Chapter 377 The Real World
When Tao Yaoyao looked at all that, her eyes froze for a moment, and in the blink of an eye, she saw another scene, a man appeared in Ruge, Ruge froze slightly, stretched out her hand and pushed him away, her expression couldn't help Frowning, with great displeasure, "Samsara what are you doing?" Some annoyed men hugged themselves for no reason.

"Ru Ge, you clearly know that I like you, but why did you go with that man? You know that I am the most suitable for you in this world," Ru Ge couldn't help frowning when she heard this, and looked at the man. Then he turned and left directly, the man looked angry, Tao Yaoyao twitched the corner of his mouth when he saw all this, how should I put it, the person in front of him should be reincarnation.

Ru Ge and Ji Jiu went to Ji's house. Although the members of Ji's family didn't like Ru Ge, they didn't feel too embarrassed because the other party was brought back by their son, but secretly they still had that look of disgust, Ru Ge is still going her own way, "Your mother seems to dislike me every day, Ji Jiu, I'd better leave and live outside," Ru Ge intends to avoid people from Ji's family, Ji Jiu was slightly taken aback when he heard this.

"Okay," Ji Jiu agrees that Ru Ge will live outside. Ji Jiu knows that Ru Ge doesn't like Ji's family, but because he still chooses to come back, he has to make the other party feel better now. After arriving at the room, a man appeared in the room. The man was floating in mid-air. When he looked at Ru Ge, he was filled with grievance and unhappiness.

"What's wrong with you?" Ruge was slightly taken aback when he saw the right expression, "Samsara seems unhappy, did something offend you?" Ruge looked at the phantom and said, Samsara is Eight years ago, I was frightened when I followed him, but later I realized that the other party was of great use. At least for Ru Ge at this moment, it was all because of reincarnation that he gained such a reputation in the Jianghu. reason.

"Do you really like that Ji Jiu? Wouldn't it be good to live with me? Why do you have to choose Ji Jiu? If Ji Jiu can give it to you, I can also give it to you. If Ji Jiu can't give it to you, I can even more. Why do you like others?" Samsara's voice was hoarse, and there was that accusation, accusing the woman in front of him of abandoning him, obviously he was her best choice, why did he choose that Jijiu?
Ru Ge was slightly taken aback by this accusation, and looked at the reincarnation, "You are very good to me, but you don't want feelings, have to know, you are a family member to me, a friend I can trust. , but Ji Jiu is different, Ji Jiu and I are lovers, an existence we can rely on for the rest of our lives, reincarnation... I like Ji Jiu, but you are just my family, you cannot be my lover, " Ru Ge likes It's Ji Jiu, but although she likes this reincarnation right now, it's just a family.

Ruge's words made Samsara look bad, and the ravages in his eyes could not be seen, but right now Ruge didn't notice it and got up directly, but in the next second, his whole body was pressed to the ground by that Samsara, Ruge Surprised, "Samsara, what are you doing? Let me tell let go of me quickly, or I will be angry, and now I can act as if nothing happened, let me let go open……"

The color of blood stained her eyes while she was struggling. Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback when she saw this scene, and walked over. Suddenly someone broke in and kicked that reincarnation. At this moment, the man immediately hugged her. The woman on the ground is like a song, "Ruge...are you okay, Ruge...are you okay, Ruge..."

While talking, that Ji Jiu's expression brightened, but at this moment, after seeing this reincarnation, he disappeared in front of Ji Jiu directly. Ji Jiu was slightly taken aback when he saw it, obviously stimulated, but seeing this pregnant After singing, he immediately carried Ru Ge and walked not far away, and then began to bandage Ru Ge's wound.

After Ruge opened his eyes, he was taken aback for a moment. After thinking about reincarnation, "Damn it," he was angry. Ji Jiu looked at Ruge, and when he saw Ruge opened his eyes, he couldn't help but relax. With a sigh of relief, he went directly to support Ruge.

"What's wrong with Ruge?" Ji Jiu felt very uncomfortable when he thought that he was one step too late and something big would happen right now, but at this moment Ruge shook his head when he heard this, and didn't say anything. The closeness of reincarnation is much less.

Looking at all that, Tao Yaoyao couldn't help snorting coldly in her heart, because the current reincarnation is totally self-inflicted, if she didn't do it herself, she wouldn't be disgusted by Ruge at all right now, because the reincarnation is almost raped himself.

And Tao Yaoyao was looking at the following things, completely feeling that this reincarnation did it by herself, that reincarnation likes her master, Ru Ge, and now she wants her master to like her, but the problem is that Ru Ge has a lover.

Ruge loves Ji Jiu, and doesn't like reincarnation at all. When reincarnation is just a relative, a family member, and a partner, but this partner has thoughts on her, and this idea is very dirty.

But Ruge couldn't get rid of reincarnation, after this series of problems, finally reincarnation killed Ruge, Tao Yaoyao looked at all this, and slightly hooked the corner of her mouth, "Just let me watch, but the problem... No matter how I look at it, it's all your fault, and it has nothing to do with others, and you can never face emotional matters, "

"You're right," a figure appeared behind him, looking at Tao Yaoyao, and this person is reincarnation at the moment, "It was my fault that I killed Ru Ge, but it was also my instinct, which will make us kill ," Upon hearing this, Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback.

"Our instinct will kill those who are close to us," Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback by these words, and frowned when she looked at the other party, because she didn't understand what the other party said?What is the so-called instinct?
"You don't understand right now, but you will understand later. One day... the Emperor Yao Jiuhui will still be you, and you will be in his hands," Tao Yaoyao looked at the This reincarnation, reincarnation smiled and slightly hooked the corner of his mouth, and the memory flowed into his mind in the next second. This was not the picture he saw, but the memory and emotion he felt deeply.

All the emotions and memories flowed into his mind in an instant. Those things were everything he experienced when he came to this world at the beginning of reincarnation. At first he met Ru Ge, and then he was with Ru Ge.

When he was with Ruge, he was very happy, and he always had an idea in his heart, that is, to completely imprison Ruge as his own, and to destroy it is also his own idea.

And in this raging emotion, what happened after Ruge fell in love with last season [-] was that she almost raped Ruge that time. After season nine, it completely exploded.

(End of this chapter)

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