end you just hurt yourself, "

If he had been strict with Hejiaer from the beginning, Hejiaer would not have died in the end, because the most important thing was for her to be well-behaved and not to offend everyone, and he would definitely take Hejiaer away in the end. It's a pity... At that time, everyone wanted He Jiaer to die, and he was also angry, so naturally he wouldn't bring a person who would lose his temper with him when life and death were at stake.

After talking to He Zhan, Sam understood a lot of things in his heart. At the beginning, He Zhan loved his sister, but no one could compare, but in the did it end?

In the end, not because of many things, He Zhan chose to leave He Jiaer behind. Although this is not an arena right now, Sam knows that it is similar to an arena.

Jasmine was in the room, and Sam ran in suddenly and started looking for her things, "What are you doing? Brother...what are you doing? Let go..."

Jasmine turned pale when she saw Sam burning her own things with fire, and immediately went to snatch them, but she was no match for Sam, "Brother...what's wrong with you? Don't scare me..."

"I thought about it for a long time, and many things suddenly came to my mind. If I pampered you like this, I would end up hurting others and myself. At first, I thought that if I pretended not to know, pretended not to see, then nothing would happen. , but I now know that it was just deception, "

Sam didn't want to talk too much at first, because he didn't want to lose his sister, but now... he knew that it was just deception. How long can deception be deceived?What is the end of self-deception?Sam knows it all.

He can't make the same mistakes again and again, these things related to Rong Yao must be thrown away right now, Jasmine immediately said after hearing this, "Why, you haven't taken care of me since you were a child, you didn't care about me, why... You let go..."

"Yes, it's my fault that you haven't been by my side since you were a child, so now I want to teach you and let you know who you really are? You are my Sam's sister, you are my sister, and you are not from Yin Country... Even if You have become the concubine of the people of the Yin country, but you are still not from the Yin country. In the eyes of others, you are just a pet." The cruel reality is the reality after all.

"You are talking nonsense, the eldest son is not such a person, the eldest son is not." The eldest son can't treat himself as a pet, it's impossible... Hearing this lantern, Sam smiled.

"Have you seen how Rong Jiu treated Xiao Yao? Xiao Yao gave Rong Jiu a knife, but Rong Jiu still couldn't part with her. This is love, this is liking. Don't forget that you were almost hanged. If you don't have me to save you, you will die... Don't lie to yourself, you hate that Xiaoyao, isn't it because she got the true and pure love that you never got?"

Sam is not an idiot, many things are clarified, and many things are the same. When he heard this, Jasmine took a step back and shook her head desperately, with an expression of disbelief, but Sam didn't give a damn. Time for the other party to deceive themselves.

"If I love someone, I will give her all my best, and I won't let her be wronged, and I won't let everyone bully her, and I won't let her be in danger. If the person I love, even if She is someone who can let me take over the world, and I will not take her to risk half a point, and your eldest son... Jasmine, think about it carefully for yourself, how does your eldest son treat you?"

"Stop talking, shut shut up...the eldest son likes me, he coaxed me, saying that I am his baby, he likes me, likes me..." Jasmine cried , The whole person squatted on the ground crying sad and desperate.

It is impossible for people to be so stupid that they don't know anything. At least Jasmine still understands a little bit. She knows that the eldest son actually... doesn't like herself very much, but she is unwilling to accept it because she loves the eldest son deeply. She dreamed that she also wanted to dream that he liked her, liked her!
(End of this chapter)

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