Chapter 374 The Real World
It is impossible for Tao Yaoyao to take her father out at the moment, and get into the car directly after speaking, Du Sisi couldn't help frowning when she saw this man leave, but she didn't know what to do?Right now, Dongfangbai and the others have all disappeared (repair Xiaobai said that something happened to go out), so Du Sisi has no way to find them, but now Tao Yaoyao went out alone again, and she was very worried.

After Tao Yaoyao got on the bus, she went to the Skyline Hotel, and when she got to the Skyline Hotel, she went straight inside. The Skyline Hotel is currently the property of the Chen family. As soon as Tao Yaoyao arrived, someone took her into the most luxurious room. In the room, there is already someone sitting in the room right now, and this person is Samsara, and there is Chen Han beside Samsara, Chen Han looks at Tao Yaoyao with a worried expression, to be honest, he doesn't want Tao Yaoyao Yao will encounter any danger, and she doesn't want Tao Yaoyao to be harmed.

"I'm just a woman, do you need such a big battle? People who don't know think you're going to catch some big shot, but right now it's just me," Tao Yaoyao said with a smile, and then sat down directly At the table, someone came in with food at this moment. After looking at the dishes, Chen Han asked the waiter to go out. No one was allowed to come in without his explanation. The waiter nodded and closed the door.

Only Tao Yaoyao, Samsara and the others were left in the room, and Samsara looked at Tao Yaoyao, "You're brave enough by yourself, aren't you afraid that I'll catch you and threaten Emperor Yaojiu? Words are lies," Tao Yaoyao came alone, to be honest, Samsara was a little surprised, this woman's courage is really good, so she suppressed... she dared to come alone, but she really surprised herself.

When Tao Yaoyao heard this, she looked at the other party with a smile, brushed her hair and said, "Why didn't you dare to come? I'm not the one you want to eat, so why don't I dare to come now?" What Tao Yaoyao said was wrong, Samsara was going to eat Emperor Yaojiu and Xiaobai, and she...even if she swallowed them alive right now, it wouldn't be of any use, so she really didn't dare to come here , since you are here, you won't be afraid, and you won't be well-prepared.

When he heard this, Samsara looked at Tao Yaoyao, and couldn't help but smile when he looked at Tao Yaoyao, "You are different from my master, my master is less than you now. Courage, "Tao Yaoyao...A lot of times, she has her own bravery, she has her own ability, every time...everything she does, she has her own self-confidence and calmness, strong and unpredictable.

In fact, Samsara really thinks Tao Yaoyao is different right now, but this difference is nothing more than that at the moment. Human beings are different, but they can't escape human instinct, "Stop talking nonsense to me, I think What I know is, why would Emperor Yaojiu want my life? Are you just looking for me to have a meal? If that’s the case, I’m really not interested right now,” Tao Yaoyao praised this reincarnation , He didn't take care of it at all but said coldly.

When Samsara heard this, he waved his hand to let everyone go down. After everyone went down, he looked at Tao Yaoyao in front of him, "You should feel threatened from them, right? If I say my The master was devoured by me, believe it or not?" He licked his lips as he said that, his expression was a bit crazy, Chen Han who was watching him couldn't help being surprised, there were already three people left in the room So Samsara said it directly without any scruples.

After Tao Yaoyao looked at the reincarnation look, she couldn't help pursing her lips and said, "Oh, then why do you think that Xiaobai and Ah Jiu will also devour me?" Tao Yaoyao smiled and said, holding tea I drank a glass of water, but I had my own thoughts in my heart while drinking the water. In fact... someday... when I repaired Xiaobai, Xiaobai's appearance... made me feel threatened. Right now... this reincarnation If it is true, I am afraid it is half-truth and half-false. As for what is true and what is false?Tao Yaoyao needs to judge by herself.

"Why? Because that's what I've done before, and I can't help but devour each other. Now my master has been dead for hundreds of years. I still remember her bloody appearance at that time," Samsara smiled. Dao, when she heard this, Tao Yaoyao couldn't help but look at Samsara, and when she saw the madness in Samsara's eyes, she couldn't help squinting her eyes, with a smile on her mouth, a mocking smile, The sarcastic smile hurt the Samsara's eyes.

"What are you laughing at?" I don't know why Tao Yaoyao's smile is disgusting. At that moment, the reincarnation felt that the whole body was burning badly. He wanted to tear Tao Yaoyao apart. At that moment, he hated Tao Yaoyao deeply. Yao, when Tao Yaoyao heard this, the corners of her mouth slightly curled up, and she looked at the reincarnation in front of her, with a smile on her face, and that smile was full of irony.

"After hearing your words, I understand a little bit. You killed your master, and you are still afraid and afraid? You should like her, but you killed her. Tell me now, do you want to Di Yaojiu and I have also come to this point, but we won’t, because I am different from you, I believe that Ah Jiu... I believe that he will not hurt me no matter what, this is my relationship with Ah Jiu, but It's different from the Lord Devourer in your mouth."

After listening to it for a long time, Tao Yaoyao understood that when the man in front of him said he killed his master, his eyes were mad and pained, and he hated but also had deep unspeakable feelings, it was a feeling of liking.

If she didn't like it, she wouldn't say it with such a crazy look, because... If it was just killing a person, it would be impossible to have such a feeling. In fact... Tao Yaoyao felt that she was probably broken.

Because at the moment she actually thinks that killing her will not have too much feeling, Tao Yaoyao actually knows very clearly that she has already changed unknowingly in many cases, and sometimes even she is very strange to herself. But at this moment, as soon as these words came out of Samsara, the table was lifted directly, and the food on that table fell to pieces in an instant. Meaning and cruelty.

"I became angry from embarrassment, it seems that I guessed it right, but you are you, it is impossible for Ah Jiu and I to go anywhere, never,"

Looking at Samsara's expression, Tao Yaoyao said coldly, the corners of her mouth twitched slightly, and when she spoke, she spoke with that irony and determination, such a firm tone, one couldn't help but move her heart, and she acted in a split second.

And at this moment, Chen Han who was on the side couldn't help being slightly taken aback. When he looked at Tao Yaoyao, he actually found that Tao Yaoyao had changed a lot, a lot, and what she looked like at the moment, Chen Han knew these words very well at this moment, and he had lost It's... I have already lost completely, and it is really impossible for me to have love with her.

(End of this chapter)

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