Chapter 328 The Real World
When Tao Yaoyao woke up, she saw the baby in her arms blinking and looking at her, Tao Yaoyao immediately put her down, "It hurts me to death,"

Tao Yaoyao looked at this Di Mobai and complained, she hugged this stinky boy for a whole day, she was really uncomfortable at the moment, after hearing this complaint, Di Mobai curled her lips and looked unhappy .

"What's your reaction? I let you sleep in my arms to save face, hmph... If I hadn't looked at you and treated me well, I would have found someone to arrest you a long time ago," said Di Mobai, the ungrateful The action seems to be very skilled.

"...Then, do I want to thank you for not arresting me?" Tao Yaoyao said with a few words, when he heard the lantern, Di Mobai nodded with a stinky face, Tao Yaoyao didn't bother to pay attention to this stinky The fart child still intends to find Emperor Yaojiu, but compared to this little brat, Emperor Yaojiu is the one he is looking for.

"What do you want to do?" Di Mobai said coldly after seeing Tao Yaoyao, Tao Yaoyao made a face, then turned and left, seeing Tao Yaoyao leave, Di Mobai's face became ugly.

"Woooo..." Tao Yaoyao heard the crying behind her just as she was leaving, she couldn't help being slightly taken aback, and when she turned her head, she saw the grievance on Di Mobai's face, and saw the poor little Di Mobai , Tao Yaoyao wondered if she had done something terrible to make her cry so sadly.

Tao Yaoyao looked at Emperor Mobai, "Don't cry, I'm hungry, I'm going out to find something to eat, my little ancestor, I really owe you," but in fact it was Emperor Mobai I owe myself.

Tao Yaoyao hugged Di Mobai, and Di Mobai sat on Tao Yaoyao's injured leg and sobbed. When he looked at Tao Yaoyao, he was so pitiful. Tao Yaoyao also wanted to cry. , It doesn't matter if you smoke him yourself.

But right now, this brat is so pitiful that he can't move at all. Tao Yaoyao feels that if he really wants to move, this brat can cry to himself, and when he cries, you are not bored, but It broke your heart.

"You bully me," Di Mobai cried, Tao Yaoyao sighed, the amount of money this Di Mobai came to cure her, otherwise how could she be so helpless by this brat right now.

"I didn't bully you, good boy, don't cry, I feel sorry for you crying like this... No wonder don't cry," Tao Yaoyao said calmly, this brat, if he keeps crying like this, his heart will be broken .

"You promise me that you can't bully me anymore. In fact, I'm easy to coax. As long as you can't afford to bully me, I won't cry. And I'm very cute, even better than Emperor Yaojiu. You just need to like me." Already," Di Mobai said.

"..." So you brat, you have held grudges since you were young, and how long have you carried this grudge?Tao Yaoyao looked at Di Mobai speechlessly, and felt that when this baby cheats on you, it makes you itch with hatred, and when he doesn't cheat on you, crying makes you feel heartbroken.

"...o(*////▽////*)q" Although I feel distressed because of the good looks of this baby, it really has nothing to do with me. Who made this little kid grow up? It's so cute that I can't hate it when I look at it, it's a sin, it's all beauty.

Tao Yaoyao looked at Di Mobai, Di Mobai secretly went to get food for Tao Yaoyao, the second uncle of the emperor beat Di Mobai yesterday, but he didn't care about Di Mobai, as long as Di Mobai didn't talk to Di Yaojiu In contrast, Second Uncle Di still cherishes this child very much.

At this moment, after Tao Yaoyao was eating, she looked at Di Mobai, "Aren't you afraid that I'm a bad person? A human trafficker who specializes in abducting and selling children?" Tao Yaoyao became fierce as she spoke.

"Sister, I'm not afraid," Di Mobai complained in his heart, it's not true at all, what's more, if it's really a human trafficker, how can he have the patience to coax himself, and he's a posturing master.

"So cute," Tao Yaoyao was moved a bit, and felt that it was better when Di Mobai was a child. Look at this pure and lovely appearance, no matter how you look at it, she is a cute baby. When thinking of Emperor Yaojiu, she sighed. He committed a crime, why would Emperor Yaojiu not let himself feel better.

Because this Emperor Yaojiu is very indifferent to her right now, Tao Yaoyao sometimes wonders if she did something wrong?That's why the doll ignored him.

Di Mobai was going to school, Tao Yaoyao followed, but Di Mobai was not there, so Tao Yaoyao went to find Di Yaojiu without saying a word, after looking for Di Yaojiu, she saw him sitting in the corner obediently While reading, Tao Yaoyao swallowed when she saw that cute little girl.

I really didn't blame my aunt, but when I saw my sweetheart turned into a baby, and she was so soft and cute, she expressed that she couldn't bear it, as if she was going to compare this doll, and then rubbed it hard.

Tao Yaoyao coughed a bit, and felt that she was a strange aunt, it was indeed too embarrassing, she had to change it, otherwise what would happen later.

When Tao Yaoyao saw Emperor Yaojiu, "Ah sister thinks your candy is delicious," Tao Yaoyao found no reason to strike up a conversation and ate the candy again.

Di Yaojiu looked at her with weird eyes for three seconds. During those three seconds, Tao Yaoyao felt ashamed of her old face, because the eyes of Di Yaojiu seemed to say, your boss is not young, and you always want me Candy, have you forgotten that you're an adult?What about your dignity as an adult?How did your grown-up do it?

The total emotions inside made Tao Yaoyao's teeth ache, this... Is there still time for me to run now?But right now, Emperor Yaojiu is right in front of her, because she came into someone else's memory, and she doesn't know how to leave. Tao Yaoyao said that she wants to have fun with Emperor Yaojiu and build a good relationship. Everything about Jiu, when he meets Emperor Yao Jiu in the future, all of this black history will be captured by him.

Sometimes Tao Yaoyao doesn't know that it's not the black history of Emperor Yaojiu right now, but the black history she wishes to erase in the future. Emperor Yaojiu feels that Tao Yaoyao is pitiful, so she gives Tao Yaoyao candy again.

After Tao Yaoyao ate the candy, "I will be yours from now on, I ate your candy, and I will follow you in the future, Ajiu..." She smiled and looked at Emperor Yaojiu with her white teeth.

"...(`Д)!!" Di Yaojiu looked at Tao Yaoyao in shock, feeling that this woman was playing tricks on her, she lowered her head and didn't speak, but she obviously felt that she was being bullied.

"Xiao Jiu is so cute," Tao Yaoyao pinched Emperor Yao Jiu's cheek, thinking that children are easy to deceive, and now that she is soft-spoken, she can use this as an excuse.

"You are too much, I also gave you food, you eat mine first, you belong to me," Di Mobai was very angry, as expected, he did not look at this woman, so she empathized and abandoned herself to find her. Emperor Yao is nine.

Tao Yaoyao thinks her head is big, Di Mobai, don't you yaya always hinder me from teasing Emperor Yaojiu, you must know that such a small and cute doll can only be seen in the future when she gives birth to a baby, right now When you arrive, you will naturally love it.

But soon the old man blushed, thinking that he was thinking too much, and now he didn't know where he was, but he was thinking about getting married in the future, even Tao Yaoyao couldn't help but feel shy.

(End of this chapter)

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