Chapter 390 Follow-up 6
Du Sisi couldn't help becoming worried. Emperor Yaojiu had disappeared without a trace, and no one knew where she was going. If the body hadn't been found right now, some people would think that Tao Yaoyao killed her fiancé.

"Okay, let's go take a look tomorrow," Chen Han nodded. Because of being with Du Sisi, Chen Han seldom contacted Tao Yaoyao. Tao Yaoyao was his first love for a long time. At this moment, if it is said that there is no trace of Tao Yaoyao in her heart at all, let alone Du Sisi doesn't believe it.

Even he himself wouldn’t believe it. It’s impossible to forget someone who loves you easily. As long as you’ve loved someone, no matter how long it’s been, the feeling is still there, but it’s going to fade a lot, especially for Chen Han, who is so focused on his secret love. For ten years.

Tao Yaoyao saw Du Sisi and Chen Han looking for her the next day, "Aren't you going to get married? Why did you come here?" Tao Yaoyao looked at the code not far away, her face was a little haggard, and she looked a little Pale and weak, Du Sisi couldn't help but feel distressed when she saw Tao Yaoyao's appearance, she directly grabbed Tao Yaoyao's hand and looked at Tao Yaoyao, her face suddenly became ugly, with with anger.

"What are you doing? Have you not had a rest for several days? Editor Zhang, come over here, has your lady boss not rested all this time?" Du Sisi knew Tao Yaoyao's expression very well.

A few days ago, she looked very haggard, but now she is thin and haggard, and her body is also much lighter. She used to grasp the hands with flesh, but now it is like grasping bones. Although she is beautiful, she doesn't like this look. The fragile beauty, I like the flamboyant and delicate Tao Yaoyao even more.

"Where do I have it? I didn't come out recently. I will raise it soon," Tao Yaoyao said, but not far from Tao Yaoyao's words, someone shook his head at Du Sisi. When Si frowned when she saw this, many people immediately pulled Du Sisi to sue. It was shocking to announce all of Tao Yaoyao's crimes these days.

"Sister Du, you don't know. Sister Tao is staying up late almost every day these days. When we get off work, Sister Tao is hiding it. When we come to work, Sister Tao is still there, and she eats very little. Eat two bites, hurry up and persuade, it’s not good to continue like this,” I’ve been with Tao Yaoyao for a long time, at first I thought Tao Yaoyao should be arrogant, but the people who come to the studio these days are all familiar with Tao Yaoyao, see Seeing Tao Yaoyao's practices these days, everyone couldn't help feeling distressed, feeling that Tao Yaoyao didn't take her body seriously.

"Nonsense, I was sleeping at the company, of course I woke up earlier than you guys who work on the bus," Tao Yaoyao immediately retorted, "Stop talking here, go back and do things," Tao Yaoyao said coldly, those The person immediately ran back to do things. Du Sisi looked at Tao Yaoyao, she obviously didn't believe Tao Yaoyao, so she walked not far away, pushed someone and started typing on the computer. She and Tao Yaoyao both read As a computer major, I can't help myself with simple operations right now, so I immediately found out the videos of these days.

After I found it, I saw these days, no... after half a month, Tao Yaoyao would be at the company almost every night, just crawling to sleep for an hour or two in the middle, but she woke up soon and went to work, almost Every day like this, I couldn't help getting angry, "Tao Yaoyao, how do you say that? I just said, half a month ago you were quite fat, now you can see for yourself, what has become of you? Are you short of money? You are short of money, what the hell is going on? I know the affairs of your company, and you are not so busy at all, "

Du Sisi was very angry. Tao Yaoyao has been working almost every day these days, and her work seems to have never stopped. When Tao Yaoyao heard this, "Don't be angry, Sisi, I will change it later, really...don't be angry, I don't think some things are not done well, I'll change...really change it," Tao Yaoyao immediately softened when she saw Du Sisi's appearance, and it took her a whole afternoon to coax Du Sisi to believe herself, and Promising that she would not tell Tao's father and Tao's mother, Tao Yaoyao breathed a sigh of relief. At night, Tao Yaoyao sat in front of the computer, checked the time after nine o'clock, and went back to her room to sleep.

But after lying down, I felt someone was there. When I was dreaming, I always saw Di Yaojiu sitting not far away, but she couldn't get close. Tao Yaoyao woke up with a start, and sat for a while She pursed her lips, without any emotions, and went to work again. She hated sleeping, and Emperor Yaojiu would appear while sleeping, which made Tao Yaoyao extremely disgusted, extremely disgusted!
Tao Yaoyao was sitting and coding, looking at the pattern on the computer, she pursed her lips without any emotion, Du Sisi was very worried about Tao Yaoyao, and felt that these days were a bit strange, when she was lying down at night, she called Going to Dongfang Bai, Dongfang Bai frowned when he saw the call, "Is it Dongfang Bai... I'm Du Sisi, I just want to ask, where did Emperor Yaojiu go? Xiao Yao is a bit strange these days, Where did that man go?"

Dongfang Bai was slightly taken aback when he heard this, "Who knows?" Not to mention that Tao Yaoyao has been weird recently, Dongfang Bai has been watching the eyes of the sky almost every day these days, because Dongfang Bai knows very well that if he doesn't find some When things are done, I can't help but wonder if something happened to Xiaobai?Not to mention the woman Tao Yaoyao, Dongfang Bai looked at the computer, although her expression was a little pale, but compared to Tao Yaoyao, she was still very good, and he probably hadn't seen that woman for almost half a year.

Dongfang Bai put on his clothes straight away, and planned to go to Tao Yaoyao. He had gone to the network manager these days, but the network manager's answer to this matter was that he didn't know anything, and kept shaking his head to express that he didn't know about Emperor Yao Jiu. He couldn't help but worry about Xiaobai's whereabouts, but he didn't know who to tell?Because I told Tao Yaoyao that when that woman was half a year ago, she was looking for a way to divert her attention, and I was going to tell her that that woman might be even more anxious than myself.

When Dongfang Bai went to Tao Yaoyao, he naturally knew about the studio. Although the studio was closed, Dongfang Bai could still unlock it quickly, and ran into the room after unlocking it.

"Idiot..." When he saw this person lying on the ground, Dongfang Bai was slightly taken aback and immediately ran over, "Tao Yaoyao... What's wrong with you? Tao Yaoyao... You idiot, worry about people Don't ruin yourself, you're an idiot..."

Dongfang Bai cursed a few words angrily, and immediately ran out with the person in his arms. When he came to the underground garage, he immediately put the person in, and then drove to the hospital. Looking at Tao Yaoyao in the back seat, his face was pale At this time, I couldn't help pursing my lips.

"Di Yaojiu, you fucking best don't come back, or I'll kill you," abducted his younger sister Xiaobai, and made Xiaoyao look like this, if that man came back now.

He wouldn't be Dongfang Bai if he didn't kill Emperor Yaojiu, thinking that there was a fire in his heart, and he felt that Tao Yaoyao was also very stupid, if he was just a man, he left as soon as he left, why bother with so much nostalgia.

(End of this chapter)

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