Chapter 327 The Real World
Tao Yaoyao finally calmed down the little kid, she sighed immediately, and the little kid took her hand, "You can't go, I'm afraid..." She looked at Tao Yaoyao pitifully, Tao Yao Yao said that this Emperor Mobai really made her face bloody.

Tao Yaoyao coughed, wondering if she was being too kind to Di Mobai right now, this kid tricked herself, but after seeing the other party's expression, Tao Yaoyao couldn't say what she didn't want, no matter what, Eh……

Forget it, he was just a child right now, so he followed his will, and when he heard that Tao Yaoyao would not leave, Di Mobai immediately became happy, secretly thinking in his heart, as long as it was something belonging to Emperor Yaojiu, he would snatch it.

This elder sister in front of him cared so much about Di Yaojiu, and it was even more impossible for him to let it go. In fact, Di Mobai, this little brat, knew clearly from the very beginning that Tao Yaoyao was not after him at all, because he could She saw Tao Yaoyao standing outside the door for a long time, and her eyes were all on that Emperor Yaojiu.

Thinking viciously in her heart, why should everyone treat Di Yaojiu well instead of herself? He won't let Di Yaojiu get all the benefits. Seeing Di Mobai's expression, Tao Yaoyao knelt down and beat him. make fun of.

Now that I came here secretly, I don't know if I would hate being scared in the daytime, but when I saw Di Mobai, I couldn't help sighing, and stretched out my arms to hug Di Mobai.

Di Mobai felt slightly taken aback by the other person's movements, very gentle and warm, different from his mother's feeling, but with another kind of indescribable peace of mind, feeling very good.

Back to the present, Dongfang Bai left after failing to snatch Di Yaojiu's body, but he didn't intend to give up, and leaned back on the chair drowsily, having a dream.

There are some vague people in his memory, so he couldn't help rubbing his forehead. He remembered Tao Yaoyao's appearance, which was based on the appearance of the woman he had met when he was a child.

For that woman, Dongfang Bai shook her head. After she gave up the name Di Mobai, her memory became more and more blurred, and she got up immediately, "What is it?"

When I went out, I walked not far away, and when I came to a room, I started to take out the bottle in my hand, and after putting it into a robot, I smiled, "Why don't you wake up?"

"K..." The robot opened its eyes, looked at Dongfang Bai with indifferent eyes, and immediately started to move, but soon found that its hands and feet could not move at all. It was just an empty robot with a head. Accessories are almost all falling apart.

"Don't struggle, look...we are brothers after all, and it hurts me to see you like this," Di Yaojiu couldn't help but sneer when he said this.

"I don't remember having a brother." From the time of birth, he was in the vast network world, where he didn't have any memory, but he learned quickly.

The things in the network were quickly absorbed by him. At the beginning, he went to many places, especially various forbidden places on the Internet, and those places set up firewalls and the like.

But for Emperor Yaojiu, those are just like false moves, which have no hindrance to him. Later, he has a network administrator, and he starts to deal with him, but he can't catch himself every time.

Not long after, the network administrator had nothing to do with him. K appeared out of thin air and began to arrest him, but he was not a fool, so he would not be arrested, but because seven years ago, role-playing game.

Because of the appearance of this game, he felt very familiar, and very...familiar, so he entered the role-playing game, but he didn't expect that he would be discovered just after entering the game, but because his memory was sealed after entering the game, Right now, as long as he doesn't take the initiative to die, K has nothing to do with him.

Unexpectedly, he miscalculated Tao Yaoyao after thousands of calculations. When he saw Dongfang Bai, Emperor Yaojiu looked cold, "What about Xiaoyao?"

"Of course she is in the Emperor's house. It seems that you really don't remember anything, but that's right, it would be strange if you still remember, my cousin..." Looking at Emperor Yaojiu, Dongfang Bai laughed laughed.

Hearing this, Emperor Yaojiu couldn't help but frowned and looked at the person in front of him. He always felt that the person in front of him gave him a very weird feeling, but he couldn't know what was weird for a while. Are you familiar?Or not familiar?
And after Di Yaojiu talked to Dongfang Bai, Di Yaojiu watched Dongfang Bai leave, and when Di Yaojiu tried to escape, he felt that this robot was probably specially made for him, and then used to Imprisoned himself.

Thinking of this, Emperor Yaojiu couldn't help but look bad, he had what Dongfang Bai wanted in him, and Tao Yaoyao also had it in him, but he didn't know what was going on with Tao Yaoyao now?

When he was worried about Tao Yaoyao, Emperor Yaojiu was also thinking about how to run out, but at this moment, Dongfang Bai looked around after going out, "Look, let's inquire about the news of the Emperor's family."

Tao Yaoyao thought that he must take it back, and wanted to put it on Tao Yaoyao right now, but he didn't keep it for a long time, there was always a chance to snatch it back.

"Young Master Hui has received news from the Emperor's house, saying...the girl you want to see, something happened, she disappeared out of thin air after entering the laboratory yesterday,"

It did disappear out of thin air, and they didn't know where they went. The person who sent the news only said that there was a lot of movement in the basement one day. When they went in to clean things up, they found that there were a lot of things inside. They were all burnt out, especially in a game warehouse, which was even more messy, especially the girl whom the young master asked to pay attention to was not among them.

"Disappeared? What kind of tricks is this girl playing with me?" Because Tao Yaoyao has too many criminal records, Dongfang Bai doesn't believe that Tao Yaoyao will disappear without any reason.

"Go and keep an eye on the Emperor's house," that girl must still be at the Emperor's house, but she doesn't know where she is now?Could it be that he realized that there was someone secretly in the Emperor's house, so he deliberately avoided him?
It was not impossible for this possibility, and he couldn't help frowning immediately, so he didn't pay much attention to it, but let his subordinates speed up to find Tao Yaoyao.

When everyone went down, Dongfang Bai looked at the photo on his desk. In the photo was a woman wearing a dress with an angry look on her face, and the person reflected in the mirror behind her was a seven or eight-year-old The child had a bad look on his face. When he saw this scene, Dongfang Bai's eyes gradually softened.

"Sure enough, no matter who they are, as long as they look the same, they are all virtuous." Tao Yaoyao and that woman are both virtuous, but her tone is full of helplessness and sigh that she didn't realize.

(End of this chapter)

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