Chapter 325 The Real World
Tao Yaoyao intends to snatch Emperor Yaojiu back from Dongfang Bai's hands. Since she wants to snatch it back, she must be completely clear about what the other party is going to use this source of life for?
Although she probably guessed something, but she was still not clear about the ins and outs. Tao Yaoyao looked at Emperor Yaojiu, and lay down in the game room, "Are you really planning to do this?"

"Yes, although this soul was taken away by Dongfang Bai, the subconscious must still be there." Tao Yaoyao planned to enter the world of Emperor Yaojiu to dig out some things.

And Tao Yaoyao felt that Emperor Yaojiu probably knew a lot of the ins and outs, Tao Yaoyao put on the helmet, and at this moment, Di Jiu looked at Tao Yaoyao, and didn't intend to stop it. She can't stop this matter living.

"Something happened to the young master," when he was preparing for Tao Yaoyao, someone said suddenly. Hearing this, Di Jiu saw that something was wrong with the game warehouse. Suddenly it started to emit electricity, and then it continued to burn and went straight to the room. This game warehouse rushed.

At this moment, the people in the game field didn't even know that when surrounded by the electric light, Di Jiu was shaken away, and when he stood up again, he found that Tao Yaoyao was not in the game room. "Xiaoyao..." Jean disappeared out of thin air.

At this moment, Tao Yaoyao, after closing her eyes, soon entered this world, she felt that her surroundings had changed, the traffic was full of cars, and she quickly looked at the school not far away.

After Tao Yaoyao looked around, she felt that this was probably the memory of Emperor Yaojiu, but the memory was a bit off, and the time was wrong, because the place she was going to was obviously at a later time.

Tao Yaoyao wanted to know, when Dongfang Bai made a move, only Emperor Yaojiu was there, and she needed to know through Emperor Yaojiu, what happened on that day?
And how did this source of life be integrated into Emperor Yaojiu's body? Suddenly, a strong light hit, Tao Yaoyao couldn't help covering her eyes with her hands, and saw herself standing at the gate of a school, seeing Not far away, a child walked into the school holding a book.

"Bookworm, what else do you know besides reading?" As he spoke, several children pushed down the child holding the book. At this moment, the child looked five or six years old, and picked up the book with a cold expression and no words.

And Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback when she saw the other person's appearance, "Ah Jiu..." Was Ah Jiu bullied when she was a child?Tao Yaoyao suddenly felt an indescribable feeling that Ah Jiu...will be bullied.

"Hum," Tao Yaoyao heard a cold snort when she turned around, and at the moment there was a seven or eight-year-old child beside her, looking at Emperor Yaojiu with displeasure, with anger on her face, Tao Yaoyao looked at it. After looking at the child, she couldn't help thinking, because she felt that the child looked familiar.

But for a while, you can't remember who the other party is? "What are you looking at?" The doll was a bit stinky, seeing Tao Yaoyao's eyes, "Fool..." Then he turned and left.

"..." Tao Yaoyao looked at the child who turned around, and felt that the child was too bad, but she quickly said, "Di stop for me,"

"You know me? I don't know you, who are you? Could it be the paparazzi, you bastard..." Di Mobai blushed suddenly, looked at Tao Yaoyao and began to curse.

"..." Tao Yaoyao looked at the angry red face, and couldn't help but twitch the corners of her mouth. It seemed that she really did something to hurt this child, and why did Di Mobai look unhappy? ?But thinking of the bad things in the future, Tao Yaoyao didn't think it was too strange.

"That I'm not a paparazzi, you think it's necessary for me to follow you?" Tao Yaoyao said calmly, but didn't know a word to say about the doll's pain, her eyes turned red immediately, and then burst into tears fall.

"...What's wrong with you?" Tao Yaoyao watched Di Mobai cry, couldn't help but twitched the corners of her mouth, and started to coax people in a hurry, "My ancestor, I didn't mess with you, don't cry ,"

More and more people around are watching, Tao Yaoyao feels that she is a villain who bullies children, but compared to Di Mobai, she is really a good person. When she saw this Di Mobai, she sighed. Take a breath.

"Don't cry, okay, I'm following you, are so cute, so beautiful, as soon as I see you, I plan to ask you for my autograph," Tao Yaoyao's ability to talk nonsense, that But it's getting better and better.

As far as what he said right now, Di Mobai was stunned for a while, his little blushing was from embarrassment rather than from anger, he coughed a few times, "Then I will reluctantly sign for you,"

"..." Tao Yaoyao really wanted to tell Di Mobai that she really didn't need to sign, but when she saw this little kid, she couldn't help but twitch her lips. The appearance of Bai is really a trap... and it is also a trap for a brat.

"Let me sign it for you," Tao Yaoyao took something to sign for the other party, Di Mobai looked like he was taking advantage of Tao Yaoyao, Tao Yaoyao looked a little bit like slapping him, and really wanted to smack this Di Mobai.

Because to Tao Yaoyao, this Emperor Mobai is not a good person, but after seeing the seven or eight year old baby in front of her, Tao Yaoyao felt that a child of her own age could do it, so she should not be considered a human being.

After Tao Yaoyao asked for his autograph, Di Mobai left. When he entered the school, he saw that Di Yaojiu couldn't help but his expression turned cold. Both he and Di Yaojiu entered junior high school at the youngest age. , jumped directly from this elementary school.

Originally, I was good enough to jump into junior high school when I was eight years old, but suddenly came Emperor Yaojiu, and I suddenly felt that the whole person was not good, especially when I saw that the other party was like an idiot who didn't talk and would be bullied, I couldn't bear it immediately I can't stop laughing, I'm just an idiot.

"Liar..." But at this moment, she saw Tao Yaoyao walking over with a smile, her expression turned ugly, and she threw the book in her hand at it. When Tao Yaoyao saw it coming, the corners of her mouth twitched .

But Tao Yaoyao didn't care about the things in this memory. Anyway, it was a memory. Right now, she just wanted to see the cute Emperor Yaojiu, "My sister's name is Xiaoyao, and we both have the same name. Demon, hello Xiaojiu..."

"..." Tao Yaoyao's accusation was ignored, and when she saw that Emperor Yaojiu ran away without paying any attention to her, she suddenly felt bad, and felt that the baby in front of her was too hateful.

"Haha... you deserve it," Di Mobai immediately laughed when he saw it, and he had the tendency to enjoy the harm, which made Tao Yaoyao wish to slap this gloating boy.

The little kid smiled so annoyingly, and looked a little angrily at her own Emperor Yaojiu who was not far away, Tao Yaoyao felt that the Emperor Yaojiu in her memory was really not easy to flirt with, and everyone else said An older doll should call her sister with a smile on her face, and then beg for a hug. Well, it should be because she thinks too much. Those are impossible things, because she doesn't even talk about it, let alone hug her. up.

(End of this chapter)

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