Chapter 298 The Real World
"What's wrong with me? Are you here again?" Di Jiu woke up and looked around, "Why are you sitting so far away?" Di Jiu frowned when he saw Tao Yaoyao's appearance.

"Did I do something to you again?" Could it be that I hurt her again?But Tao Yaoyao shook her head, Di Jiu frowned, "Then what happened?"

"Nothing happened, it's just... the other you, I'm not allowed to have any contact with any man, I want to know... have we ever had any relationship, and... have people from your family and I come? Ever had a vigorous love affair?" Tao Yaoyao blinked her eyes and said.

"..." Di Jiu felt that he had just slept, how could this girl be stupid after waking up, and these words were really silly and cute, and made him speechless.

"You're thinking too much," it's true, but when it comes to being related to my family, "You have something to do with my family, so... there's only one... Do you remember the car accident seven years ago?"

"Remember, I slept for seven years," but after the Emperor Yaojiu appeared, Tao Yaoyao suspected that she should not have slept for seven years, otherwise how could she provoke this evildoer.

"That car belongs to our K Group, it will hit you one day, ahem... If you have something to say, don't move..." Tao Yaoyao grabbed Di Jiu's neck in the next second, Di Jiu Struggled desperately.

"Phone..." Hearing the phone call and thinking suddenly, Tao Yaoyao froze for a moment, at this time the phone... let go of her hand and ran to answer the phone.

"You don't want your hand anymore? Who told you to ride on another man?" Tao Yaoyao remembered that voice, wasn't it the person who warned her just now?After seeing that Di Jiu was under him, he immediately coughed.

"Haha... Misunderstanding, I didn't just see that President Di had something to help me, I just accidentally had an accident..." As he spoke, he got up from Di Jiu, this bastard... is really everywhere.

"Who?" Di Jiu looked at Tao Yaoyao's expression and said, Tao Yaoyao smiled, looked at Di Jiu, and wanted to cry, is this really a ghost?

What did I do in those seven years?Could it be that she went to date another man, and then she didn't love her anymore, so she abandoned her husband and son, and left alone. Now this man has become a ghost and comes to settle accounts with him?
Tao Yaoyao thinks that this brain-enhancing thing can be done, but the plot is a bit over now, Tao Yaoyao hangs up the phone, and drinks a cup of tea not far away, Di Jiu wakes up, Di Yao Jiu calls herself, double Personality is impossible, that is the upper body of a ghost.

"What happened?" Di Jiu looked at Tao Yaoyao and said, Tao Yaoyao smiled, the Emperor Yao Jiu had already said it, so he was not allowed to say it, so naturally he didn't dare to say more, "Did the man call?" of?"

"How do you know?" When Tao Yaoyao heard this, she was taken aback for a moment, looking at Di Jiudao, how did this man know?
"I can tell by the look on your face, what did he say? Could it be that the dual personality is the upper body of a ghost? Where did you provoke a ghost?" Although this is the holiness of atheism, there are too many weird things being released right now, making Di Jiu have to believe.

" open the door quickly," there was a knock on the door, and Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback when she heard the sound. Isn't this the voice of Chen Han and Du Sisi?
Tao Yaoyao ran to open the door, and saw Chen Han coming in, hugging herself, Tao Yaoyao pushed him away without even thinking about it, wow... That Emperor Yaojiu scared her many times, now she doesn't dare Recklessly.

"Xiaoyao... I'm sorry I was too excited just now. What's going on? Why are your photos suddenly displayed on the big screen?" Although it was only a few minutes, it was enough to shock people.

"Did you offend someone?" The weirdness of this scene was already scary enough, but now that Tao Yaoyao's photo is coming out, it will inevitably make people think too much.

"'s a long story, but it's nothing, don't worry..." Tao Yaoyao smiled and said, even if the matter of Emperor Yaojiu was told, how many people would believe it?

Probably because no one would believe him, others would just treat him as a fool at most, so it's better not to say it right now, "Xiaoyao..." Du Sisi stood aside awkwardly, but unexpectedly saw Di Jiu.

"Isn't this the president of the K Group? Xiaoyao, why is he here with you?" Du Sisi pulled Tao Yaoyao and said, "You don't know... You've met him in just a few days?"

"You think too much. Didn't something go wrong the day before yesterday? At that time, I just happened to go to the K Group for an interview. Because the ghost was haunted, the president couldn't leave, so I could only wrong myself and be sent back," although there were loopholes in this statement, but Now there is an explanation.

Chen Han frowned when he saw Di Jiu, "Then how can you let a man stay with you? Even if he is disabled? No, you must let him go,"

"I think so too, but it's easier to ask God to send God away." Let alone Di Jiu, there is still Emperor Yao Jiu, how can I give it away?
"If you can't leave, then we'll come and live," Chen Han said directly. Tao Yaoyao almost bit her tongue when she heard this, and Du Sisi was slightly taken aback.

"This..." Tao Yaoyao wanted to refuse. Naturally, it was impossible for Chen Han to get in touch with her too much. It was fine if she didn't know that Chen Han liked her before, but now that she knew, she was about to break up.

"That's it, Sisi will stay here too. You're a girl, and there's a photo incident, I don't worry..." Tao Yaoyao couldn't object to Chen Han's words, and Du Sisi also nodded. nod.

It is indeed not safe for Tao Yaoyao to live alone. Regarding the photo, if others know that it is Tao Yaoyao, Tao Yaoyao is very dangerous right now, not to mention... it is more or less unsafe for Di Jiu to live here alone, that’s all. ...and come by yourself.

"..." Is it really okay for you all to make your own decisions like this?When Tao Yaoyao watched people go to pick up the burden, her eyes were filled with tears, is this really okay?

"Don't look at me, that's your friend," Di Jiu said, and Tao Yaoyao gave the man a hard look when she heard this.

"It's not you. If you didn't cause me trouble, do you think they would come? Seven years ago, your company's car hit me, and seven years brought a ghost to my house, and now you are still causing these troubles, Who do you say you don't blame?"

Seven years ago, I had a bright future, but when I was hit by that car, I almost fell into the street. Well... Although I didn't fall into the street, I have been sleeping for seven... seven years, Tao Yaoyao Thinking of it made her face ugly, her beautiful youth was wasted by this bastard.

Di Jiu knew that he was at fault for this matter, so he didn't say much to Tao Yaoyao, but looked at Tao Yaoyao and said, "I know you're in trouble, but you know I can't leave, and you said it too, that thing is found Without you, even if I leave, he will come back, "

Of course, at that time, I didn't know whether to use my own body, but... Di Jiu touched his leg, he could walk, why couldn't he?
If the ghost is using his own body, he should not be able to walk, but the ghost can, can he also be able to do it in the future? Di Jiu lowered his head. He wanted to know how the other party made him walk. Want to feel, the feeling of that foot touching the ground, want to know what it feels like?
(End of this chapter)

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