Chapter 389 Follow-up 5
Emperor Yaojiu has never come back. Tao Yaoyao is also busy with her own affairs these days. She is studying painting. I don't know if it is because of Xiaobai's upper body. She has a great understanding of electronic technology. In the end, she chose animation design. When designing animation, Tao Yaoyao chose to write her own story into it.

The title of the film is Love in Seven Worlds, and Dongfang Bai laughed at Tao Yaoyao's actions, making Tao Yaoyao couldn't help but stare at him bitterly, Dongfang Bai sat aside, "Do you want me to help? Have you thought about this character design?" Dongfang Bai looked at Tao Yaoyao and said, it's been half a year, and the emperor demon hasn't come back for nine and a half years, Dongfang Bai didn't ask Tao Yaoyao for Xiaobai, it's not that he didn't look for it, but he knew it well I know, Tao Yaoyao herself doesn't know where Xiaobai is?
In this case, Dongfang Bai is not looking for Tao Yaoyao to ask for Xiaobai, because it is useless to look for it. When Dongfang Bai looked at Tao Yaoyao's design, he couldn't help but smile. A little girl is a little girl, and I like these things , "No need, I'll do it myself," Tao Yaoyao shook her head and said, she still thinks it's more appropriate to come by herself, knowing that the other party has made this thing for herself, Tao Yaoyao will doubt whether there will be any problems , when Tao Yaoyao designed the characters, she always reformed according to the original appearance of Emperor Yaojiu, and the current design naturally has almost the temperament of the other party.

And she also has her own original appearance, Tao Yaoyao actually wants to stay and share with others about the overthrow of these seven games, but she doesn't know how to tell others?So she decided to use animation design to express it. She didn't want to find someone to act, because it felt weird. Fortunately, she had money, and Tao Yaoyao was not afraid that she couldn't do it right now. In fact, Tao Yaoyao was right from the beginning. Electronic technology and games are very fond of each other. If this series of things hadn't happened, Tao Yaoyao knew very well that she would have become the chief editor of this animation design and game by now.

Dongfang Bai sat on the side drinking tea, watching Tao Yaoyao's design not far away, then leaned to the side without saying a word, after seeing Tao Yaoyao's expression, he suddenly grabbed Tao Yaoyao's hand, "Xiao Yaoyao ...Don't push yourself too much," indeed, don't push yourself too much, rather than saying that Tao Yaoyao is doing work, it's better to say...he can feel Tao Yaoyao's evasion, she is escaping from Emperor Yaojiu who hasn't returned In fact, right now she desperately wants to distract herself. During this distraction, she chose anime to distract herself.

"What are you talking about? Where am I forcing myself? I really want to do animation design. Look at this guy. Isn't he handsome? Look... I even designed a look for you "Tao Yaoyao smiled and said, when she looked into Dongfang Bai's eyes, she saw that Dongfang Bai was serious. Tao Yaoyao rarely saw Dongfang Bai's seriousness. Tao Yaoyao lowered her head and did not speak. , that person disappeared for more than half a year and didn't come back.

Dongfang Bai stretched out his hand to hug Tao Yaoyao, and rubbed Tao Yaoyao's beautiful hair, "It's not just you who are worried, I'm also worried about Xiaobai, Xiaobai has never come back, you are worried that Emperor Yao will not come back nine times I'm here, I'm also worried that Xiaobai won't come back, Xiaoyao...cries when she wants to cry, look...the complexion has changed very badly, "Dongfang Bai looked at Tao Yaoyao and said, half a month ago The woman suddenly said that she wanted to do animation design, and he felt that something was wrong. She seemed to be avoiding something?
"Dongfang Bai, what did you say? I didn't say that I don't believe that the Emperor Demon won't come back nine times. I'm really fine. It's your own random thinking," Tao Yaoyao said with a dark face. She didn't think there was anything wrong with her?And... I really just want to do animation design right now. Dongfang Bai didn't speak when he saw Tao Yaoyao's expression, but got up and left after looking at Tao Yaoyao. Tao Yaoyao watched Dongfang Bai leave, She started to enter her own code, and then designed the characters. After designing the characters, she planned to take them to the studio. Her studio was recruiting people half a month ago, and now a lot of people have come in.

When Tao Yaoyao was designing the task, she looked at the first person on the top, and tears fell on the keyboard as soon as her eyes turned red. Tao Yaoyao wiped it clean immediately, so she didn't worry about Emperor Yaojiu, he loves Come back when you come back, it has nothing to do with me, anyway, he will live well if I leave him, I can do a lot of things I like, after a while, I will forget about that man, and I am looking for another man. There are so many beautiful men, and now that I am a little rich woman, I can still find true love even without this man.

Tao Yaoyao spent the next half month designing characters, and when the characters were designed, she went to the studio to chat with the workers about those animations, and changed them no less than ten times, each time the painting style was not good, not elegant enough They have all been changed. In this situation, many people sighed, but thinking that Tao Yaoyao is rich now, and she just took it for fun, so she didn't say much and changed them one by one. After half a year, Emperor Yaojiu has been away for more than a year. During these six months, Tao Yaoyao has devoted her whole heart to this anime, completely throwing Di Yaojiu into the back of her mind.

Father Tao couldn't help being anxious, and called Tao Yaoyao, "Xiaoyao... did something happen to that Emperor Yaojiu? It's been a year since it disappeared? Where did it go?" At first he thought It doesn't matter, but it has been gone for a year, and he can't help but worry, his daughter is 27 years old this year, and the man hasn't come back to get married, even though he keeps telling his daughter that she is young, she will never come like this It's not a solution. In fact, as a father, on the one hand, he doesn't want his daughter to marry early, but on the other hand, he also hopes that his daughter will marry well. There is a tangled conflict.

"Dad, don't think too much. He's gone on an adventure. He'll come back when he's done. Dad, I have something to do, so I won't tell you," Tao Yaoyao hung up the phone directly. How could that man love him so much? Go and die wherever you go, anyway, I don't want that man anymore, yes... I don't let him go, but he dared to fight against himself, ran away alone, and even kidnapped Xiaobai, right now I'm too lazy to talk to Emperor Yaojiu, Taoyao Yao went to the studio. When she was in the studio, she watched the anime she designed. There are five episodes of the anime, but they haven't aired yet. Tao Yaoyao chose a date, July [-]th.

The painting style of Love of the Seventh World is beautiful enough, and the content of the current plot is fine. What's more, Tao Yaoyao is rich now, and she has a dream of a poor man, and her life is a dream, but the dream of a rich man is not. Similarly, right now Tao Yaoyao’s anime, everyone thinks it’s just a consumable for entertainment. With money, you can become a kung fu superstar in an instant, and let all the celebrities be your foil. This is the world of the rich, yes Everyone envies the world of jealousy and hatred. No wonder everyone says that money is not everything in the world, but if you don't have money, you can't do anything.

Dou Sisi is most worried about Tao Yaoyao designing animation these days, "Chen Han, let's go and see Xiaoyao, Xiaoyao is a bit weird lately," just like a workaholic, and has no reason to mess with animation?It feels a bit out of the ordinary, didn't that girl want to do game design before?

And the plot of this anime feels...a bit like the story she told herself, why did she write it now?It's so strange, it feels like I want to leave a mark on this world.

(End of this chapter)

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