General strategy of the male god of fast wear

Chapter 283 The End of the Game

Chapter 283 The End of the Game
"I won't say anything about Jasmine, it wouldn't be a fact. You and I know that that man is using you," Sam said looking at Jasmine. If the man wasn't using Jasmine, it would be impossible for him to Let Jasmine do such a dangerous thing.

In the world who really cares about a person, it is impossible to let the other person take risks, at least he understands how that man protects Xiaoyao, and how this Rong Yao is using Jasmine right now.

Jasmine was dizzy from these words, her whole body was lost, and she was crumbling there. Sam felt distressed but didn't try to comfort her. Instead, he destroyed the things that Rong Yao gave, and then turned and left.

Rong Yao found that his communicator was broken, he couldn't help frowning, and at this moment he saw Rong Jiu outside the door, "Xiao Jiu... Where are you going?"

"Just go and have a look." It feels like days have passed, why hasn't that woman come to him?Rong Jiu felt that the days passed too slowly, and said that two years, it took just over two days, and he lived like a year, and if he waited for two years, he might go crazy.

Seeing Rong Jiu's impatience, Rong Yao frowned, but didn't say much, it seemed that he had to act faster, and got rid of this woman before she harmed Rong Jiu.

Tao Yaoyao could still hear the movement just now, when she saw this Sam, she looked at He Zhan, He Zhan smiled, "I took care of some things for you,"

"Don't you think it's unnecessary?" Tao Yaoyao frowned and said, "But I still have to thank you." Well, they know about Jasmine and Glory, so just be on guard.

But now that this matter has been resolved, there are benefits. Tao Yaoyao didn't comment on Jasmine's behavior, but just shook her head with a sigh. This kind of thing is not something she can talk about, especially Jasmine and herself. Go ahead, if you say it yourself, Sam will not like it in the end.

But it’s fine to talk to the war zone, although it doesn’t matter if you say it or not, but... now it’s considered a troublesome matter, He Zhan walked to Tao Yaoyao’s side, “I know you don’t think it’s necessary, just a woman you It can be killed easily, but I know you still don't want to have a complete hatred with Sam, "

"You can tell that you really don't want to," Tao Yaoyao nodded and said, she really doesn't want to have a complete enmity with Sam, because once the enmity is established, it will be troublesome, but she doesn't have the temperament to please Jasmine, to please someone People who want to kill themselves all day long.

"Okay, don't think too much," He Zhan said with a smile, Tao Yaoyao nodded, and sat on the side, watching the movements of Sam and Jasmine. She could see the movements of the two of them. Did not bother.

At night, Tao Yaoyao heard someone crying. In her room, that was Jasmine. When she got up, she saw Jasmine crying. Tao Yaoyao was very displeased and couldn't help frowning.

"What are you crying for?" Tao Yaoyao looked at Jasmine and said, Jasmine looked at Tao Yaoyao with tears in her eyes. The thing in her hand was the communicator. Tao Yaoyao smiled when she saw it. It is because of this.

"You are very proud. Are you proud to see my brother destroying my things for you?" Jasmine said, her tone was filled with anger and vileness, and when she spoke, there was even more deep resentment.

Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback when she heard this, looked at Jasmine, and sighed, "I don't know what made you think this way, but I want to tell you, you really haven't A place where I can be proud,"

What Tao Yaoyao said is not a lie, for a string of garbled data, right now, it is embarrassing for herself, she really has nothing to be annoyed about, let it go... just feel that it doesn't matter and doesn't care.

Jasmine's face immediately changed when she heard this, "Do you know, why do I hate you? I just hate you, always acting self-righteous, I hate you... who do you think you are? Who is it? Why do everyone treat you well and treat you heart and soul, but I... have never had it since I was a child, "

I was taken away at a young age and became a slave of the Yin people, but when I was selected by others, I was released by my friends. After a fire, I was left alone. It was Mr. Rong who saved me. He gave himself a place to live.

Even if everyone says that the eldest son is using him, it doesn't matter, for me, the eldest son is everything, what brother?When I was in the most difficult time, my elder brother didn't come, it was the eldest son who came to save me, why should I blame myself at this moment?
When Tao Yaoyao heard this, she stared at Jasmine in a daze, maybe, she had figured out the woman's resentment towards her, because she was unsatisfactory, because her situation was exactly the same as Jasmine's, but it was The difference between heaven and earth.

I can get Rong Jiu's sincerity, and I can get the sincerity of many people, but being used by others, so at the beginning, she had resentment towards herself. After she understood, Tao Yaoyao suddenly I'm not angry anymore.

"Think for yourself." Everyone has their own blessings, and everyone has their own stories. She has no right to interfere with other people's affairs, nor does she have any ability to interfere.

Jasmine's face turned ugly when she heard this, she hated Tao Yaoyao's temperament the most, as if she didn't care about things she didn't care about, even if the sky fell, she looked at Tao Yaoyao and said.

"Then Rong Jiuna? You don't care about anything, do you care about Rong Jiu? Who do you care about, brother or Rong Jiu?" When Tao Yaoyao heard this, she was slightly taken aback, and felt the movement outside. Rong Jiu can't go wrong with a momentary fluctuation.

"Are you asking this? It's not the same...I have a different standpoint from Rong Jiu, and I'm close to your brother. What else do you want to ask?" Tao Yaoyao replied coldly, not at all because of the other party's words. She hesitated, even if Sam was outside, she didn't need to hide it.

When Sam heard this, he shook his head and turned to leave. At this moment, there was a small communicator in Jasmine's quilt, and Rong Jiu was on the other end of the communicator. Rong Jiu smiled when he heard this.

"Brother, you just let me listen to this. I knew from the beginning that we have different positions," she told herself from the beginning, but it is true that she likes herself, everyone is her own, and she has nothing to doubt up.

Seeing Rong Jiu's appearance, Rong Yao couldn't help but frowned, "Have you become determined after eating the weights? What's wrong with that woman that makes you so obsessed?"

Jasmine is such a useless piece of trash that she can't do even a little thing well. It was a waste of getting such a precious communicator for her. Right now, it's really a waste of effort. Nine is happy.

Because at least at that time, she only said that she had a different stand and did not mention the enemy, so he knew that she cared about him, and sure enough... he still went back and prepared to wait for her to come.

"Brother, I'm leaving first. If you have nothing to do, don't bother me," he said happily and left, Rong Yao's expression was so angry that this damn Xiaojiu was so stupid.

(End of this chapter)

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