Chapter 302 The Real World
"Toot..." Suddenly the surroundings were moving upwards. Tao Yaoyao looked around for a moment, and saw that there was a fire on the ground. When I knew it was not good, suddenly the water pipe for watering flowers and plants not far away suddenly started to spray for some reason.

Tao Yaoyao was completely drenched, and the temperature of the car dropped in an instant. Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback when she saw it, wondering if the water here was too timely, and it came a little strangely.

Later, both the ambulance and the police came, and everyone thought they were very lucky this time. At least because of the water sprayed from the water fountain, the car did not cause an explosion.

The people in those two or two cars were sent to the hospital. Tao Yaoyao's hand was burned a little, so she also went to the hospital, but she didn't expect to see Emperor Yaojiu standing not far away when she went out. The reason why she knew It was Emperor Yaojiu, because Emperor Jiu couldn't walk.

"Why are you here?" Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback when she saw the Demon Emperor Ninth Empress, but she was hugged in the next second, Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback, when she felt the other party's breath.

"You are helping me today, aren't you?" This man can control the entire network, Tao Yaoyao suddenly felt that the water came in time, could it be him who was helping?

Hearing this, Emperor Yaojiu didn't speak, just hugged Tao Yaoyao, he had been paying attention to Tao Yaoyao all the time, no matter where Tao Yaoyao went, he could find Tao Yaoyao in an instant.

Naturally, he also saw the scene of Tao Yaoyao saving people. For him, when others die, they die, and it has nothing to do with him, but Tao Yaoyao is different.

Knowing that the car would be ignited and exploded if things went on like that, he wished he could drag people away immediately, but he had no choice, as long as he entered the network, a part of himself would kill people, but it took a lot of money to save people. It is more difficult than killing people.

Where is the water sprayer, as long as he controls the network, he will immediately let the other party spray water, and this is how to save Tao Yaoyao and the others. Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback when he didn't hear Di Yaojiu's words.

However, there is that sweetness in her heart. In fact... this man is very fierce, and he often says things that want to bully her, but Tao Yaoyao feels that, except for the first time when the other party hurts herself, the next I haven't hurt myself anymore.

Right now Tao Yaoyao completely accepted Emperor Yaojiu in front of him, Emperor Yaojiu didn't say anything, but took Tao Yaoyao home directly, Tao Yaoyao was very well-behaved along the way.

On the way, he crawled to sleep in Emperor Yaojiu's arms. Emperor Yaojiu held her in his arms, stretched out his hand to caress Tao Yaoyao's cheek, sometimes he wished he could crush this woman, and wished she could know what life is better than death.

But every time...every time...he was so reluctant, in fact...he knew that he had a lot of feelings, and he couldn't pull them out even if they were in his bones. She was like his own life , Abandoning her, why not abandoning his own life.

At the same time, in a villa with the most advanced technology and the most perfect furnishings, there is a young man sitting on a chair with his eyes closed.

He closed his eyes heavily, and after a while, the electric panel not far away began to make noise, and someone walked over immediately after seeing it, "Master is about to wake up."

Hearing this, the old man who was sitting downstairs immediately ran upstairs, and at this moment the man opened his eyes slightly, the color of his eyes was glazed, with a slight confusion.

"Father, how long have I slept?" When he heard this, the 70-year-old man looked at the man and breathed a sigh of relief.

"You have been sleeping for 20 years, how did you catch it?" The man was slightly taken aback when he heard this, and stretched out his hand to rub his forehead, his head still hurt a little.

"Let it go away," and I also lost something very important, and let that girl take it away, but that girl was also ruthless, she lost all her memories on the spot, and fled away.

However, those truths are indeed very unacceptable. When he heard this, the old man couldn't help but frowned, "How is it possible, we have set up a situation like this, how could it be possible for people to run away?" ?”

"It's true that people ran away. It was easy for us to implant a virus into the other party 20 years ago, and then we started to implement the plan ten years ago. Unfortunately, it failed. Seven years ago, the number 100 had a plan. , but I didn't expect that it was also an accident, father, don't worry, you can't run away..."

The girl stole his things, nothing more than to make it impossible for him to enter the world of the Internet at one time, and she was completely thrown out at that moment, but he knew that as long as this woman is in this world, there will be a day I will be found by myself, and that man will definitely be found.

When he heard this, the old man frowned, "Hey... Forget it, if you didn't catch it, you didn't catch it, but a very strange thing happened recently, the entire network suddenly appeared two months ago The problem, I thought at first, was that you had caught it, and it was doing its last defiance,"

"Oh... that seems to be that person, and I'm finally going to find out, father, don't worry, I'll take care of it," the man said with a smile. He spent 20 years of dormancy to catch a person, and designed to calculate that thing , but I didn't expect that it would fall short in the end, and I didn't even have a chance to get back the money, and that woman... I can't find it right now, wouldn't I be too sorry for myself.

Tao Yaoyao was sleeping in the arms of Emperor Yaojiu, Princess Diyaojiu hugged Tao Yaoyao upstairs, suddenly Tao Yaoyao opened her eyes, with the data in her eyes constantly shuttling, and then looked at Emperor Yaoyao Nine.

"Go back, you can't come out again, go back... Ah Jiu..." In the empty eyes, repeating it over and over again, Emperor Yaojiu was slightly taken aback when he heard this, and looked at Tao Yaoyao.

"Did you remember, where do you want me to go back, Tao Yaoyao..." But the other party passed out again in the next second, and Di Yaojiu was almost pissed off, so he fainted after remembering this .

"Tao Yaoyao..." Di Yaojiu put Tao Yaoyao on the ground, Tao Yaoyao slightly opened her eyes, looked at Emperor Yaojiu, rubbed her own eyes, and looked around.

"You're home, what's the matter with you? You have a serious look on your face," the Emperor Yaojiu looked at Tao Yaoyao when he heard this, his eyes almost swallowed Tao Yaoyao alive.

"You just said to let me go back, do you remember?" As he said that, he grabbed Tao Yaoyao's hand, and Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback when she was caught.

"What did I remember?" I didn't remember anything at all, "Did I really forget?" But I don't know why, it feels a little weird, but I can't remember, "I...I just now What did you say?" She seemed to have forgotten something very important, but what exactly was it?
When Emperor Yaojiu heard this, his hand dropped little by little, and at that moment, looking at Tao Yaoyao's expression, with anger and grievance, he punched him directly. Tao Yaoyao closed her eyes, and saw the other party fist, hitting the wall, "You're playing tricks on me,"

"I haven't," Tao Yaoyao said.

"I can't wait to strangle you to death. If you die, I won't be like this..." In pain, she put her hand on Tao Yaoyao's neck. He pursed his lips, but suddenly his body was hugged.

"But I don't want to part with you, I just don't want to part with you..." I just don't want to part with her, I don't want to part with her alone... If the other person died long ago, but he always has nothing to do with her.

(End of this chapter)

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