Chapter 373 The Real World
Tao Yaoyao wanted to fix Xiaobai, so naturally she had to sit on a lot of things, and what she had to do now was to take Xiaobai out. She didn't know how Di Yaojiu was going to save Xiaobai, because there was no one to see, And at this moment, after Xiaobai was taken out, Tao Yaoyao took out the phone and sat in the room, because Emperor Yaojiu wanted to save Xiaobai, Dongfang Bai could follow at this moment, and kept guarding for fear that Emperor Yaojiu would go out to do something , thus implicating his Xiaobai.

After Tao Yaoyao made the call, she smiled and said, "Samsara..." Tao Yaoyao was calling Samsara's number right now, and when she heard Tao Yaoyao's voice, Samsara couldn't help being slightly taken aback, obviously she didn't expect it Tao Yaoyao would make a phone call to come to him, and suddenly he felt a little embarrassed, but he was still very happy to see what Tao Yaoyao had with him, because he really wanted to know how Tao Yaoyao chose right now?
"I didn't expect you to call me. It seems that you have encountered something. Come and tell me, what happened to you?" Samsara said while drinking red wine, and Chen Han who was not far away heard the voice of Samsara Afterwards, she was taken aback for a moment, even if she didn't need to think about it, she knew that the person on the other end of the phone was Tao Yaoyao, because right now this mobile phone has only called Tao Yaoyao, it is impossible for others to know this number?But why did Tao Yaoyao find Samsara at this time?Do you know that Samsara has always wanted the lives of Tao Yaoyao and others?
"I know a little bit, but I want to meet you. In reincarnation, I want to clarify one thing. Why did Emperor Yaojiu kill me? Although there are some precursors, I still want to know clearly so that I can make a judgment." Tao Yaoyao smiled and said, it will take four or five days for Emperor Yaojiu to repair Xiaobai, and it happens that he can take care of some things right now, so...he is looking for this reincarnation, Tao Yaoyao's eyes are cold, and the corner of his mouth But said, "It's about my life and my lover, you have to give me a good answer,"

Tao Yaoyao's words made Samsara couldn't help but smiled and said, "Oh, if you want to see me, I'll give you my address." Regarding Tao Yaoyao's reaction, Samsara was not too surprised, people... are all greedy. People who are afraid of death, as long as they threaten their own lives, they will start to become distorted, even if they are in love with others at the beginning, so what?It can't change a person's mood of not wanting to die, because he doesn't want to die, so it will be distorted now, Tao Yaoyao's choice of reincarnation is not too surprising.

But at this moment Tao Yaoyao hung up the phone, and then leaned on this chair, the matter of reincarnation was unclear, but she still needed to figure it out, because in many cases, not all of the lies were lies, There will also be truths, and right now... Tao Yaoyao intends to find out the truth from the lies. Tao Yaoyao took a sip of wine, then put the phone down in the bathroom to take a bath, thinking of Emperor Yao When I was nine, I felt warm in my heart, and I dealt with hidden dangers by myself.

She doesn't want to involve Emperor Yaojiu, if she can, she hopes that she can handle this matter well, there is a stone hanging on her neck, and this stone is a meteorite, since the meteorite can find Emperor Yaojiu now, she can definitely find this Reincarnation, she has always been revengeful, so it is naturally impossible for her to let the other party go, but she intends to take revenge, and she is stared at by others every day, right now... naturally she must return it well, otherwise she will not call Tao Yaoyao died.

At this moment, Samsara was sitting in the room, and Chen Han looked at Samsara, "Ancestor, you must be lying, right? Otherwise..." It should be deceiving, intending to make Tao Yaoyao turn against the other party, When he heard this, Samsara looked at Chen Han. Chen Han lowered his head and didn't dare to meet the other's gaze, as if he would be swallowed alive if he met the other's gaze. Panicked, he lowered his head and his hands began to tremble.

"What was the feeling just now?" Samsara got up and looked at Chen Han, and when Samsara's hand patted his body, Chen Han couldn't help being slightly taken aback, hesitating whether he should say, " Tell me, I want to know what your feelings are? Come on, don't be afraid... tell me, what it is like, and I will tell you too, is what I told Tao Yaoyao true? "

These words are very tempting. After Chen Han hesitated for a while, "I'm very scared," just now I felt as if death was approaching for a moment, and the blood all over my body was coagulated, which is very frightening and frightening , It's an indescribable feeling, what kind of feeling... makes people... tremble uncontrollably, it's... the threat of death, he just thought that reincarnation was going to kill him?But why didn't he feel that way again at this moment? Could it be that he was testing himself just now?

