Chapter 297 The Real World
"I do know something, but I don't think it's possible, because logically speaking, that person should have been dead for a long time and became a host," Di Jiu said, because Di Yao Jiu is a very famous name, and replaced by himself.

After hearing this, Tao Yaoyao got up immediately, looked at Di Jiu, "Take me there, I'm going..." Right now the network is still out of order, so she has to check it out herself.

"No, that's a secret," you must know that this Dijia is the first person in the world who wants to create a holographic game. In this era, the holographic game only has role-playing skills, and nothing else .

When Tao Yaoyao heard this, she couldn't help but frowned, "If you don't let me go, it means that you won't be able to figure out for the rest of your life whether you are a ghost or a dual personality? Let me tell you, I am not colorblind, what I see is you with changed hair color,"

I am not color-blind, and I did see him with his hair color changed, and the memory of seeing him with my own eyes was deep in my memory. After hearing this, Di Jiu still said coldly, "No, I said no, then I can't, "

You can't go to see it right now, Tao Yaoyao is very angry when she hears this, but she also knows other people's things.

Gu Ling went out angrily, Di Jiu sighed slightly after seeing the people going out, Tao Yaoyao went to the vegetable market to buy some food, the vegetable market was a bit crowded today.

There was no way to order takeaway at the beginning with just a manual touch, but today there is no way, and the restaurant’s network is no longer available, and there is no way to manually order takeaway, so I can only go out to buy by myself.

Most of the companies are closed. Because of this turmoil, many companies have to choose to close their doors because... everyone thinks this is haunted.

The newspapers came out. When I read these newspapers, many people were there. It turned out that this matter was not just about me. After Tao Yaoyao bought food, she planned to go home.

Unexpectedly, the image of a person appeared on the screen not far away. Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback when she saw it, because that person...was not herself. When Tao Yaoyao saw that it was herself, "Wow..."

Without further ado, he would risk covering his cheeks, completely covering his whole body, so that others would not see him at all. If others saw this, he would not be eaten alive.

"Who is that person?" The Internet is haunted, but a woman appears right now, everyone is surprised, Tao Yaoyao returns home quickly, after opening the door, she drops the dish and goes directly to her room run away.

"Bastard, what do you want to do?" Sure enough, the person who woke up right now was the Emperor Yaojiu, who was sitting not far away, looking at Tao Yaoyao with a calm expression, "You are sick, you are in the street. Putting my face on the alley, are you making everyone think I did it?"

"So what?" Di Yaojiu smiled and said, Tao Yaoyao looked at Di Yaojiu after hearing this, and immediately looked at Di Yaojiu with a pitiful expression.

"I was wrong, okay? I was really wrong, please be merciful, don't be like this... woooo... If you want to do this, my parents will see you, and you will definitely kill me when you come back," Tao Yaoyao It's scary to think that people all over the world know me.

And at this time... She didn't want to be too famous, Emperor Yaojiu looked at Tao Yaoyao, in her memory, this girl was a bitch, and she had a thick skin. Right now, this is really her nature, and she has forgotten all the things she has experienced. After that, she returned to her original appearance.

"Okay, you can let me let you go, then you have to listen to me for everything, and you are not allowed to tell me that I exist. If you can't do it, I will arrest you and tell everyone that the Internet is not available. It's all your fault, what do you think they would think if there is no internet in this day and age?"

"..." Tao Yaoyao knows that in this era, you can't cut off the network even if you cut your head. Now that the network has been lost by yourself, it is really miserable, " let me go, Although I don't know, what did I do wrong? But you said... as long as I don't want my life, I will obediently pay it back, not to mention I really don't know, how did I offend you?"

What Tao Yaoyao said was the truth, and it was absolutely conscientious. Hearing this, Emperor Yaojiu frowned and looked at Tao Yaoyao, "You said this, I will restore the network to normal."

Upon hearing this, Tao Yaoyao nodded immediately, "I said it, but what do you really want? And... is Di Jiu another personality of yours?"

" hurts..." Tao Yaoyao screamed for pain when her chin was pinched, Emperor Yaojiu approached Tao Yaoyao, stroked Tao Yaoyao's cheek, and looked at Tao Yaoyao.

"Remember, I am who I am, and there will be no second one. If you make a mistake and flirt with other men, I will kill him. There is no place in this world without electricity. You said that you get an electric shock once in a while, yes Isn't it going to die? Including your family..."

Tao Yaoyao became terrified when she heard this, and looked at the man in front of her with a look of wow, you bastard... what the hell are you going to do.

"I won't, don't worry..." How on earth did I provoke this man? "Did we know that? But I have memories since I was six years old. It's impossible to lose my memory. Could it be... I slept for seven years The thing about it is that my parents are lying to me, in fact, I went to hook up with you, and then you abandoned me?"

Tao Yaoyao's brain is a bit big, and she quickly figured things out, but it's a pity that her brain was a little off, which made Emperor Yaojiu's complexion even worse, "You abandoned me,"

"I abandoned you, I abandoned my husband and son? This is impossible..." Tao Yaoyao felt that this was impossible, Emperor Yaojiu looked at Tao Yaoyao, and knew from the beginning that this girl loves to think wildly, as expected... … Now that I am amnesiac, I am even more cranky.

Tao Yaoyao blinked and looked at Emperor Yaojiu. Emperor Yaojiu felt his mind weakened, looked at Tao Yaoyao and said, "Remember what I said, although I didn't wake up, but I saw For you, you'd better not hook up with other men for me, if someone touches you, don't blame me for being rude, "

"..." Tao Yaoyao felt that when she had the ability to provoke this ghost, it must be a dream, it must be a mistake, "It's really a trap..."

"What did you say?" Di Yaojiu looked at Tao Yaoyao coldly, and Tao Yaoyao immediately shook her head when she heard this, "You girl and I have been in conflict with each other for a long time, you must be thinking right now, After I'm asleep, it doesn't matter how you want to come, but look..."

Suddenly the TV series outside the door opened, "Even if you unplug the power, as long as I think about it, you can still turn it on if you put more effort into it, so... as long as you live in this world, you are in my hands. In order to watch When it comes to you, I... have tried my best, "

"Then is this all the result of my own doing?" Tao Yaoyao looked at Emperor Yaojiu, it was indeed the result of her own doing, watching Diyaojiu faint and become the queen of Emperor Yaojiu again, Tao Yaoyao Yaoyao sighed, could she be lying to herself?
But before he got close to the Emperor Nine, the TV outside the door screamed again, "Hehe... well, I'm just supporting someone, there's no other meaning, I'm wearing gloves..."

Tao Yaoyao felt that she was in a bit of a trap right now, and... what the hell was going on?No one came to tell her why, Tao Yaoyao sighed, now she can only take one step at a time, but what can she do to get out of this predicament?

(End of this chapter)

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