Chapter 301 The Real World
"..." The corners of Tao Yaoyao's mouth twitched, and after sitting down, she saw Chen Han talking to herself, so she was slightly taken aback, "What did you say?"

"I told you a lot just now, but you didn't hear me. I said that men are dangerous," Chen Han looked at Tao Yaoyao and said, Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback when she heard this.

I had been talking to Di Yaojiu just now, why would I talk to Chen Han now?Immediately, he couldn't help but stared at Emperor Yaojiu in a daze. Could it be that this man used some kind of blindfold?

Seeing Tao Yaoyao's absent-mindedness, Chen Han couldn't help but frowned, "Are you listening to me, Xiaoyao, you don't want to be contaminated with this man..."

"I'm listening, but... I didn't provoke it, so let's stop talking, let's eat..." Tao Yaoyao smiled and said, Tao Yaoyao didn't plan to discuss this matter in depth, let alone... … Right now, this is not something that I can discuss in depth with others.

When Chen Han heard this, Chen Han frowned, and Du Sisi on the side shook her head, telling Chen Han to stop talking. At night, Tao Yaoyao lived in her room, and so did Du Sisi, and at this moment This Chen Han slept with Emperor Yaojiu.

Although there is still a room, it is owned by her parents, and now she is more or less awkward and feels inappropriate, but her younger brother's is fine, and it is okay for Di Yaojiu to live alone. crowded.

Emperor Yaojiu looked at Chen Han, "Go out..." He ordered coldly, Chen Han said a few words when he heard this, when Tao Yaoyao made arrangements just now, he didn't say a word, and now he is gone Cross yourself.

"Who do you think Xiaoyao will help when we have a quarrel?" One sentence made Di Yaojiu's face ugly, and he directly pinched Chen Han's neck. Brother Tao Yaoyao came in with the quilt, and saw that scene, But because he was blocked by someone, he didn't see clearly. He just thought that these two men, why were they so close?
"What are you doing? I can tell you, don't mess around in my house, otherwise don't blame me for being rude," Tao Yaoyao felt uneasy when she saw that scene, she was a bitch...

The two elders are so close, who is this for?Looking at it made me feel disgusted, and even annoyed. Hearing the sound of Tao Yaoyao coming in, Emperor Yaojiu could let go, and was hit by Tao Yaoyao's quilt.

Di Yaojiu looked at the quilt, and when he saw Tao Yaoyao leaving angrily, he couldn't help being slightly taken aback, why is this girl so angry?Inexplicably, she didn't even get angry, but she dared.

Chen Han was panting desperately. At that moment just now, this man wanted to kill himself. This man must not stay by this little demon's side. This is Chen Han's only thought, and they must be separated.

After Tao Yaoyao returned to this room, Du Sisi chatted with Tao Yaoyao, but Tao Yaoyao had to go to school tomorrow, so she had no experience of chatting at all, so she fell asleep drowsily. At night, Tao Yaoyao Yao is sleeping peacefully.

Although Du Sisi had something to do, she slept well, but... now Chen Han is different from Di Jiu. Chen Han looked at Di Jiu angrily. When Di Jiu woke up, he found that he had more rooms A person.

"Tao Yaoyao..." Immediately, Tao Yaoyao began to yell. Tao Yaoyao fell asleep in a daze, so she didn't care about others calling her, she hugged the pillow directly, covered her ears and fell asleep soundly.

Du Sisi woke up, couldn't help frowning, got up and went out to have a look, and saw the fierce look on Di Jiu's face, she couldn't help being slightly taken aback, "President Di doesn't sleep in the middle of the night, you what is it call?"

That girl Tao Yaoyao, if she was really sleepy, the Heavenly King and I wouldn't even bother to find her. Now that Di Jiu saw that there was another person, his face became even more stinky, and he cursed inwardly. Close your eyes for a while, how many people are there for no reason?
"It's okay," Di Jiu said coldly, "And you get out." He always sleeps alone, so why would he let others take his place? When Chen Han heard this, he smiled coldly laugh.

"If you think this place has insulted you, you can leave, don't be crowded with us people," Chen Han said, the scar forgot the pain when he was healed, he was pinched just now, and now he will be angry again.

Hearing this, Di Jiu's face became even uglier, looking at the other party with the same expression as the bottom of the pot, looking at Chen Han coldly, Du Sisi saw that the two men were fighting each other, she didn't say much. leave.

I also ran to sleep with the quilt in my arms, so I didn't bother to talk to these two people. When Tao Yaoyao woke up the next day, she saw the expressions of Di Jiu and Chen Han, "Did you fight in the field last night? Why didn't everyone sleep well?" Same?"

When Tao Yaoyao started to drink the milk, Chen Han glared at Tao Yaoyao. He had been with Tao Yaoyao for too long, and he knew Tao Yaoyao's thoughts in his heart. I throw it away,"

"..." If it's an old acquaintance, after a while, the other party will know what I'm trying to make up for?But this is really bad, and I didn't misunderstand, the two of them did act out of line yesterday.

Seeing Tao Yaoyao's expression, Chen Han's expression turned colder, "I'm still thinking wildly, I like women." Tao Yaoyao is considered a rotten woman, but not all rotten people.

For this kind of love, she is full of illusions. Tao Yaoyao went out with her things, and then made a car. After passing through the school, she took a report to report, but because the computer could not be used, it took a lot of time .

"It is true that you have your name and the admission notice. You will come to class next week just in time..." Because Tao Yaoyao's accident happened for a special reason, and the class teacher has informed them, so I don't make things too difficult for you right now. Tao Yaoyao.

Tao Yaoyao nodded when she heard this, and took a test paper and started to do the questions. Although she can enter the school, Tao Yaoyao still needs to be assessed at the moment. Tao Yaoyao's shift is rearranged.

It is important to know Tao Yaoyao's first shift. If her grades are too bad, she will only humiliate herself if she goes in. Fortunately, Tao Yaoyao has studied very hard, so there is no big problem now. .

After the assessment was over, Tao Yaoyao was going to go back, but when she was walking on the street, she suddenly heard a sound not far away, and when she turned her head, she saw the car collided with each other, and Tao Yaoyao retreated subconsciously.

Recalling in my mind, seven years ago, I was also like this. I was hit by a car, just like the car that collided in front of me. When Tao Yaoyao was backing away, she heard the sound of crying, and she couldn't help it. I was taken aback for a moment.

"Help..." Someone stretched out his hand, holding a child in his arms. Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback when she saw it, and quickly called the police, then dropped the things in her hand and ran over. The force was too great, and it was already deformed by now, Tao Yaoyao alone couldn't open the door at all.

"Child..." The people in the car stretched out their hands and slowly sent the child out. Tao Yaoyao hurriedly hugged the child, and then placed the child not far away. After looking around, she took the next building and left She began to knock on the door, with the smell of gasoline, Tao Yaoyao had a severe headache, as if she had returned to seven years ago, when her fear and anxiety were exactly the same as at this moment, there were always those fear attacks .

(End of this chapter)

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