"You're right. It's the feeling of fear, fear of death, fear of threats. Right now, Tao Yaoyao should feel the same way, because...that's what we are, and we will essentially threaten people inexplicably. Right now, Tao Yaoyao Yao should have felt it too, that's why she came to me." The threat will be felt subconsciously, and when the feeling is in the end, people will be on guard. Humans are the most vulnerable things. Under this kind of guarding, Feelings are like bubbles right now, and they will burst with just a touch.

Chen Han was slightly taken aback when he heard this, and looked at the reincarnation, "Will Xiaoyao die?" Chen Han was very worried about Tao Yaoyao, and he was very concerned about Tao Yaoyao at the moment. Looking at Chen Han, Chen Han lowered his head and didn't dare to meet Samsara's gaze. He couldn't help feeling scared, "Old ancestor, you promised me just now," but the matter related to Tao Yaoyao was still He couldn't help saying something, he wanted to know if Tao Yaoyao would be in danger, and wanted to know if what the man in front of him said was true?

Samsara looked at Chen Han who was full of fear, but when he wanted to ask himself something, he grabbed Chen Heng's chin, and Samsara watched the fear spread in Chen Han's eyes, and at this moment, Samsara smiled, "You Do you still want to know?" Chen Han gritted his teeth fiercely, and after reincarnating for a while, he looked at Chen Han, and he didn't understand Chen Han.

"You really like that girl." If you didn't really like that girl, I'm afraid he would have been cowardly by now, but when he heard this, Chen Han didn't say anything, because he liked Tao Yaoyao very much, even if Tao Yaoyao It's not that he loves himself, but he also likes Tao Yaoyao. Samsara looked at Chen Han's eyes, and for some reason, he was so embarrassed in his heart, and soon became angry, and directly threw him away.

"Get out..." At that moment, Chen Han didn't even know how he had offended the person in front of him, otherwise how could he be fine one second, but let himself get out the next second, really very sad It made people feel strange. Although it was strange, Chen Han still didn't stay, but left directly. After the person left, the eyes of Samsara gradually turned into ice, "Damn... people are fragile in the first place. , After a lot of rhetoric, in the end, it’s not for oneself, abandoning all that, betraying... What a shame, this is human beings.”

After Tao Yaoyao got out of the shower, she saw a bright light on the mobile phone not far away. She held it up and looked at it. After seeing the text on it, she couldn't help being slightly taken aback, "Skyline Hotel... ..." When she saw the words Skyline Hotel, Tao Yaoyao immediately changed her clothes and went out. When she was going out, Mother Tao happened to be sitting at the door chatting with Du Sisi. After getting better, I can get out of bed, and I was slightly taken aback when I saw Tao Yaoyao.

"Xiaoyao, what are you going to do?" She was dressed in black, and she was wearing a coat. For a moment, I don't know why?Feeling that the other party must have gone out for something, something very dangerous, he immediately got up and took Tao Yaoyao.

"What are you doing?" When looking at Tao Yaoyao, Du Sisi said, "You have to go out and don't mess with Xiaoyao." Mother Tao was slightly taken aback, and looked at Tao Yaoyao and Du Sisi. Sisi didn't know what she was talking about, but even though she didn't know, she could still see Du Sisi's worried expression and frowned.

"Xiaoyao, what are you going out for?" Mother Tao looked at her daughter, it's past ten o'clock, what are you going out for now? "Did something happen? Like this... old man... old man, come out quickly, Xiaoyao is going out by herself, hurry up and follow Xiaoyao," said Taoyao, looking at Tao Yaoyao, " Xiaoyao asked your father to go out with you, it's too dangerous for you to go out alone."

Mother Tao felt that it was too dangerous for Tao Yaoyao to go out alone at the moment, but if she let her husband follow her, it would be more or less safer. Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback when she heard this, and saw that Father Tao had left When I came out, I couldn't help but twitched the corners of my mouth when I saw Papa Tao, "Mom... I made an appointment with a few friends, and I'll be back soon, Si Si, don't think too much, I'll go first, friends are all girls, don't come with me, will embarrass us, "

(End of this chapter)

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