Chapter 41

Tao Yaoyao knelt aside and began to pick up vegetables for Dongfang Bai. Seeing the other party's flirtatious appearance, she snorted coldly in her heart as she hugged her left and right, no wonder she was in the hands of a dead woman.

I can't wait to slap him in the face, look at that embarrassing appearance, it's really annoying, I can't wait to kick him, Tao Yaoyao smiled lightly, "My lord..."

Tao Yaoyao sent vegetables to Dongfang Bai's mouth. Her parents never let her serve you like this. You are not afraid of losing your life. still.

Dongfang Bai felt that this smile was glaring, very glaring, it was this face that bewitched people's hearts, it was this face that made him hate it, it was this face that he couldn't let go of and couldn't ask for.

Dongfang Bai tightly grasped Tao Yaoyao's wrist, Tao Yaoyao felt pain, frowned but her face was still smiling, so she angered Dongfang Bai even more, a fake mask, but he hated it Can't get up.

Why?Always have to laugh?He hates Tao Yaoyao like this, he wants to know what the real Tao Yaoyao is like?The hand involuntarily tightened for a few minutes, and the next second he drank coldly.

"You don't even know how to pick up a single dish, what use is this seat for you," Dongfang Bai flipped his sleeves over and overturned the dish, making Tao Yaoyao dirty, and the man who was covered in vegetable soup looked very pitiful.

Tao Yaoyao felt that Dongfang Bai was deliberately finding fault, and her body trembled with anger. There was something screaming in her heart, killing this bastard, it is enough to be aggrieved that my sister was called to complete the task for no reason, now to save you , Yaya still treats me like this, Tao Yaoyao really wants to say, you love her to death.

Although she was angry, Tao Yaoyao still forcibly endured her anger, and showed a flattering smile, "The leader is right, I will..."

Tao Yaoyao was going to clean the clothes, but was stopped by Dongfang Bai, "Did I let you go? Do you know what a saint is to add to the fun?"

Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback when she heard this, she really doesn't know what a saint is to add to the fun? "What do you do, what do you do?" Ah ... System Jun split this product.

"You guys teach her," Dongfang Bai raised his eyebrows and turned to those beauties, and after hearing that, those beauties raised their eyebrows and looked at Tao Yaoyao with contemptuous eyes.

"How about saintess playing piano, chess, calligraphy and painting?" The woman's words made Tao Yaoyao shake her head. She has a memory but she is not a copy, and she understands everything as soon as she makes a copy, so she shook her head.

"Saint, how can you do this? You don't know anything, how can you serve the leader and go change your clothes," said another girl who dropped a set of clothes, Tao Yaoyao's face turned livid when she saw her anger, but she still went to change.

Dongfang Bai didn't speak, and let those girls bully Tao Yaoyao, and saw Tao Yaoyao ran away wearing the revealing clothes, the cloth that exposed the belly button and half of the calf, which was worn by the girls in the brothel.

The jade legs of the lotus root are slender and attractive, and the small waist is even more slender and graceful. The whole person looks that way, cold and demonic, even Dongfang Bai swallowed, but the anger flashed past, Immediately, he slapped the table angrily, and slapped all the things that had just been placed on the ground.

"What kind of style is it, changed..." Dongfang Bai didn't like it, he subconsciously hated Tao Yaoyao's dress like this, he hated those women insulting Tao Yaoyao, comparing her to a brothel woman.

When Tao Yaoyao heard this, she immediately lost her temper, peat, my old lady, I can bear it, peat... can you give me a good time, even though I hate that Dongfang Bai made fun of me, but Tao Yaoyao still went to change clothes.

Tao Yaoyao went to change clothes, and saw a girl walking in, "What are you doing?" Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback when she saw the woman, and the woman slapped Tao Yaoyao backhandedly.

"The slut leader is tired of playing with you. You'd better be obedient to me in the future. I'll tell you... When you see me in the future, hide away," Tao Yaoyao was shamelessly favored by Dongfang Bai a few days ago. Jealousy.

I haven't seen Dongfang Bai's face, but Dongfang Bai's monstrous temperament is liked by many girls in the sect. Tao Yaoyao was beaten for no reason, and she was already angry, and she was about to kick him.

But that woman obviously has kung fu, Tao Yaoyao didn't push the woman to the ground a few times, and slapped her a few times, Tao Yaoyao's face twisted in pain, and she smashed the vase at it.

"What's the trouble?" Just as Tao Yaoyao was about to hit him, Dongfang Bai walked in and saw the woman riding on Tao Yaoyao's body, Tao Yaoyao's cheeks were red from the beating, and her eyes darkened.

"Get out," said coldly, Tao Yaoyao bit her lips when she heard these words, and the woman threw herself on Dongfang Bai's body and began to cry, as if she was the one who was wronged.

Dongfang Bai saw Tao Yaoyao leaving, and heard the woman say, "Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu"

In the past few days, Dongfang favored this woman for Tao Yaoyao, no matter how hard she made things difficult for Tao Yaoyao, she would never say a word for Tao Yaoyao, and now she thinks it is the same.

"Oh, then which hand hurts me to see if it hurts?" Dongfang Bai squatted down, and the woman looked shy when she heard it, and stretched out her right hand to cry.

But the severe pain in the next second made the woman almost faint, and the wrist was cut off neatly, "I asked you to bully her, but I didn't let you touch her, drag her down to the snake cave..."

"Stop, forgive me, leader..." the woman yelled, but Dongfang Bai had already left, she didn't know what was wrong?The leader doesn't hate that bitch, why is he punishing himself now?

Standing at Tao Yaoyao's door, Dongfang Bai heard the slight crying inside, subconsciously clenched his hands tightly, he couldn't walk in for a long time with his feet lifted.

Dongfang Bai turned around, he said that he wanted to let the little liar suffer, he didn't want to soften his heart, but Dongfang Bai returned to the room, but he was restless, waiting for the night to fall.

By accident, he still entered the little liar's room. Seeing that the little liar's cheeks were still drenched with water, his eyes were distressed, and his hand was stretched out to touch that glowing red cheek.

But when she thought about what she said to the man, her hand clenched into a fist, "Why didn't you know that you were leaving? You left and it was all over. Why? Is he so important to you? You are just like that Do you want me to die?"

The voice was light and floating, with indescribable heartache, she sat silently on the bed, closed her eyes, and took a deep breath, "Qing Yaoyao...don't rely on me to spoil you, you You can do whatever you want, and this seat will not soften your heart, "

The night was deep and the dew was deep. Tao Yaoyao, who had no dreams, woke up and touched her cheeks. She found that her face, which was originally red and swollen, had no pain at all. That's it, it seems that the system master has cheated himself.

Tao Yaoyao took a deep breath, yesterday's failure and today's success, she Tao Yaoyao is getting more and more courageous, don't think that if she was humiliated yesterday, she will be defeated today.

But to Tao Yaoyao's surprise, when she went to find Dongfang Bai, the girl was gone, and she saw Dongfang Bai lying down with her eyes closed, this time it was a cold war.

Tao Yaoyao blinked her eyes when she saw that Dongfang Bai was fighting coldly. She thought that there would be all kinds of difficulties and humiliation today, so she was fully armed and ready to fight.

"..." Ma Dan, I took out all the preparations for the battle, I didn't expect you to go the wrong way, sir, you are changing every now and then, the baby is a little out of step, why don't you say something about the cold war?
It doesn't matter that the baby, my soldiers come to cover up the water and the earth, she doesn't believe that there is no way to break into the interior, and strive to follow the villain's side to guard against the male lead's conspiracy.

(End of this chapter)

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