Chapter 295 The Real World
Di Jiu went back, because he had to go back, if he didn't know how to go, he could only spend the night outside now, when Di Jiu went back, he saw Tao Yaoyao eating this and that fruit and looking at him with a smile.

That smug look, don't mention how unhappy it is, when seeing Tao Yaoyao like this, Di Jiu's expression was complicated, "I'm back, I'll tell you, now you can't use the power equipment if you drink too much outside Now, it's like the end of the world, you'd better be careful,"

There is no way to use the mobile phone when going out, everything is locked in the mobile phone, if you want to use these devices now, you can only wait, when Di Jiu heard this, he looked at Tao Yaoyao. ,

"What did I say when you brought me back?" Di Jiu can be sure that he never said to let this woman bring him back, Tao Yaoyao looked at Di Jiu slightly when he heard this and said.

"I didn't say anything, just said to come to my house, okay, don't ask such inexplicable things, I still have something to do, eh... It's not good to go out, I was going for an interview, but now it seems that I can only run aground,"

I don't know if this school can still go to school. When I heard this, Di Jiu looked at Tao Yaoyao, who was looking at the information right now, "Have you ever heard about the role-playing game?"

"Yes, but I haven't played it. I played it a few days ago. You don't know... I went to the hospital and fell into a coma for three days. By the way... Is there something wrong with your game? The game in the mental hospital, I will go in Then I met a very strange man, how should I put Rong Jiu...doing something without saying a word, making me suspect that there is a virus in your system," Tao Yaoyao looked at the Emperor Jiu road.

I entered the game for the second time, and encountered similar things, which made me unable to sleep peacefully. When I heard this, Di Jiu was slightly taken aback, "Impossible, our system cannot make mistakes, it must be you Where is the mistake, give me the helmet,"

Di Jiu stretched out his hand to ask for the helmet. There is no possibility of a software error in the game he designed, but the woman's words didn't sound like words at the moment, so she immediately asked for it, intending to see clearly for herself.

When Tao Yaoyao heard this, she was slightly taken aback, shook her head and said, "I forgot to tell you, my mother dropped that helmet, now... that's right... give me your glasses, I Look through your glasses..."

After speaking, he took it into Di Jiu's pocket, Di Jiu frowned but didn't say much, after Tao Yaoyao put on the eyes, "How do I operate?"

"You put it on, just press the button next to it," Tao Yaoyao nodded when she heard this, and started to press it, closing her eyes this time it was the game system.

After not seeing anyone, he was taken aback for a moment, and took off the glasses, but unexpectedly, after taking off the glasses, he saw Di Jiu standing in front of him, yes... standing in front of him, the broken Long short hair, reaching to the waist at the moment, with silver hair blowing.

"Di Jiu, we didn't go to the party, did we?" Seeing the other party standing up, Tao Yaoyao froze for a moment, but at this moment, Di Jiu looked at her without saying a word, and raised her chin.

"I've been thinking about how to deal with you, liar? Lock yourself up again, or break your legs, so that you can only rely on me to walk," Di Jiu's words were cold and heartless, Tao Yaoyao listened Then he blinked.

"That... do we have some misunderstanding, Emperor Jiu... we have something to say... it hurts..." Tao Yaoyao's cheek was pinched, and suddenly it hurt, the other party's expression flashed a bit of intolerance, but soon It disappeared in the bottom of the eyes.

"What do you think we have to talk about?" As he spoke, he approached Tao Yaoyao with a confused face. At this moment, someone knocked on the door suddenly, and Di Jiu seemed to be awakened by something. On Tao Yaoyao's body.

"It hurts so bad... bastard..." Tao Yaoyao saw the other person's hair color change back, and when she fell on her body, her face was ugly and she started to push the person desperately.

"Bastard..." After Tao Yaoyao pushed the person away, she got up and went to open the door, but before taking a few steps, she went back and tied up Di Jiu with a rope. Di Jiu was tied up like a zongzi. Tao Yaoyao went open the door.

"Xiaoyao... I heard movement in your room just now, did something happen?" Tao Yaoyao shook her head when she heard it.

"Auntie is fine, it's just that there is something wrong with the electrical appliance, I'm fixing it..." Tao Yaoyao smiled, but she didn't say right now, it was because of Di Jiu's problem.

"That's right, Xiaoyao's TV in my house is also haunted, can you show me," Tao Yaoyao nodded when she heard this, went to check and found that the problem was the same, unplug the other party's power, After an explanation, he left.

When I got back, I saw Di Jiu was tied up, and I was full of anger, "Tao Yaoyao, what did you do to me?" Why did this woman move her hands and feet again.

"I didn't do anything to you, but you were possessed by a ghost, do you know... just now, you suddenly stood up, your hair... so long..." Tao Yaoyao gestured with her hands, " You also pinched my neck, saying that I was a liar, I suspect that you were possessed by a ghost, for my personal safety, you just did this..."

Tao Yaoyao didn't talk nonsense with the other party, she came straight to the point, this man deserves to die... he was actually possessed by a ghost, Tao Yaoyao would not think that it was the other party's split personality, because she had never heard of it, split personality can make people Hair is different.

"..." Di Jiu felt that he had been with this woman for a long time, and sometimes he really wanted to kick her to death, "You have just been possessed by a ghost, please let me go quickly." He knows exactly how his legs are, and ...He didn't believe that he was a ghost.

"You say I have a ghost on my upper body? You don't believe me, look for yourself, this is what you pinched," Tao Yaoyao pulled off her clothes, exposing the marks and looked at Di Jiu, "See? These are still your nails , look at..."

Tao Yaoyao pointed to her wound, looked at Di Jiu's hand, grabbed the opponent's hand, and put it in front of Di Jiu's eyes, Di Jiu was slightly taken aback when he saw the blood on it, and looked at this Tao Yaoyao's neck.

"This?" Could it be that he really hurt himself?If it was really her own injury, then right now... Looking at Tao Yaoyao's expression, Di Jiu couldn't help being slightly taken aback, and fell into deep thought.

"Did I really do it just now? Or did I stand up and do it?" Di Jiu frowned when he looked at Tao Yaoyao, it was really him, that machine was incredible.

"Of course it's you, otherwise I'd hurt myself? You didn't know that your hair was silvery white, very beautiful..." As he spoke, he looked at Di Jiu with the color of his eyes and hair. It's all silvery white.

"Camera camera..." Tao Yaoyao looked for the camera as soon as she saw it. Di Jiu, who was bound, frowned and looked around. When she saw Tao Yaoyao's figure, her expression was cold.

"Let's have a laugh..." Tao Yaoyao held the camera and looked at the silver-haired Di Jiudao. Di Jiu looked at Tao Yaoyao and saw the heartless appearance of the other party, and his face turned livid with anger .

"Tao Yaoyao... Can you see who I am?" Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback when she heard this, and looked at the color of the other person's eyes, those silver eyes were almost transparent, deep and sad, Tao Yaoyao Yaoyao's camera fell to the ground, tears welled up in her eyes for some unknown reason.

"Who are you?" It's strange, just now I felt angina, the pain was severe, Tao Yaoyao clutched her chest, and she fainted on the ground, who is calling me?and who are you?

(End of this chapter)

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