Chapter 40

Dongfang Bai kept telling himself that the woman in front of him was a liar, why did she like her?It's just full of nonsense, she said yesterday that she loves Li Jinyue, don't be fooled by these false tears, just hit this woman to death with one slap and it's over.

Tao Yaoyao saw the murderous intent in Dongfang Bai's eyes, and saw that the table not far away was smashed apart, as if telling Tao Yaoyao, don't go up there or it will be your end.

Tao Yaoyao looked at Dongfang Bai and hesitated for a moment, but she was surprised to see that, Dongfang Bai's murderous eyes, with that hesitant look, made Tao Yaoyao's heart jump thumping, I rely on (‵o′) Convex, what happened this day?Why did Master Mao suddenly want to kill himself?

But Tao Yaoyao didn't speak at this moment, but looked at Dongfang Bai with tears in her eyes. That pitiful little appearance melted people's hearts. She knew that it was useless to talk at this moment, so she could only tell Dongfang Bai with her expression. , I am very hurt and I don’t understand, I really want to cry /(ㄒoㄒ)/~~.

When Dongfang Bai saw the eyes that looked like an abandoned puppy, his eyes became more and more blurred. His cheeks were already full of tears, and there was still a bloodstain on his forehead, which looked particularly provocative. Distressed.

The hand touched the wound unconsciously, with a little bit of pity on his face, "Does it hurt?" The voice was soft and soft, like a breeze, making Tao Yaoyao mistakenly think she heard it wrong.

It's just that she heard it clearly, raised her head to meet those complicated and painful eyes, Tao Yaoyao didn't know why?My heart was pulled, as if I had done something wrong.

It was the first time she saw Dongfang Bai showing such a fragile expression, that look was lonely and sad, the whole person standing there was obviously majestic and majestic, but there was an indelible sadness, so heavy and so painful Why did the gaze appear in his eyes?

"My lord?" Facing those heart-wrenching eyes, Tao Yaoyao stopped crying and stared blankly at Dongfang Bai. She may have never understood the past of this person in front of her.

Whether it is in the book or in memory, he is so evil and wild, and the only tenderness has only appeared in front of the heroine, but that's it, but no one has ever made him show such a sad expression .

"Go away, don't show up in front of me, I won't touch any of your things, right?" Out of sight is pure, if the heart is not disturbed, it doesn't hurt, and it's fine to leave, so as not to see her again, she has no heart For the rest of my life, but my heart has already been hurt by this little liar many times.

Killing is impossible, but leaving him afraid that one day, he will be killed by this little liar. It is not because he is afraid of death, but because of the pain in his heart that almost suffocates him.

When Tao Yaoyao heard Dongfang Bai's words, she was stunned for a moment, and last time she grabbed Dongfang Bai's clothes, "Master, you don't want me anymore?" Yes, she doesn't want her anymore, where can she go?

Dongfang Bai smiled lightly at Tao Yaoyao's words. Under the mask, he smiled sadly, "You are wrong, it was always because you didn't want me," and I can't afford a female liar like you .

As he said that, he tore off his clothes, and left without looking back, letting Tao Yaoyao not far away, sitting on the ground in a daze, Tao Yaoyao wanted to cry at this moment, because Dongfang Bai didn't want her anymore, she couldn't go back come home.

Tao Yaoyao feels like the sky is falling at this moment, even though she has traveled through two worlds, she has never suffered. Dongfang Bai is ruthless on the surface, but she has never moved a finger to herself.

It's just that today he is so cold. Although he loved to punish himself in the past, he never hurt himself. Even when he threw himself out of the sedan chair, he didn't let himself get hurt. But today he seems to be far away. .

Tao Yaoyao could clearly see the disgust in those eyes, she really wanted to know why?Sitting alone on the ground, the whole person seems to be out of place. Dongfang Bai is her belief here. At this moment, her belief has lost herself. She feels so cold, like that gentle and considerate cousin Changfeng.

For Dongfang Bai, this female liar in front of him is definitely the existence he hates the most. He clearly told her to go, but she just slumped here, "Are you going to go or not?"

Tao Yaoyao raised her head with great backbone and said, "The main road faces the sky and each side walks on the other side, not to mention the leader, you told me to get out, I won't get out because of the problem, I'm not an egg, I can't get out,"

Tao Yaoyao said that anyway, my mission is to prevent you from dying, and if that is the case, I will die by your side, "Unless you hurt me to death, I will not leave even if I die,"

Tao Yaoyao said that this was her most spine-chilling time, but when facing Dongfang Bai's hand that grabbed her neck, Tao Yaoyao swallowed her saliva, her body was trembling, this boss wouldn't really want to kill herself, would she? ?
"I said, go or die?" Dongfang Bai pinched Tao Yaoyao's neck. This female liar obviously doesn't like her, but she wants to stay by her side. What exactly does she want?What do you want to do?
"If you don't leave, you won't leave, and you won't leave even if you die," Tao Yaoyao closed her eyes and shouted loudly, expressing that she would never be forced to leave. As soon as she finished speaking, Tao Yaoyao felt her neck tightened a bit, and Tao Yaoyao was frightened. The body was frozen.

Just when he was tasked that she would be killed, Dongfang Bai suddenly let go of his hand, "Hmph, I understand,"

Since you want to stay, don't blame me for being rude, is it true that I have never died?That's why he was reluctant to leave, afraid that he might not be able to explain to his lover?That's why he left it with a shameless face, okay, since that's the case, he should really fulfill this liar and shatter her dream.

Tao Yaoyao didn't know what Dongfang Bai was thinking, she was just happy that she was left behind, but at this moment her smile made Dongfang Bai feel a sense of impatience, he turned around and left, did he really want to kill himself?Do you want to die so much?

Thinking of seeing the knife Li Jinyue gave her that day, and thinking that this woman stayed here to kill herself, Dongfang Bai's heart burned so badly, no, why should he feel distressed, but this female liar can laugh.

By the way, doesn't she like Li Jinyue? !Then he tortured Li Jinyue to death in front of her, why should he feel distressed and uncomfortable, if she hurt him every bit, he should pay her back a hundred times, this is his nature.

Didn't Tao Yaoyao know that Dongfang Bai went for Mao?It's just that at that moment I felt very cold, I was (‵o′) convex, because my hair suddenly felt chilly, as if someone was staring at me, if Tao Yaoyao knew Dongfang Bai's thoughts at this moment, she would definitely feel sorry for the boss It really is different from ordinary people.

At night, Tao Yaoyao went to Dongfang Bai's room as usual, and saw a few girls sitting there pouring wine for Dongfang Bai. .

But it felt weird, she couldn't tell the reason for a while, Tao Yaoyao obediently went in, she knew that Dongfang Bai might be tired of playing with herself, but she had no way to go home, even if she was tired of playing, she had to please.

"Come here to get some food," Dongfang Bai said coldly, he has already planned to be ruthless when dealing with this little liar, don't think that I will soften my heart to you.

(End of this chapter)

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