Chapter 324 The Real World
"Later, the source of life was brought back. After bringing it back, my father and Yaojiu started to develop it. That thing is really amazing, with many magical abilities. If it is said that the biggest benefit for this matter is probably Ah Jiu, "

Then she looked at Di Jiu, Tao Yaoyao knew that Ah Jiu was not talking about Emperor Yao Jiu, but Di Jiu beside her, "Ah Jiu was pushed down the stairs by Mo Bai, and he died on the spot. "

"Did you die on the spot?" Tao Yaoyao stared at Di Jiu in a daze when she heard this. No matter how she looked, she was a living person, so how could she be the one who died on the spot?Di Jiu was also slightly taken aback.

"It's true that she died on the spot, but my father gave first aid to the dying Ah Jiu, and he got some idea to protect him, so he can come back to life. Right now, a chip is used in her head to control her life,"

Di Jiu was only alive now because of the chip, Di Jiu was slightly taken aback when he heard this, "Then father, am I still a human being?" If he died on the spot, would he still be alive at this moment?
"You have to ask yourself, Ah Jiu... No one can answer this for you, but you can ask yourself, are your feelings and memories real? Are you still a human being?" Di Mo Yan looked at Di Jiudao.

When Di Jiu heard this, Di Jiu was slightly taken aback. To be honest, the moment Di Jiu heard those words just now, Di Jiu felt that his whole body was in fear. Tao Yaoyao knew how frightening this fear was, so she Looked at this emperor nine.

"Then and then? Why didn't Di Yaojiu wake up?" Since Di Yaojiu woke up, why didn't Di Yaojiu wake up?When he heard this, Di Mobai looked at Tao Yaoyao.

"My skills are not as good as my father's. Among Yao Jiu and Ah Jiu, my father chose to save Ah Jiu first, but because of this, he missed the opportunity to rescue Yao Jiu, which resulted in not being able to save Yao Jiu. .But later his father put the source of life into his body, which made him fall into a deep sleep instead of death,"

But even so, I don't know where this soul went?She didn't wake up from the beginning to the end, when she heard this, Tao Yaoyao stared at Emperor Yaojiu who was not far away,
"I see," Tao Yaoyao looked at Emperor Yao Jiudao not far away, his expression was full of indescribable complexity and pity, he knew where he went, probably because he entered the Internet and his memory was cleaned That's why I don't remember anything.

Of course, there was also a possibility that the Emperor Yaojiu he knew was not the same person as the Emperor Yaojiu in front of him. If this was the case, Tao Yaoyao's face turned pale.

"Can I stay with him alone for a while?" Tao Yaoyao looked at Di Moyan and said to Di Jiu. When Di Jiu heard this, he looked at his father, and Di Moyan nodded.

"Of course it can," the person in front of him is the clearest about the ins and outs of this matter, and he really hopes that his younger brother can wake up. In fact... Di Moyan is very guilty, not only because his father The person chosen was not Di Yaojiu but Di Yaojiu's own son, and there was another reason.

At that time, I was young and frivolous, and I was always jealous of my younger brother who was favored too much. Once I went to drink with Di Mobai, and I told the story, "The source of life? What is so arrogant to use this name?" ,"

After hearing this, Di Mobai was slightly taken aback and smiled indifferently. After hearing this, Di Moyan looked at Di Mobai, "Of course you don't know, but I can tell you that that thing can It's amazing, and it was left by the meteorite back then, my father has already investigated this material for a long time, and will find something soon, "

Hearing this, Di Mobai was taken aback for a moment, looked at Di Moyan with flickering eyes and said, "My cousin also took me to have a look, and I happen to be interested too."

"Okay," Di Moyan nodded, and took Di Mobai to see it. One day Di Mobai was fascinated by watching it, and when he left, he was also reluctant to part, and he didn't care at that time.

Especially in the next few years, especially after there was no movement, Di Moyan was also a sword. I forgot about it early, but I didn't expect that one day, when I was driving home, I saw my own sword. His son was covered in blood, and so was his younger brother.

"What happened to father?" When Di Moyan looked at his father and younger brother, he couldn't help being slightly stunned, and then hugged Di Jiu.

"It's Mo Bai. Mo Bai got the information on the source of life from some unknown place. He came to snatch it and even assassinated Yao Jiu. Hurry up and I can't do it. I want to save Xiao Jiu,"

"Xiao Jiu? Who is the father?" Di Moyan looked at his father and said, one is his son and the other is his younger brother. No matter which one he is, he has no way to let go, but right now he is more selfish and hopes that he will son survives.

Yaojiu's father who mentioned this, looked at Diyaojiu and Dijiu, and finally chose to hug Dijiu in and apologize. Di Moyan couldn't forget what happened on that day.

Because Di Moyan knew very well that it was entirely because of him that Di Mobai would come to grab things. Although many years have passed, looking at Di Moyan, he still remembered that he told Di Mobai about it that day.

At this moment, Di Moyan looked at the little gangster not far away, it was all his own fault, and Tao Yaoyao at this moment didn't know the ins and outs of this, if he knew, he would definitely kick this Di Mo to death Word.

Because this is completely cheating her own younger brother, Tao Yaoyao sat aside and looked at Emperor Yaojiu, "I don't know if you still have feelings, but if the source of life in me is the font on you The source of life is the main body, so can I use the offspring of the source of life to summon you back?"

Tao Yaoyao looked at Emperor Yao Jiudao, with this light in his hand, looked at Emperor Yao Jiudao, "Ah Jiu... let me see your source of life too," she closed her eyes as she said that.

But at this moment, the light group seemed to sense Tao Yaoyao's wish, and it began to change bit by bit, and the politeness around it gradually became hotter.Tao Yaoyao looked not far away in a daze.

Seeing that everything on Emperor Yaojiu's body was flickering, he wanted to respond to Tao Yaoyao, but he seemed to be restrained by something, he couldn't get out at all, he could only continue to struggle.

Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback when she saw this, and she was pleasantly surprised, "Ah Jiu..." She stretched out her hand to cover Emperor Yaojiu's hand, "Hurry up and go back to your home, Ah Jiu, you were not Tell me, I will get married after I finish my work, now that I have finished my work, how about we get married?"

And at this moment, not far away, the bottle in Dongfang Bai's hand was vibrating strongly at the moment, and something seemed to be rushing out of the bottle. After feeling the movement of the bottle in his hand, Dongfang Bai looked at the distant place behind him. .

"It seems that you are indeed Emperor Yaojiu, my cousin," Dongfang Bai said with a smile, and pressed the hand even tighter, completely suppressing the movement in the bottle, no matter what, he would never want to run away.

(End of this chapter)

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