Chapter 375 The Real World
"Slut, shut up, shut up..." When hearing these words, Samsara's eyes became angry, but Tao Yaoyao smiled faintly, looking at the other party with a charming and charming smile, and when she was speaking, she was even more charming. With that indescribable coldness and piercing chill, the coldness revealed by that smile made Samsara slightly stunned, for some reason it felt very dazzling.

"So what if I shut up? It's good to be deceiving yourself and others. Looking at your appearance now, I feel very uncomfortable. It must be painful... It's really sad, really sad," Tao Yaoyao's words completely stimulated After seeing the other party, his face changed drastically, he looked like a ghost who wanted to eat people, and he was about to kill Tao Yaoyao, but now he found that he couldn't get close to Tao Yaoyao.

Shouldn't it be that after approaching Tao Yaoyao, her body seemed to have been electrocuted, and she quickly looked at the meteorite on Tao Yaoyao's body, and the next second Tao Yaoyao's body moved, and directly shot at that reincarnation, " Don't think that you are the only one with this kind of ability," Tao Yaoyao also got this kind of ability after something happened to Du Sisi last time, and now she yelled when she saw the other party's attack. Time, at this moment, the samsara widened.

"Chen Han grabbed this bitch," and the room became a mess. Chen Han was slightly taken aback when he watched the two fight, "Chen Han, don't you want your parents? Chen Han..." When Chen Han looked at Tao Yaoyao, his eyes were full of hesitation, but when he heard about his parents, he immediately opened his eyes wide and threw himself at Tao Yaoyao, but was kicked away by Tao Yaoyao No, the whole person kicked so hard that he couldn't stand up at all.

"Tao Yaoyao, you are really cruel and merciless, and you are the only one who can do it right now," Chen Han and Tao Yaoyao have been friends for many years, but right now Tao Yaoyao is merciless in his attack, and directly sends Chen Han to death Kicked and fainted at one point, it can be seen that this woman is cruel and merciless, but this reincarnation does not know that Tao Yaoyao did this completely because she didn't want Chen Han to confront her, and she didn't want to put too much pressure on Chen Han Kung fu, even if you have to fight, then deal with it at once, so as not to embarrass the opponent.

Tao Yaoyao didn't pay attention to the words of reincarnation in front of her at all, and now she just smiled, "Then you are no better than me, killing your own master with your own hands, isn't it very painful, tortured day and night, isn't it? It's hard, seeing you look like this should be very sad and painful," Tao Yaoyao's words were so harsh that Samsara's expression twisted when he heard it.

"I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you," the breath all over his body changed in an instant, the surrounding lights were constantly changing, and suddenly all the glass flew towards Tao Yaoyao's body in the next second Go, after Tao Yaoyao saw those things, her face was slightly taken aback, and the next second she saw the glass was about to pierce her skin, but she didn't expect that someone would stand in front of Tao Yaoyao in the next second, smashing those glass The fragments were completely separated.

Di Yaojiu was very angry, he was just dealing with Xiaobai's body, but he didn't expect... Di Yaojiu opened his eyes, felt that Tao Yaoyao had already left the villa, and couldn't help frowning , but I know that now is the most critical moment, I can't leave, if I leave, maybe Xiaobai will die completely, I don't have much feeling for Xiaobai Emperor Yaojiu, this thing has cheated me for a long time It doesn't matter even if he dies right now, but he doesn't want to see Tao Yaoyao sad, seeing Tao Yaoyao in trouble, so he can only grit his teeth and bear the thought of going to Tao Yaoyao and treating her.

