Chapter 300 The Real World
After Tao Yaoyao came home, she started cooking chicken soup. While cooking chicken soup, Chen Han looked at the person sitting outside, and looked at Di Yaojiu with a cold expression. Di Yaojiu was sitting and playing with his room The fan inside.

Looking at everything around him, Di Yaojiu felt that it was not a big deal, at least it was a bit worse than what he imagined, he didn't know how much time he had spent before he could come out.

But now that Tao Yaoyao has come out, don't even think about running away. When she saw Tao Yaoyao, she pursed her lips and her expression gradually turned cold, but she was quickly blocked by Chen Han. Chen Han looked at the emperor demon nine.

"I don't care what kind of relationship you have with Xiaoyao, or if you just want to play with Xiaoyao, let me tell you... stay away from Xiaoyao, otherwise don't blame me for being rude," Chen Han said coldly at the Emperor Yao Jiu. .

He is no longer the boy seven years ago. During the seven years, he has matured and grown up a lot. When he looked at Emperor Yaojiu in front of him, he could feel the resentment in his heart.

Especially when that gaze was looking at Tao Yaoyao, it always inadvertently carried that anger, and at this moment, Emperor Yaojiu smiled when he heard this, and looked at Chen Han, "Chen Han..."

"The youngest son of the Chen family is engaged in front of him, and he has been childhood sweethearts with Xiaoyao since he was a child, but... Xiaoyao has always regarded you as a buddy. You are a married man, and you come here to live, and you are not afraid of being laughed at by others,"

As soon as he looked at Chen Handi Yaojiu, he got the information. He can master the Internet in the world, anywhere...anywhere, as long as he wants.

That's why, at the beginning, he disrupted the world's network just to find this Tao Yaoyao, and Tao Yaoyao was quickly found by himself. There were many similar people, and he was not sure at first.

But it was easy to come out soon, and Di Jiu is the best container for his upper body. Di Jiu has a chip in his head, and now he is catching this chip and controlling his body.

After taking control of this body, he left and let Tao Yaoyao take him home, but... this girl's temper really hasn't changed much, she's so careless, she's doing whatever she wants, when she sees it carelessly, she really It made my tooth hurt so badly.

When Chen Han heard this, his face turned ugly, and he went straight to Tao Yaoyao, "Xiaoyao...why do you tell others everything?" Naturally, Emperor Yaojiu can clearly explain these words for you, without The one who spoke looked at Tao Yaoyao.

Tao Yaoyao felt that the arm was about to be pierced by someone, so she took off the other party's hand carefully, and then said, "What nonsense are you talking about? That... I don't know what you are talking about?"

"My identity, why do you deserve to die that Dijiu," Chen Han said, and Tao Yaoyao, who heard this, immediately felt that she had been wronged, but now that she was wronged, she curled her lips again.

Because it is not easy for Emperor Yaojiu to know their identities?Searching online, anyone's online information can be found, Tao Yaoyao looked at Emperor Yaojiu, and then said, "He is a big company, and you are also a well-known Xiaokai, so you will naturally know now, okay Stop talking, serve me the food,"

Hearing this explanation, Chen Han was naturally dissatisfied, but he didn't ask any more questions right now, but felt that the Emperor Yaojiu was a bit strange in his heart.

"Do you eat?" This question is doubtful, Emperor Yaojiu looked at Tao Yaoyao, he had eaten the food Tao Yaoyao made, and to be honest, it was as bad as pigs.

But seeing the chicken soup that was cooked right now, I took a sip and said, "I never knew that you could make food." I always thought that what she cooked was pig food.

"..." Tao Yaoyao looked at Emperor Yaojiu with twitching corners of her mouth, "When did I say I don't know how to make food? What's more, it's easy to make soup. Just pour water into the pot, throw the chicken and add the ingredients. ..."

Tao Yaoyao said, Chen Han raised his head suddenly, "Have you ever washed?" Chen Han looked at Tao Yaoyao and said, Tao Yaoyao blinked.

"No, hasn't it been washed?" Chen Han coughed immediately after hearing this, and looked at the chicken soup, hesitating a little, but at this moment Du Sisi came out.

"Don't worry, I've washed it. When this girl gets it done, she can give it to you. All the grains have been boiled," Du Sisi said. If the girl didn't look at it by herself, the chicken soup would not taste good.

Di Yaojiu was not surprised at all, eating, "At least he knows how to cook it, and he has made good progress," Di Yaojiu's words made Tao Yaoyao slightly taken aback, and Tao Yaoyao walked over directly.

"I heard what you said, it seems that you know me very well, the two of us...really had such a relationship?" Tao Yaoyao said secretly, and when Chen Han saw it, he pinched the chopsticks in his hand.

After Emperor Yaojiu heard this, he looked at Tao Yaoyao. Tao Yaoyao felt that his eyes were gloomy, which made him a little scared and uncomfortable, and he couldn't help swallowing.

"Do you think I'm lying to you? Or do you think I chased you all this way just to make you happy?" Di Yaojiu said coldly, the light bulbs in that room flickered, and the surrounding air cooled down.

When Tao Yaoyao saw the air, she couldn't help being slightly taken aback, trembling for a while, and looked at Emperor Yaojiu, "No... I just think that maybe you got the wrong person, do you understand in the past and present? I may be that I committed crimes in my previous life, but that was a matter of my previous life..."

Tao Yaoyao's words made Emperor Yaojiu's complexion worse and worse, and he grabbed Tao Yaoyao's neck. Only then did Tao Yaoyao realize that Chen Han and Du Sisi were there as if they hadn't seen it. eat.

"I can tell you clearly, you are that scumbag, don't you all have a saying on the Internet? The scumbag is talking about you, you are her, there is no past life, you are questioning me, don't blame me for being rude ,” Di Yaojiu said coldly.

I can clearly tell the difference between the past life and the present life, but she is her and has never changed. Tao Yaoyao who heard this said looked at Emperor Yaojiu for a moment, stretched out her hand to caress the other's cheek,
"I feel like we've met before, but I can't remember. It's true that they said that I was in a coma for seven years. Now that I'm in a coma, it's impossible for me to be with... Could it be that my soul ran out to hook you up?"

Tao Yaoyao suddenly felt that she was the truth, she had been in a coma for seven years, could it be that during those seven years, she was asleep, but her soul ran out to hook up with others?
"You said that..." Di Yaojiu said coldly, this coldness and expression, let Tao Yaoyao know, probably don't need to say it, it should be true, when her soul was unconscious, she ran to He hooked up with the person in front of him, and committed a crime.

Tao Yaoyao has complicated thoughts and doesn't know what to say?It's half bitter, half happy, half sad, half overwhelmed, "Then how did I scum you?"

Now that she is a scumbag, how did she scumbag her in front of her?She also wanted to know how scumbag she had become when she was in a coma, Emperor Yaojiu looked at Tao Yaoyao with a smile.

That alluring smile made Tao Yaoyao couldn't help swallowing, and she heard Emperor Yaojiu say, "When I scum you, you will know."

Tao Yaoyao felt that it was better that she didn't want to know, because she really didn't want to be scumbags, so she smiled awkwardly, and Di Yaojiu also let go of her hand, acting too hastily, take it slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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