Chapter 355 The Real World
Tao Yaoyao followed Dongfang Bai to find Emperor Yaojiu in the car. While sitting in the car, Dongfang Bai's expression gradually came back from his contemplation, and he looked at Tao Yaoyao beside him, "Where did the empress hide her?" Where is it?"

Tao Yaoyao was sitting in the car, looking at the scenery outside, she couldn't help being slightly taken aback, "This familiar..." Even after decades, many scenes have changed, but there is still a general model.

The general appearance is still in it, and it will not be unrecognizable. After Tao Yaoyao looked around, she couldn't help pursing her lips. Of course she recognized these. The place where Mo Bai was kidnapped?

After talking, Tao Yaoyao looked around, and it really was the place back then. When seeing all this, Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback, Dongfang Bai looked at Tao Yaoyao, and brought Tao Yaoyao up Upstairs, when I went upstairs, I saw a place where there was a burning smell everywhere.

After seeing these, Tao Yaoyao couldn't help being slightly stunned, "Here... I didn't expect you to choose this place," feeling a little bit emotional when looking at this place, Dongfang Bai looked at it after hearing it look around here.

"This is where you and Xiaobai left, I'll keep it... go up," said and took Tao Yaoyao upstairs, but she frowned quickly, smelling the pungent smell of blood, Soon Tao Yaoyao also smelled it, and then ran upstairs quickly, and was slightly taken aback when she found blood on the ground after going upstairs.

"Did something happen?" Tao Yaoyao asked, Dongfang Bai did not return to Tao Yaoyao, but Tao Yaoyao also knew that the matter was not simple, so she followed behind cautiously.

Suddenly her body froze, because someone was holding the gun behind her, Tao Yaoyao stopped after feeling the hardness, Dongfang Bai's eyes were the same, after turning her head, Tao Yaoyao saw a The tall man pointed at himself with a gun.

At this moment, Tao Yaoyao immediately raised her hand after seeing the big man, and at this moment, Dongfang Bai also retreated to Tao Yaoyao's side. The two leaned against the quilt and looked at each other, "Don't be impulsive , I am just a weak woman, don't be too impulsive, I surrender, you can catch him if you want, it has nothing to do with me..."

Tao Yaoyao smiled and said, Dongfang Bai looked at Tao Yaoyao, also with a cold face, but at the moment the big man pointed a gun at the two of them, smiled coldly, and began to push Tao Yaoyao, but Unexpectedly, Tao Yaoyao and Dongfang Bai will be in the next second.

Dongfang Bai and Tao Yaoyao squatted down quickly, and then directly replaced each other, and at this moment, Tao Yaoyao did the same. After the two cooperated to clean up the people, Dongfang Bai and Tao Yaoyao walked into the room , found a headless robot left in the room, and couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

"Ajiu? Don't tell me, Ajiu, you lost it," Tao Yaoyao looked at Dongfang Baidao after her face turned ugly, and stretched out her hand to grab the opponent's hand, while Tao Yaoyao's expression turned cold now, "Let me tell you, Xiaobai won't last long. If you want Xiaobai to live, will you give me the Emperor Yaojiu?"

Tao Yaoyao couldn't see the Emperor Yaojiu, she felt very uncomfortable and anxious, "Did you give the Emperor Yaojiu to that man, did you... by the used it to catch Xiaobai and Ah Jiu?" What the hell is it?"

To be able to trap the other party right now, there must be something, but Dongfang Bai didn’t have this thing at the beginning, and now it must be obtained from the man in brown clothes, and when he heard this, Dongfang Bai looked at it. This peach is Yaoyao.

"Don't get excited, I'll tell you about this later, I'll track it down first," Dare to deceive herself, she will never let the other party succeed at the moment, when she heard this, Tao Yaoyao suppressed her anger Go down, look at Dongfang Bai, and wait for the other party to give me an answer.

Dongfang Bai quickly went to check it, while Tao Yaoyao was sitting, but she couldn't help being slightly taken aback when she saw the photo beside her, the person in the photo was himself, and the person who looked the same at the moment was Di Mobai, Childhood age.

Dongfang Bai was slightly taken aback when he saw Tao Yaoyao, and then got up directly, "I'm connected, let's go... I will tell you what you need to know slowly on the way, don't worry... I will won't hide from you,"

Dongfang Bai looked at Tao Yaoyao and said, Tao Yaoyao got up immediately, and then went directly to the car, Dongfang Bai looked at Tao Yaoyao, Tao Yaoyao also stared at Dongfang Bai, waiting for the other party to give him an answer, Dongfang Bai sighed Take a breath.

"What you want to know, you have to talk about it from the past, but... how long can Xiaobai hold on now? You must find the Emperor Yao Jiuqian before me, and protect Xiaobai for me, otherwise... I will not Ajiu who will save you." For Dongfang Bai, the person she wants to protect right now is Xiaobai, although...he has a heart for Tao Yaoyao, but he has nowhere for Emperor Yaojiu.

Because he wanted to kill Emperor Yaojiu from the very beginning, and his killing intent never diminished. When he heard this, Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback, and looked at Dongfang Bai with that anger in his eyes.

"If you didn't mess around in the first place, this matter... Forget it, it's your fault or my fault, it's not clear, Di Mobai, do you know that I know you hate Emperor Yaojiu, but Emperor Yaojiu is the same with you, you can’t pretend that your childhood was miserable, and just force it on Ah Jiu. This matter has nothing to do with Ah Jiu. Listen, I'm tired,"

Tao Yaoyao didn't intend to say anymore, "But if something happens to Ah Jiu, I won't let it go, Xiaobai is relying on Ah Jiu for help now, if you want Xiaobai to stay alive, you have to take me Go to Ah Jiu and tell me how you united with that man back then? Otherwise, I won’t be polite,”

Tao Yaoyao also doesn't want to worry about Di Mobai right now, how much she hates Emperor Yaojiu, this unreasonable anger and resentment, Tao Yaoyao feels that Di Mobai found the wrong person, because it was not Di Mobai's fault from the beginning to the end.

When he heard this, Dongfang Bai looked at Tao Yaoyao in a daze, "You are biased towards Emperor Yaojiu, so you will naturally speak for Emperor Yaojiu, but don't worry... Xiaobai's life is in my eyes It's much more valuable than the man in front of you, Emperor Yaojiu, "

After so many years, decades, and decades of hard work for this matter, it is naturally impossible to watch him fall short. As for Emperor Yaojiu... he came back and rescued him. Look at this Taoyao Yao, when she saw Tao Yaoyao's face, she couldn't help being slightly taken aback, "Xiaoyao... I suddenly understand that many things are indeed predestined."

They met Tao Yaoyao for the first time when they were young, and the first time Tao Yaoyao saw them was in the Internet world, as if it was already doomed, Tao Yaoyao's arrival involved the whole thing, Tao Yaoyao didn't speak when she heard this, but she didn't refute the predestined matter, it was indeed predestined.

But at this moment, Dongfang Bai is telling Tao Yaoyao that he was still Emperor Mobai. At that time, he stole the source of life and killed Emperor Yaojiu. Regarding the matter of Yao Naren, Di Mobai was also taken aback by the fact that that person was still alive, because the other party was logically said to be a charred corpse.

(End of this chapter)

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