General strategy of the male god of fast wear

Chapter 57 The Princess and the Concubine

Chapter 57 The Princess and the Concubine

"Damn it, you...Princess Mingyue has been poisoned for many years, and you don't even know about it. What are you bastards doing?" After hearing what everyone said, Emperor Qi Jing slammed his hand on the table, "Here you are!" Cha, I want to see who dares to do anything to my daughter, Cha is..."

Upon hearing the situation of Princess Mingyue, Emperor Qi Jing was furious like never before. His precious daughter was actually poisoned for three years without his knowledge. How old was she three years ago?
Three years ago, she was less than 11 years old, and even an 11-year-old child could be killed. When thinking of this, Emperor Qi Jing was very angry. When he thought of the poisonous situation, he didn't know how it felt for a while.

Annoyed and regretful, no wonder the child's temperament is getting more and more violent. It turns out that he was tampered with. Although Mingyue was noisy when he was a child, everyone loves him.

"Father, why don't you believe me?" The girl's words swayed in his mind, and Emperor Qi Jing didn't know how to make a decision. It was a fact that Princess Mingyue was killed, but at this moment, Yan'er?

Is it really necessary to convict her for this one-sided statement?Soon Emperor Qi Jing shook his head. When a man falls in love with a woman, he will often find various reasons for the other party with various evidences.

And at this moment, Emperor Qi Jing is like this, "You all go down, I will stay here, and Li Degui will move Mingyue to Dejin Palace,"

Dejin Palace is the residence of Emperor Qi Jing, when Li Degui heard this, he nodded his head and went to do it, but he had a serious opinion about Princess Mingyue.

Seeing that Princess Mingyue did not fall out of favor, in fact, the emperor doted on Princess Mingyue so much, how could she fall out of favor because of a concubine Yan Gui, and judging by the emperor's appearance at this moment, he should want to protect Princess Mingyue.

The drowsy Tao Yaoyao didn't know where she was sitting, in a vast expanse of white land, with her head lowered and her eyes lowered, she sat quietly in the mist, "Aren't you afraid that you will really die this time? "

"No, neither you nor Emperor Qi Jing will let me die. What's more, the mission of Mr. System has just started. Even if I want to die, you will definitely protect me. After all, you said that if my life is in danger , it is impossible for you not to refuse to save yourself," Tao Yaoyao said as she sat there quietly.

It seems that the bet is really right, Mr. System is reluctant to die by himself, but...she still has a lot of things that she hasn't figured out, don't worry...she will slowly explore, the hidden truth is related to the fact that she must die in the arms of the player... the truth.

"Hmph," Mr. System snorted, "Why do you believe that Emperor Qi Jing will doubt Yan Yan because of your words? If I don't save you, and Concubine Yan Gui is not suspected, then you died in vain."

"No, although Emperor Qi Jing will not immediately suspect that Concubine Yan Gui is following her, but once the seeds of doubt sprout, it will grow slowly. Whenever there is a disturbance, he will be like a frightened bird, under the suspicion every day I'm afraid, every night is unfamiliar under that doubt, you don't know, my mother once said that feelings are the most fragile and the most doubtful, so every time my mother does something, she will discuss it with her father, and every time there will be two People solve it together, because my mother said that love is not only beautiful when it is hidden, even if it is for the other party, once it is hidden, the gap will be born, doubts will slowly breed, so there are many broken marriages, "

Tao Yaoyao sat there and said quietly, analyzing human nature. At that moment, Mr. System was taken aback for a moment. When Tao Yaoyao didn't pay attention, with that perplexed and complicated gaze, you became more and more Humanized.

Tao Yaoyao said to herself, "What's more, this person is Emperor Qi Jing at this moment. Don't forget that he is Ai Yanyan, but when he was in love with Yanyan, he was also an emperor. Since ancient times, emperors are the most suspicious, don't say Brothers, sisters and parents are all like this, I never thought of taking down Concubine Yan Gui at once, but it can create a gap between the two of them, and then everything will be easy to handle."

"At this moment we just need to wait, not to mention that I don't want to suffer at this moment, I just wait here slowly," she didn't want to wake up immediately, after all, it is a fact that her body is poisoned, and waking up at this moment will more or less suffer, "Yes Mr. System, what do you think happened to Dongfang Bai? Does anyone want to find him? Did you send him back?"

Tao Yaoyao's voice was very soft, as soft as a feather, but it was easy to hear, but after a long time, no one answered her. When she saw this, Tao Yaoyao hugged her knees with her hands, and there was a hint of mockery at the corners of her mouth , Is it discarded after use?Sometimes she is really tired.

Tao Yaoyao fell into a drowsy sleep, but Emperor Qi Jing looked worried, "Princess... If the princess can't wake up today, you will take your life to accompany her."

The imperial doctor paused and knelt on the ground tremblingly, "Your Majesty, please forgive me. Whether or not Her Majesty will wake up now depends on Her Majesty's perseverance. Your Majesty finds the person the Princess cares about the most."

"The person you care about the most?" Emperor Qi Jing was slightly taken aback when he heard it. Isn't he the person he cares about the most?But why can't I wake up?
" wake up, the emperor is here, Mingyue..." Emperor Qi Jing looked at Tao Yaoyao and said, but she just didn't wake up.

"Yan Guifei said," Qi Jingdi was slightly taken aback when he heard Yan Yan coming, and the imperial physician not far away saw Tao Yaoyao's hand.

"Your Majesty... Your Highness the Princess moved your hand, Your Majesty... Your Highness the Princess moved just now," Emperor Qi Jing was slightly taken aback when he heard this, and saw Tao Yaoyao speaking weakly, opening and closing her small mouth.

Emperor Qi Jing was slightly stunned and bent down to listen to Tao Yaoyao's words. Although it was very light, Emperor Qi Jing heard, "Father...don't believe her, father...the child is not wrong, father...don't believe her, "

Hearing the weak mosquito-sized voice, Emperor Qi Jing was slightly taken aback, looked at Concubine Yan Gui, with complicated thoughts, Mingyue, oh Mingyue, what kind of evidence is it that makes you so suspicious that Yanyan is going to harm me?

Mingyue, do you know that my life was saved by Yan Yan, how can you make me believe your words, but...some things are gradually becoming loose, Concubine Yan Gui looked at the person on the bed, and when she saw the tight Emperor Qi Jing, who was holding Tao Yaoyao, had a flash of disgust in his eyes, bitch...why don't you die.

This woman always seduces Brother Ankang, and even tries to drive a wedge between her and Emperor Qi Jing. If she hadn't been cruel and gave up on that child, she would have let this bitch get her way by now.

But thinking of the child Yanyan sneered, Qi Jingdi killed her whole family, now she doesn't bother to give birth to Qi Jingdi's child, even if she wants to give birth, it will be brother Ankang's.

(End of this chapter)

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