General strategy of the male god of fast wear

Chapter 63 The Princess and the Concubine

Chapter 63 The Princess and the Concubine

"Brother Ankang, you have acne, come and let me squeeze it for you," Tao Yaoyao's words almost made everyone fall, even Emperor Qi Jing.

King Ankang was blushing and heartbeating when Tao Yaoyao teased him, and suddenly he said such a big gap, which made King Ankang look bad, and he felt that little hand pressing on his face.

"Don't move, it will be fine soon," Tao Yaoyao was squeezed by the other party, but no matter how you look in those small eyes, there is a calculation, King Ankang suddenly felt pain, and if he wanted to push Tao Yaoyao, Tao Yaoyao fell directly into his arms .

"Your Highness the Princess, respect yourself," Tao Yaoyao said coldly after seeing Yan Yan not far away, who was startled by King Ankang lying in her arms.

"Mingyue..." Emperor Qi Jing felt that Tao Yaoyao was going too far, but Tao Yaoyao raised her eyebrows, picked up King Ankang's chin with her hand, and pounced on the other's cheek with her breath.

"Brother Ankang, your heart beats beautifully. If you don't have a mind and sit still, why is it beating right now?'s amazing," yes, that heartbeat keeps beating.

People in the palace were not surprised by Princess Mingyue's bold behavior, because Princess Mingyue also tried to kiss King Ankang before, but unfortunately she was ridiculed by King Ankang and left angrily.

But at this moment Tao Yaoyao didn't know how, when she saw that Yan Yan's eyes were almost eating her ferociously, Tao Yaoyao raised her eyebrows and said, as expected, the vicious female supporting role should seduce the male lead.

Yan Yan likes King Ankang, seeing King Ankang and Tao Yaoyao hugging each other now, her eyes wish to eat Tao Yaoyao alive, if Emperor Qi Jing was not there, she would have already splashed the fish on the two of them.

"Mingyue, come here," Emperor Qi Jing felt that women shouldn't be like this, although he knew it was acting, but the scene was too much at the moment, Tao Yaoyao looked at King Ankang after hearing this, and immediately jumped to the side of Emperor Qi Jing.

"Father, don't worry, the child still loves you the most, and the child likes him, but the child's heart is still the most important thing to the father," Tao Yaoyao's sweet mouth made the face of Qi Jingdi slightly red when he coaxed him.

Although this is his daughter, but listening to the other party's words that he loves him the most, he felt that his old face was a bit unbearable, so he coughed, "How decent is Cheng, pay attention,"

"Father, you are not a good boy, obviously like it very much, but you want to be prudish," Tao Yaoyao turned her thief eyes and whispered in Emperor Qi Jing's ear.

The angered Emperor Qi Jing turned even redder, and then gave Tao Yaoyao a fierce stare. At that moment, Tao Yaoyao knew that Emperor Qi Jing should not have been confessed by anyone, whether it was a lover or a relative, otherwise How could she blush at the first tease.

Emperor Qi Jing stretched out his hand to grab Tao Yaoyao's little hand, and seeing Tao Yaoyao's smug expression, he took the small ruler at the side and started beating, Tao Yaoyao screamed when she was beaten.

Not to mention how bleak that small appearance is, if Tao Yao's body is the softest girl, and Qing Yaoyao is the most bewitching, then the current Princess Mingyue is that loli.

It was a man who saw the little loli falling with tears in his eyes, his heart ached. Emperor Qi Jing looked at his ruler, and he dared to say that he did not use heavy hands, even if it was not heavy at all. possible.

But seeing the miserable appearance of this girl, Emperor Qi Jing seriously suspected that he had been beaten seriously just now?Tao Yaoyao's face that looked like she was about to cry made Ankang Wang slightly startled.

I saw that soft little girl, with tears hanging in her nimble eyes, and her small mouth was pouting like a teapot. The elders are very excited.

Of course, it's just that men have a natural protection and love for little Lolita. King Ankang quickly shook his head, how could he find this little witch very attractive.

"Ahem... Mingyue Zhen didn't hit hard just now," Qi Jingdi coughed seeing everyone's eyes, but when he saw that Tao Yaoyao was still crying, he felt a little embarrassed.

For Tao Yaoyao's daughter, Qi Jingdi is just like a very ordinary father, pampering her, loving her, and loving her. Now seeing that the girl he is holding is beaten and cried by him, Qi Jingdi is the one who is seriously important. , or is it important to coax this girl?

"It hurts," just when Emperor Qi Jing was about to choose, he heard Tao Yaoyao say, "It's all red, it hurts... Father, you hit me, he is telling the truth, hit me,"

"I'm just joking with you, don't cry..." Everyone watched that Emperor Qi Jing frantically coaxing Tao Yaoyao, who cried in Emperor Qi Jing's arms, but Na Yanyan saw that Tao Yao was crying. Yao's provocation.

Immediately tugging on the clothes tightly, because she clearly realized that Tao Yaoyao was declaring war on herself, and told herself thoroughly, look... the two men you like, now I can play with the applause, And they can all follow my lead.

Will Yanyan strangle Tao Yaoyao to death immediately at that moment, but now she has no way to go back, saying that Tao Yaoyao is crying fakely, but now her acting skills are overwhelmed, the tears in her small eyes are just like little pearls They fell down one by one.

When Yan Yan returned to her bedroom, the maid saw Yan Yan throwing something, "Bitch...don't be complacent, don't think you won, bitch..."

There is a saying that if a relative is not good, they will be relatives for the rest of their lives, lovely people... As long as they are affected by a little disturbance, they will easily become resentment.

And now Tao Yaoyao is Emperor Qi Jing's relative, it is easier for her to walk into Emperor Qi Jing's heart, and because she is young, she can act like a baby unscrupulously to win Emperor Qi Jing's love, and she can also play petty temper.

Tao Yaoyao was originally a soft girl, she didn't know anything, but she was good at one thing, that is acting like a baby, it was almost easy to catch, a woman who loves to act like a baby is lucky.

This is the case no matter what she does, she is so cute and cute, Yan Yan sits angrily after she dropped something, and soon a dangerous temperature flashed in her eyes.

"Bitch, you are proud of me, I won't let you succeed," I don't like Brother Ankang, well... right now I let Brother Ankang humiliate her, and then abandon her cruelly.

She wanted to see where Tao Yaoyao was with King Ankang, how miserable it would be if she was lost, Yan Yan believed in King Ankang's love for her, he loved her in the past and present, and now is no exception.

How can a yellow-haired girl be snatched away? Tao Yaoyao doesn't know Yan Yan's thoughts, if she knows, she will definitely hehe, there is a saying that is good, there is no corner that cannot be pried, as long as you don't work hard.

Tao Yaoyao intends to make herself a very good and excellent excavator, which can dig everything, including that Ankang King, and even if she can't dig it, she can still plant mines for that Yanyan.

Yanyan is going to be favored right now, and she who is favored by Emperor Qi Jing will not know who she is at all, so she will start poisoning Emperor Qi Jing. Although Emperor Qi Jing is doting on Yanyan, she is distracted by Tao Yaoyao , naturally not to that point, the current Yanyan is not easy to act.

(End of this chapter)

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