After waiting for two hours, Di Yaojiu saw that Xiaobai gradually became a reality, and then the whole person floated to the ground. After seeing Xiaobai's recovery, Diyaojiu immediately opened the door, Dongfang Bai Seeing the Emperor Demon Ninth Empress was slightly taken aback, "Didn't you say it would take five or six days?" Why did he come out after only one day, could something happen?
Thinking of this, Dongfang Bai immediately ran in, and after entering, he saw Xiaobai lying down, "Xiaobai..." Dongfang Bai walked quickly to Xiaobai's side, and saw Xiaobai's eyes closed. Shi Shi was slightly taken aback, "Xiaobai..." Xiaobai gradually opened his eyes when he heard this, and saw Dongfang Bai. When Dongfang Bai saw Xiaobai opened his eyes, he said, "Xiaobai, how are you?" Is there any discomfort?"

It's hard to say what Dongfang Bai's feelings for Xiao Bai are?When he was a teenager, he had such a person who supported him thoroughly, was good to himself, completely good, not because of anything else, because it was not because of him fighting for it, but because she was good to himself , not by his own calculations, Dongfang Bai cherished it especially, because he felt from Xiaobai that he could still be cherished by others. It was Xiaobai who told Dongfang Bai that he was not a superfluous existence .

As far as Dongfang Bai is concerned, he has feelings for Tao Yaoyao, whether it is love or not, but liking is inevitable, and he does not like Xiao Bai, it is only because he really has no idea of ​​falling in love with seven or eight-year-old children, But Tao Yaoyao is different, Tao Yaoyao is just the right age, and when she met Tao Yaoyao, Tao Yaoyao's personality was exactly the same as Xiao Bai's, was it because Xiao Bai fell in love with Tao Yaoyao, or because Tao Yaoyao And he likes to cherish Xiaobai, maybe even Dongfang Bai doesn't know it, because...whether Tao Yaoyao or Xiaobai has a big place in his heart.

"Brother..." Dongfang Bai's face appeared in Xiaobai's eyes. When he looked at Dongfang Bai, Xiaobai stretched out his arms and hugged Dongfang Bai directly, "I'm so scared...Brother...Woooo...I I thought I was dead, woohoo...but I knew that brother would definitely save me," As he spoke, he burst into tears, and Di Jiu couldn't help it when he was standing at the door He pursed his lips and didn't say anything. In fact, he never knew what his Uncle Mo Bai was going to do?But when he saw this Xiaobai, he was suddenly overwhelmed. Even if he is a bad person, there is always a soft place in his heart.

"What did Di Yaojiu go to do?" asked Xiaobai who was drowsy while hugging him. Xiaobai was too weak right now, so Dongfang Bai carried him directly to this room. Dijiu followed Dongfang Bai, watching When Dongfang Bai put Xiao Bai down, the moment his expression showed tenderness, he couldn't help pursing his lips, because sometimes he would think that he was dreaming, could Uncle Mo Bai have such a gentle side.

"Xiaoyao has gone out, and now Uncle Yaojiu is going to chase someone," Di Yaojiu somehow knew that Tao Yaoyao had gone out, and after Tao Yaoyao went out, he also went after someone. At first he felt strange, and waited After learning from Du Sisi, I knew why Di Yaojiu came out so quickly, but when I thought of the person Di Yaojiu was going to save, I couldn't help worrying. If this person ran away without being rescued, I'm afraid Dongfang Bai would Angry, so I ran to see the scene just now.

"What did you say that Xiaoyao went out? This woman..." After hearing that Tao Yaoyao had gone out, she couldn't help being slightly stunned, and immediately left with her own things, "Look at Xiaobai for me , don’t let anything happen, I’ll be back soon.” Although he didn’t know why Tao Yaoyao went out, Dongfang Bai knew it would definitely not be a good thing. I couldn't help getting angry, maybe I went out to do something dangerous?
Di Jiu looked at the people on the bed, and couldn't help sighing when he saw Dongfang Bai leaving in a hurry. There were many times when many things were unclear, just like Tao Yaoyao and Dongfang Bai. The feelings of the three of Di Yaojiu are the same, which is also unclear. I never knew what the relationship between the three of them is?
(End of this chapter)

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