Chapter 356 The Real World
The source of life is in his hands, Di Mobai... just looking at the source of life in his hands, when he killed Di Yaojiu, there was not much problem for Di Mobai, for him, it was just It's just killing a person.

"This is the source of life?" Di Mobai held the source of life, for some reason, it feels familiar?Still having that kindness, Di Mobai soon shook his head, feeling that he was thinking too much, holding this thing in his hands, "Xiaobai..."

But he found the source of life, but he still couldn't go to Xiaobai, and couldn't find that woman?That woman disappeared together with Xiao Bai, and she has never come out no matter what. For Di Mobai, this is not a very good thing.

At first, he thought that when he killed Emperor Yaojiu, that woman would come out, but obviously he was thinking too much right now, and the other party still didn't come out, so it could only mean that the other party was dead.

Because according to how much that woman likes Di Yaojiu, it is impossible to ignore Di Yaojiu's life and death, can I save Xiaobai?When returning to this piece of ruins, Di Mobai looked at everything around him.

Thinking of the day when Xiaobai and Tao Yaoyao disappeared out of thin air, Di Mobai was filled with indescribable sadness, still holding the things in his hand, "How can I save you?"

"Let's see who this is. It turns out to be Di Mobai...I didn't expect to grow so big," and at this moment, Di Mobai soon heard a voice from behind him. Bai was slightly taken aback.

Soon he looked at a man who was more than one point brown, and at this moment, after seeing the man's appearance, Di Mobai's eyes suddenly twisted, and he immediately took a knife to kill him.

"Don't be impulsive, it was my fault at the beginning, but we can cooperate, don't you want to save that little girl? But the source of life in your hand is not genuine, it's just a defective product separated from the other party so Naturally, there is no way to save the person you want to save," the man in brown clothes looked at Di Mobai and said.

When he said this, Di Mobai's eyes were cold, "You would be so kind to cooperate with me? If it wasn't for you, nothing would happen between Xiaobai and that woman,"

He didn't like to be called Tao Yaoyao by the same name as Emperor Yaojiu, Xiaoyao, but kept calling that woman, maybe because he was used to it, and in the end he even forgot her original name, just knew that she was that woman That's all, or else it's Xiaobai's mother.

But at this moment when Di Mobai made a move, the man in brown clothes smiled and said, "Don't be impulsive, I said I didn't want to fight with you, we are here to cooperate, what you have in your hand can let you enter the Internet The world of the world, and the person you want to catch right now is also in this online world, that is the true owner of the source of life, as long as you catch it, the two people you want to save can be saved, if you are not careful You can research it yourself, I will only tell you so much, but if you want to arrest someone, you can come to me, and I will provide you with what you want to arrest,"

Said the man in the brown clothes disappeared, after seeing this, Di Mobai was slightly taken aback, for a person who disappeared out of thin air, it was like seeing a ghost, with that cold look on his face, Di Mobai held the dagger Put it away, because Di Mobai likes to carry things for self-defense on himself because he has been kidnapped before.

Di Mobai didn't believe this, but right now... he went back and studied it. After studying it for a long time, he found that it was indeed possible to enter the world of the Internet. Finally, he built a world in the underwater world, and anyone in that world The network can't stand it.

Without any surveillance, the most important thing for Di Mobai to deal with during that period was his father, "Father, don't worry, wait for me to come out and you'll be done,"

Sitting on this chair, wearing a helmet, and covering his body with electricity, so that no one can mess with his body. Although the person in front of him is his father, to Di Mobai, this father is comparable to Other outsiders are almost the same, they are all people who want their own lives, and they have to guard against them.

At the last moment, he went to the man to ask for something, "I didn't expect you to agree so quickly, it really surprised me, don't worry if you cooperate with me, I will satisfy you, this is for you... This thing, you can catch him, "

Hearing the word "he", Di Mobai frowned, but he didn't ask too much, but directly entered the virtual world. Di Mobai felt very curious about that world, and everything he asked was very curious .

"This is the world of the Internet." By connecting to the major networks, you can see everyone's privacy, and it's easy for everyone to talk to you as long as you think about it. After seeing the funeral of the emperor's family, I couldn't help but He kept smiling, with a cold expression on his face.

I also saw that Emperor Jiu survived with the chip at the end, and when I saw Emperor Yaojiu lying on the chair with a pale face, lifeless, the corner of his mouth couldn't help smiling, and then walked straight forward.

"Who are you?" Soon there was a stern voice. Hearing this voice, Di Mobai was slightly taken aback, and saw a shadow appearing not far away, making it difficult to see the person.

"I... Di Mobai... No, I am K, I came to this online world to find something," he was no longer Di Mobai, the moment he killed Di Yaojiu, he was no longer Di Mobai, he was K... K of the K Group, was slightly taken aback when he heard this.

"Di Mobai? K, you are a human being, what are you doing in this world? You humans have human affairs, this is our world, get out... don't disturb it," the world of the Internet has its own set of security procedures, Wouldn't it be a mess if anyone could break in.

Hearing this, K said, "I'm just looking for something. I'm a rambunctious thing. You should know where it is. It's very special..." K's words made the shadow slightly stunned.

"You're talking about the latest virus. It's really special. It's very messy. I can't do anything. If you're looking for this thing, I can help you catch it, but you have to leave after you catch it. "The latest virus refers to the Emperor Demon Nine.

Emperor Yaojiu is now like a newborn baby, causing great harm. Right now, the network administrator has already detected the other party's whereabouts and has been planning to arrest him, but there is no way... The other party is too cunning, they There is no way to catch it at all.

"Yes, that's it, I'm here to catch it," although I don't know what the latest virus is?But K still nodded immediately, no matter what?Right now, I want to take a step forward, grab it and take it back, or use this virus to let myself live in this Internet world.

It is also because of this reason that the pursuit has been staged for more than ten and twenty years, and in these years, K almost caught and ran away every time. In the end, K planned to use code-generated people to kill the virus, but still No way, and this code was finally formed to number one hundred.

The birth of the hundredth number was an accident, but when he was trying to embarrass the other party, he accidentally set the woman's appearance. In fact...he didn't know why?Maybe it was because of the system configuration she chose, or maybe it was made by herself, because... K came back to his senses, and the appearance of No. [-] was almost exactly the same as that woman.

(End of this chapter)

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