General strategy of the male god of fast wear

Chapter 64 The Princess and the Concubine

Chapter 64 The Princess and the Concubine

Tao Yaoyao was ordered to seduce King Ankang, and Tao Yaoyao got up and went out the next day. King Ankang promised Emperor Qi Jing that he would have good contact with Tao Yaoyao, so it is naturally impossible to go back on his word now.

Although Tao Yaoyao doesn't like King Ankang, she also intends to dislike King Ankang and Yan Yan, but... right now, she still hasn't figured out how Yanyan got in touch with King Ankang.

Hey... The system master is unreliable, every time he just gives the task without help, he gives a mouthful of anti-drug beads, and he has an internal force that cannot be detected by others.

However, this is useless, because... in the palace, if she really uses light work, she will be shot into a hornet's nest in the next second, because she is not strong enough to cheat.

King Ankang looked at Tao Yaoyao who was dressed in a strong outfit, his face was reddish like a peach blossom in March. When he looked at Tao Yaoyao, King Ankang reluctantly walked over.

"I don't know where Your Highness the Princess is going to play?" She was more or less unhappy when she spoke. It's not a happy thing to take a kid to play.

" depends on you, brother Ankang, what do you think is fun, brother Ankang?" Tao Yaoyao smiled and said, she was good at night, and played with King Ankang during the day, looking for a chance to get angry with that face.

This woman Yan Yan was so cruel that her son died in the end, she was Wu Zetian, Tao Yaoyao knew that she had to take her time, Emperor Qi Jing liked Yan Yan, if she was too impulsive, it would make Emperor Qi Jing hate her.

It doesn't matter... The current role player has only been in Qi Jingdi's body for a few months, and he still has several years to play. King Ankang looked at Tao Yaoyao.

"This..." King Ankang looked at Tao Yaoyao when he heard this, and finally took people to play, and waited for King Ankang to take people there.

"..." Madan, this is the place you brought me to play. Right now, this is a military camp. Madan, you bring a girl to the military camp to play. Do you think we can still have a good relationship?

Although my sister doesn't care if she can seduce you or not, she just wants to show off your face, okay... don't try to show off people now, Tao Yaoyao looked around and didn't say anything.

"Where is this little girl, General? Is it your illegitimate daughter, General?" King Ankang is now 28 years old, and Tao Yaoyao is only 14 years old. It is not an exaggeration to be rumored to be an illegitimate daughter.

"Don't talk nonsense, this is Princess Mingyue," King Ankang coughed. He didn't dare to be the father of this girl. Everyone was slightly taken aback when they heard this, and immediately became embarrassed.

"It turns out to be Her Royal Highness Princess Mingyue." This is the famous little witch who tormented their generals all day long. A few days ago, His Majesty bestowed a marriage on her. She is such an abominable little witch.

Tao Yaoyao looked at everyone with a small face and white teeth, "Hello, I will be your wife from now on,"

"..." One sentence made everyone look at Tao Yaoyao, she was as thick-skinned as the rumors said, and her words seemed to pierce the sky.

King Ankang couldn't help coughing and looked at Tao Yaoyao, but he was slightly taken aback when he saw the smile on Tao Yaoyao's face. I don't know why?
At that moment, the smile on Tao Yaoyao's face was not embarrassing, as if it was a matter of course, people could not feel disgusted, Tao Yaoyao left the King Ankang to play by herself.

Seeing someone shooting arrows there, Tao Yaoyao stood aside and looked at the man expectantly, the man felt that he was a bit out of control.

When she was looked at expectantly by a little girl carved in pink and jade, she hesitated, "Princess Mingyue, do you want to play?"

"Is this embarrassing?" Tao Yaoyao said embarrassed, but she held the bow and arrow in her hand, then stretched her waist and shook her waist.

"..." Seeing the strange movements of the princess, everyone was slightly taken aback for a moment, and saw that the princess was holding the horse step, opened her bow and hissed, and fell to the ground less than three meters away.

"Hahaha..." After seeing it, many people laughed, but after realizing that the person laughing was this little witch, they all covered their mouths and dared not laugh. Tao Yaoyao glared at them and coughed a few times .

"Ahem..." As he spoke, he looked at the man who gave him the bow and arrow just now, and looked at him with those rough eyes. Tao Yaoyao took a look at that man and took a step back.

"Your Highness, that... I still have things to do," but when she turned around, she saw that the sleeve was pulled, Tao Yaoyao pouted and looked at that person.

"Haven't you ever heard of helping people to the end and sending Buddha to the West?" Tao Yaoyao said sweetly, but it made the man feel that, Your Highness, you are cheating me.

How can I teach you a princess?But in the end he was defeated by Tao Yaoyao's gaze, so he chose to teach Tao Yaoyao, and told Tao Yaoyao the tendency of drawing the bow.

"The horse gait should be steady, the gesture is wrong, raise it higher," the soldier now entered the teaching mode, and did not regard Tao Yaoyao as His Royal Highness at all.

When Tao Yaoyao heard this, she followed the opponent's hand, and when she opened the bow this time, she shot a ten-meter shot, "That's great."

"..." Everyone looked at the arrow that fell on the ground and missed the target. Your Highness, you didn't hit the target. Why don't you be so happy.

"This time it is farther than just now, you are really good, next time you will definitely be able to hit it," Tao Yaoyao's words made the man slightly startled, and looked at Tao Yaoyao.

Seeing the other party trying hard to learn how to draw the bow, I suddenly felt that this little witch was not as unsightly as the rumors said.

"General, why did you bring this little witch here?" In the camp, the military master looked at Ankang and said, that little witch is the master of tormenting people.

"If I don't bring it, who knows what kind of trouble this girl will make. It's not like you don't know. I have someone in my heart. It's a good thing for that girl to quit now."

Speaking of that, King Ankang sighed, that little girl is too good at tossing people, let her play outside right now, and after suffering, she said, after all, this Jiao Didi was shocked and endured hardship, and she will definitely retreat in the end.

Hearing this, the military adviser was slightly taken aback, "You... General... Concubine Tao has been dead for almost ten years, General, don't you think you can let him go? What's more... General... It's all done by Concubine Tao's family. of,"

That's right, it was all the Tao family's own crimes, and the people in that city were harmed by the Tao family. Hearing this, King Ankang was slightly taken aback, looked at the pen in his hand and sighed.

He knew about the affairs of the Tao family, and felt that he had done it before, but when he thought of Tao Li, who was now Yan Yan, he couldn't help sighing again. He thought Tao Li was dead, but who would have thought of Tao Li? Li became Yan Yan, but she still became the concubine of Emperor Qi Jing.

In fact, at the moment of Yan Yan's rebirth, he knew it even if he didn't save him. He wanted to take Yan Yan away at the beginning, but later because of the intervention of Emperor Qi Jing, he missed it again and again. Could it be that he and Li'er are really destined? No points?

(End of this chapter)

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