General strategy of the male god of fast wear

Chapter 58 The Princess and the Concubine

Chapter 58 The Princess and the Concubine

Many people knew about Princess Mingyue's serious illness and unconsciousness. Regarding Princess Mingyue's favor, the other favorite concubines in the palace all expressed that they saw hope.

One must know that the current Emperor Qi Jing dotes on that Yanyan, and has reached the point where he wants to be alone, but now that Princess Mingyue is out to make a fuss, they may benefit from it. Of course, this is everyone's idea, but there are not many Yanyan's ideas.

It was the third day after Tao Yaoyao woke up. As soon as Emperor Qi Jing saw that Tao Yaoyao woke up, he was so surprised that he asked the doctor to show Tao Yaoyao. The doctor said that he was a little weak, but there was no big problem , Of course, that's just in front of you.

"You know it's wrong?" Everyone in Emperor Qi Jing went down, and began to question the teacher. These days, he was worried that he would be broken, and he almost didn't sleep for several days.

Especially when the imperial doctor said that he would be critically ill if he couldn't wake up for the first time, which made Emperor Qi Jing want to kill someone, but fortunately he has woken up now.

Tao Yaoyao lowered her head and bit her lips stubbornly, and Emperor Qi Jing sighed after seeing it, "Okay, don't lose your temper, you need to take good care of your body, at most the emperor will tell you sorry?"

"It's good that you know," Tao Yaoyao pouted and looked at Emperor Qi Jing. This is the daily life between Emperor Qi Jing and Princess Mingyue. Emperor Qi Jing dotes on Tao Yaoyao very much because this is his first child.

As for Princess Mingyue's biological mother, who is it after searching all over the palace?But outsiders said that it was Emperor Qi Jing's heart, because Princess Mingyue was the most favored princess, and she was more cautious than the prince.

"You girl, you've got a cheap price again, and you're so good," Emperor Qi Jing looked at Tao Yaoyao and said, Tao Yaoyao stretched out her hand, and Emperor Qi Jing was slightly taken aback, as if seeing Princess Mingyue when she was a child, she stretched out her hand just like that at this moment. Waiting to be hugged by himself, the arrogant and self-willed little temper is heavier than him.

Emperor Qi Jing walked over and hugged Tao Yaoyao, because this was an act of reconciliation. In the past, when the two had a small quarrel, Princess Mingyue would stretch out her hand. Represents reconciliation.

How many years have not stretched out his hand to himself, Qi Jingdi hugged the child and looked at it, "Father will not let people hurt you in the future,"

Emperor Qi Jing was very guilty. His daughter was drugged and poisoned for three years. Three years... She was only 11 years old three years ago. Who did it?

Emperor Qi Jing was also very guilty, thinking that if he hadn't been unreliable as a father, his daughter would not have been poisoned.

"Father doesn't blame me anymore," Tao Yaoyao complained while looking at Emperor Qi Jing, who couldn't laugh or cry because of this girl who pushes every inch of her head.

"It's not strange," Tao Yaoyao became happy when she heard this, she held Qi Jingdi's hand and lay down on the bed.

"You sleep with me, don't leave," Tao Yaoyao took Emperor Qi Jing's hand, and Emperor Qi Jing nodded.

"Okay, don't go, you rest obediently," Emperor Qi Jing loved Princess Mingyue a lot, and gave her the moon even if he couldn't see it, but it's a pity that the man in front of him probably didn't know.

The day Princess Mingyue entered the cold palace, she was poisoned to death. She was poisoned. Her body was already poisonous. After eating some poisonous things, she died directly. Let Tao Yaoyao go up.

But at this moment, after seeing Tao Yaoyao sleeping, Emperor Qi Jing asked everyone to stop making noise. The eunuch beside him said, "Your have stayed up all night, let the slaves come,"

"No need, I ran away, this girl wakes up, you can't coax her," Li Degui looked at Tao Yaoyao after hearing this, his eyes were calculating, he felt that it was right that he didn't completely fall beside Concubine Yan Gui .

Because His Majesty dotes on Princess Mingyue more than Concubine Yan, Qi Jingdi stayed there for a long time, and later he lay down on the bed directly, and after sleeping, he did not see Tao Yaoyao open his eyes.

When looking at Emperor Qi Jing, Tao Yaoyao's eyes flickered and she sighed, it seems that Emperor Qi Jing really loves Princess Mingyue, so that's good.

In fact, Tao Yaoyao was trying to test how much Emperor Qi Jing loved Princess Mingyue's daughter, and now that she saw her, she could do the next thing with peace of mind.

The matter of Princess Mingyue raising the Dejin Palace moved the women in all the palaces. When Tao Yaoyao got better, Concubine Yang took the lead to meet Tao Yaoyao.

Seeing Concubine Yang's eyes flicker, Tao Yaoyao made a plan, "Princess Mingyue, look, why is her face so pale, did she not eat well recently?"

People who don't know like this still think Tao Yaoyao is her daughter, Tao Yaoyao's mouth twitched, and she said with a wrinkled face, "Father stares at me for taking medicine every day, it's so annoying..."

Concubine Yang was slightly taken aback when she heard this, she complained that the emperor was personally feeding the medicine, she didn't know how hypocritical this stinky girl was.

"It seems that Mingyue didn't take her medicine obediently today, did she..." Just as Concubine Yang was thinking, a voice came from outside the door, Concubine Yang was slightly taken aback, Tao Yaoyao was about to jump out of bed and rushed over .

"If you dare to come down, I won't be polite," Tao Yaoyao stopped lifting the quilt after hearing this, and looked at Emperor Qi Jing pitifully.

"On your side, you are just a delicate girl." She was more delicate than anyone else, especially this disease, Tao Yaoyao was not happy when she heard this.

"Your father despises me, too... Father has no sons and servants when he has Concubine Yan Gui," as he spoke, tears were streaming down his face, which made Emperor Qi Jing feel very distressed.

Emperor Qi Jing felt that Mingyue became more capable of acting after she changed her previous arrogance these days and made her a soft girl.

Qi Jingdi saw that it was acting, especially when those small eyes were looking at him, Qi Jingdi shook his head, walked over and took the medicine, "Come and drink the medicine,"

Tao Yaoyao looked at the medicine, and nodded with a wrinkled face. After taking a sip, her little face became wrinkled. After Qi Jingdi gave a candy, her face immediately bloomed like a flower.

Concubine Yang couldn't help being jealous when she saw all that. She also has a daughter, but she is not as favored as Princess Mingyue at the moment, let alone coaxing like this, I am afraid she is not as soft-spoken.

"Royal father... You should also eat and eat, it's very sweet," Tao Yaoyao said softly and roughly. Right now, her own status is simply the best way to attack her father. I'm going to carry that woman with Yan Yan.

As for this moment, Tao Yaoyao said that it is more useful for my old lady to hold her thighs well than counting on that woman Yanyan ten times. Hug her thighs first, and the promotion of goodwill is torn against that Yanyan, which is a set design.

Emperor Qi Jing looked at the sweet one, but when he saw Tao Yaoyao's eyes, he hesitated for a while, and was about to refuse, but when he saw that the other party looked like he was about to cry, he opened his mouth helplessly and ate it in one gulp. Then I saw that the little girl was so small that she couldn't see her teeth.

(End of this chapter)

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