Chapter 294 The Real World
Tao Yaoyao went downstairs with Emperor Nine on her back, and the next floor was almost a Shura field, because the network electronic equipment was constantly roaring, and finally her body collapsed, "Liar... Liar..."

"Wow... who the hell is this liar who has caused such harm?" Tao Yaoyao trembled, Di Jiu looked at Tao Yaoyao, who was carrying her back downstairs, and Di Jiu felt that the woman's physical strength was a bit weak big.

This was all done by me, and I didn't see any breathlessness. The whole person still looks refreshed, which is really strange. Tao Yaoyao didn't care about this, she just wanted to leave this rioting world quickly.

"Where are we going next?" Looking at the movement not far away, Tao Yaoyao felt that the hacker had invaded the world. Yaoyao felt that there was really no way to live this day.

"What do you think?" Di Jiu couldn't find anyone right now, so he looked at Tao Yaoyao, "Going to your house?" Tao Yaoyao looked at Di Jiu after hearing this, thinking that the other party was joking.

"Are you kidding me? Haha... Impossible... I won't take you to my house," Tao Yaoyao felt, taking an inexplicable man to her home made her brain twitch. impossible.

"Don't look at me like that, I really can't take you to my house, and you don't want to know, I'm going to take you, it's very difficult for me," Tao Yaoyao said, and Di Jiu took out a bank card Come on, Tao Yaoyao took a look.

"If you have money, I'll open a room for you in a hotel." Right now, it's nothing to be courteous, but it's just courteous, and you have to go to your own house even if you give yourself money. Tao Yaoyao feels that such a thing is very unreliable no matter how you look at it.

It is absolutely impossible to agree right now, Tao Yaoyao looked at Di Jiu, "Why did your people come to you?" Because of this weird incident, many people panicked, and the network equipment can't be used right now .

Tao Yaoyao looked at her mobile phone, and there was still a sign of a liar on it. When Tao Yaoyao looked at it, "Who are you talking about as a liar?" Tao Yaoyao felt, who is cheating whom?There will be such a big reaction.

When Di Jiu heard this, he looked at Tao Yaoyao's cell phone, "Who knows...but where are you going right now..." Di Jiu's words made Tao Yaoyao look at her, her eyes froze for a moment.

"I said, President Di, don't tell me, you are looking at my appearance, what are you going to do?" Tao Yaoyao looked at Di Jiudao, and when he heard this, Di Jiu looked at me. This peach is Yaoyao.

There was a look of contempt in her eyes, "You think too much, even if I am disabled, there are still many women who want to be me, you... I really don't like..."

"..." What should I do? It seems that this bastard was beaten to death. Looking at the Emperor Yaojiu, he sighed... "Okay, I will take you back." It is a disabled person. I will take you back to live for a day. If you dare Don't blame yourself for being rude.

Tao Yaoyao looked cold, and then began to carry Di Jiu into the car, because there were no wheelchairs, and Tao Yaoyao was carried on her back down the stairs, "Tao you have someone you like?"

Di Jiu asked on Tao Yaoyao's back, and Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback when she heard this, thinking that Di Jiu didn't care about her own affairs, something inexplicable flashed through her mind, "Should... yes, "

I should have someone I like, but I don't know why I suddenly forgot it, but even if I forgot, I can still feel that feeling, "I don't know, it's just a feeling, I should have someone I like,"

No matter if she is someone she loves deeply or not, she still likes her right now. Tao Yaoyao's words made Di Jiu look at her deeply. After Tao Yaoyao carried her back home, she looked at Di Jiu, "I'll go Get you a wheelchair..."

"Okay," Di Jiu nodded. Tao Yaoyao was not afraid of this man messing around when she went out. Her well-off family was no match for God Jiu. If Di Jiu really messed up, she wouldn't be the one who suffered.

Tao Yaoyao went out to buy things, but unexpectedly Tao Yaoyao left, Di Jiu suddenly stood up from this seat, and then walked to the room not far away, Tao Yaoyao's room hung a school, which read After seeing the word Xiaoyao, Di Jiu pushed open the door of the room.

There are all kinds of things in the room, the posters are all the scariest movie posters, and there are ghosts. When seeing all this, Di Jiu couldn't help frowning, his empty eyes, It was as if someone else was looking out through the eyes.

She stretched out her hand to touch everything, but quickly withdrew that hand. After returning to her seat, she passed out immediately. Tao Yaoyao bought this wheelchair and came back, and saw Di Jiu unconscious.

"Are you okay?" Tao Yaoyao walked over and pushed, Di Jiu opened his eyes and looked around in confusion, and frowned when he saw Tao Yaoyao.

"Where is this place? Tao Yaoyao... why are you here..." Di Jiu looked at Tao Yaoyao and said, Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback when she heard this, looked at Di Jiu and stretched out her hand.

"You didn't have a high fever, did you? You said you wanted to come to my house, but I had no choice but to bring you back. You still have a wheelchair. It's really inexplicable. Could it be that you are bewitched?" Tao Yaoyao looked at Di Jiu and said.

Could it be bewitched? If it is bewitched, Taoism is also possible, because if it is not bewitched, why would he come to his home for no reason? When Di Jiu heard this, he couldn't help frowning, his expression was not good. happy up.

"Nonsense, it is impossible for me to come to your house," Tao Yaoyao's face turned cold when she heard this, and she looked at Di Jiu for no reason.

"Then tell me, how did you come to my house? If it wasn't for your cooperation, do you think I have the ability to steal someone as big as you back? Besides, this is a wheelchair, so get out... My sister doesn't spoil you,"

Tao Yaoyao threw away the wheelchair, turned around and left, she really didn't spoil this person, even her own president had nothing to do with her, right now... she didn't know if she could go to work, but she was not in the mood To serve, not to mention that I am going to work, not to be a slave.

When he heard this, Di Jiu looked at Tao Yaoyao in a daze, and turned on his device, but the device was still paralyzed, and he kept uttering the words of this liar, "What's going on? thing?"

He remembered that he was using a role-playing game, but then suddenly he didn't know anything. After waking up, he came to Tao Yaoyao's house, and Tao Yaoyao shook his head.

"I don't know, it's probably like this. Now I can't use any equipment, and the electricity goes up and down, probably because of a convulsion," Tao Yaoyao said, probably it should be a convulsion, if it wasn't for a convulsion, it wouldn't be like this Fucking, "Are you still leaving?"

Di Jiu looked at Tao Yaoyao, climbed into the wheelchair and left, but the elevator couldn't be used, so he met the aunt at the door, "You are Xiaoyao's boyfriend, no wonder Xiaoyao was taken upstairs by you. Yao is the best, right now I have to carry you up to the tenth floor alone."

Hearing this, Di Jiu was slightly taken aback, "I asked her to carry it on the back?" Di Jiu was slightly taken aback, and when she heard this, Auntie looked at Di Jiu inexplicably.

"Of course you let me carry it on your back. You didn't know it at the time. Look at our Xiaoyao's eyes. Don't mention how much I like it." Auntie's words made Di Jiu slightly stunned, but he didn't have the slightest impression, and he was a little creepy. Seeing that the elevator can't be used, it is obviously impossible to roll down by myself.

Soon I thought of Tao Yaoyao's smirk, it turned out that the girl had planned to trick her early in the morning, so she would say such a thing, and she could only push the wheelchair back, but... did she really let Tao Yaoyao carry her back?
(End of this chapter)

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