Chapter 376 The Real World
On Tao Yaoyao's side, when Tao Yaoyao looked at the person standing in front of her, she couldn't help being slightly taken aback, "Ah Jiu, why are you here?" Didn't it mean that it would take three to five days?But why did she come out so quickly now, Tao Yaoyao couldn't help being a little suspicious, did something happen to Xiaobai?If something happened to Xiaobai, wouldn't Dongfang Bai... Thinking of this, Tao Yaoyao couldn't help frowning.

But at this moment, Emperor Yaojiu snorted coldly when he saw Tao Yaoyao's expression, "I'll clean you up later," he said, and turned around directly, and when he turned around, he still had that anger in his heart, he I didn't look at this woman for a while, but I didn't expect it to be so good, it's such a reincarnation to run here without saying a word, and I became angry when I thought of this.

Di Yaojiu thought that something would happen to Tao Yaoyao if he didn't come here just now, and even if he didn't come here, it would be difficult to be intact. Thinking of this, Di Yaojiu's face is very ugly, and his heart is even more With anger, Tao Yaoyao knew that the other party was angry when she saw Emperor Yaojiu like this, so she silently chose not to speak, because right now she didn't know that when she spoke, the words would irritate the emperor in front of her. Yaojiu, so I chose silence is golden.

But at this moment, Emperor Yaojiu looked at Samsara with a sneer in his eyes, and Samsara smiled when he saw Tao Yaoyao and Emperor Yaojiu, "I didn't expect you to come by yourself. I'll go find you, and you'll die for me," said Reincarnation and started to strike, but Emperor Yaojiu didn't show any look of fear, and directly blocked the opponent back with a wave of his hand.

Compared with Emperor Yaojiu, Samsara is obviously much weaker. One is a newcomer, and the other is a person who has already run out of fuel. You don't need to think too much to know that the opponent's combat power, Tao Yaoyao watched the two fight. When Tao Yaoyao saw this bright light, she couldn't help being slightly taken aback, watching the disappearance of Emperor Yaojiu and Samsara "Ah Jiu..."

Tao Yaoyao was startled immediately after seeing the disappearance of Emperor Yaojiu, but no one answered, "Ah Jiu... Where did you bastard go, Emperor Yaojiu?" Suddenly someone pushed the door open, and a pungent The smell of blood came to the nostrils, Tao Yaoyao couldn't help being slightly taken aback when she smelled it, and soon saw Dongfang Bai walking in covered in blood.

"Dongfang Bai, what's wrong with you?" Dongfang Bai had a lot of wounds on his body. When Tao Yaoyao walked over, she saw the fallen people outside, and she couldn't help being slightly taken aback, "Dongfang Bai, you It's okay," said Dongfang Bai and helped him to sit not far away, Dongfang Bai didn't refuse but leaned on the chair not far away.

"That man?" Dongfang Bai couldn't help being slightly taken aback when he didn't see Emperor Yaojiu. It's impossible to know that Emperor Yaojiu is not there. Could it be that he died? After thinking of this possibility, Dongfang Bai Bai couldn't help being happy, Di Yaojiu died, and now there was no one to obstruct his eyes, the gloating smile was obvious, which made Tao Yaoyao displeased.

"Don't think too much, Ah Jiu is fine, I don't know where I'm going right now?" Tao Yaoyao knew that the enmity between Emperor Yaojiu and Dongfang Bai couldn't be solved, because even the emperor at this moment Yao Jiu was also single-mindedly thinking about how to make Emperor Yao Jiu die, which showed how much the other party disliked Emperor Yao Jiu.

After hearing Tao Yaoyao's words, Emperor Yaojiu curled his lips, why didn't he die? Dongfang Bai became a little unhappy about the fact that Emperor Yaojiu was not dead, but he didn't reveal it under Tao Yaoyao's eyes After coming out, Tao Yaoyao looked at Dongfang Bai, and then walked to Chen Han's side to support Chen Han. When Chen Han looked at Tao Yaoyao, he didn't say much. There are many times when you get to know someone well Too many words are needed.

Tao Yaoyao and Dongfang Bai waited for a long time, but there was still no movement, she couldn't help but frowned immediately, could something really happen to Ah Jiu?Suddenly there was a ray of light rushing directly towards Tao Yaoyao, Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback when she saw the light, and the next second Dongfang Bai moved, "Xiaoyao..." But it was not as fast as that light at all. , can only watch as the light enters Tao Yaoyao's body.

At this moment, the Emperor Yaojiu also rushed over and hugged Tao Yaoyao directly, "Xiaoyao..." But Tao Yaoyao closed her eyes, and no one moved at all. After seeing this, the Emperor Yaojiu opened her eyes. Big eyes, " wake up..." Damn it, what did that bastard do to Xiaoyao?Emperor Yaojiu looked worried.

"What's going on with Emperor Yaojiu?" Dongfang Bai couldn't help questioning Tao Yaoyao when he looked at him. The questioning voice made Emperor Yaojiu glance at him, and hugged Tao Yaoyao without saying a word. He got up, but Dongfang Bai grabbed his hand. Di Yaojiu wanted to make a move, but he thought of what Tao Yaoyao had said in the next second.

"Same as at the beginning, Xiaoyao's soul was pulled out, but even though I don't know where it went, I believe Xiaoyao will definitely come back," Emperor Yaojiu knew that Tao Yaoyao's soul was gone, and said It was exactly the same as seven years ago. Seven years ago, Tao Yaoyao's soul went to this network, but he believed that Tao Yaoyao would come back. What's more, now that Tao Yaoyao's soul has already grown gradually, it is impossible for her to make things happen easily, but she still has worries after all, because she doesn't know what she will go through?
When Dongfang Bai heard this, he was slightly taken aback. Thinking of the time when Tao Yaoyao first learned about the Internet, even if he lost his memory but did not lose his nature, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. Frowning, "Samsara? Why did you arrest Xiaoyao in the end?" Where should Tao Yaoyao's soul go?

"He's dead. That person is exhausted. Seeing that Xiaobai and I are determined to absorb it, do you think I will lose?" It's not that Emperor Yaojiu looked down on Samsara. There is really no way to beat the opponent, but the current reincarnation is already exhausted, and it is not his opponent at all, but why did he plot against Xiaoyao in the end?

Tao Yaoyao was dazed and didn't know where she was going?But I can hear it. So, is it a memory?She was floating in the air, looking at a woman dressed in red, the fire was like a song and enchanting like her, a flute was hanging on the woman's body, she raised her eyebrows and smiled, the moment of that smile was so overwhelming, it was so fascinating Few people's eyes, and at this moment Tao Yaoyao still feels that this woman has a familiar smell, which is similar to the smell of Emperor Yaojiu and others, which is the smell of reincarnation.

At this moment, there is another person beside the woman, and at this moment, this person is standing in front of the woman dressed in white clothes, "like a song..." He said a few words in the woman's ear, when he heard these words, Ruge was slightly taken aback.

"You mean, let me go home with you? Don't... The people in your family don't like me, so I don't want to go back with you right now," Ruge smiled, and the man sighed when he heard this in one breath.

"Then I won't go. Originally, I was thinking of re-introducing my parents and telling them that you are my fiancee. It seems that this is impossible," he said with a sigh and lost his expression.

Ru Ge blushed when she heard this, and glared at the man fiercely, "Ji Jiu, you have a good idea, so I can't possibly be your fiancée." After saying that, she left shyly, but judging from that look They are all girls Huaichun.

(End of this chapter)

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