General strategy of the male god of fast wear

Chapter 65 The Princess and the Concubine

Chapter 65 The Princess and the Concubine

As soon as King Ankang went out, he saw that Tao Yaoyao was learning bow and arrow. When she was learning bow and arrow, she had a serious expression on her face, and her palm-sized smiling face was full of vigor and confidence.

It gave people a very shocking vigor, as if standing next to her would make him feel good, even if he didn't like Tao Yaoyao, he had to say that he couldn't hate him at that moment.

There is a kind of person who can't be hated at a glance. Although she is delicate, she is not hypocritical, and she is playful but does not give you a headache. King Ankang shook his head.

Walking over, Tao Yaoyao let go of the bow and arrow, and hit the target directly. Although she didn't hit the target, but for Tao Yaoyao, it is a good shot for Tao Yaoyao.

Tao Yaoyao turned her head and looked at King Ankang, "Why is brother Ankang trying to teach me?" Tao Yaoyao didn't have much fun dealing with King Ankang, but it was rare to have an ancient military camp to play with, so naturally she experienced it happily .

Hearing this, King Ankang looked at Tao Yaoyao. Before he could speak, he saw Tao Yaoyao running not far away. There was a martial arts competition not far away. Tao Yaoyao squeezed in desperately, and then started applaud.

"Okay, come on..." Wang Ankang looked confused, you agreed to cultivate a relationship with me?But where are you now?Are you sure you want to develop a relationship with me?

Tao Yaoyao didn't care about King Ankang, and after he was tired from playing all day, he climbed into the carriage and fell asleep. King Ankang sighed a little looking at Tao Yaoyao, did he care too much about his children before? ?
Tao Yaoyao came to King Ankang as a child, and he was somewhat surprised by being liked by a child in the past, but later he disliked Tao Yaoyao because of his accidental appearance.

But after getting in touch with her in the past few days, I found that Princess Mingyue is not as bad and vicious as I imagined. At least she is in the military camp now, and she is not with him, so she can still play happily.

After looking at Tao Yaoyao, he sighed, "You girl, if you don't bother her, you will be cuter,"

As he said that, he sat in the carriage and began to drive the horse. This girl was really the first one to let him drive the horse. When he was outside the palace gate, someone came to pick up Tao Yaoyao.

After seeing that, King Ankang was slightly taken aback. He knew that His Majesty doted on Princess Mingyue, but at the moment it seemed that he had spoiled Princess Mingyue too much. Although he was not the most clear about King Ankang's favor on Princess Mingyue, he knew a little.

A few days ago, the person who had been thrown away in the cold palace suddenly became a new favorite because of a serious illness, and was held in the palm of Qi Jingdi's hand, no wonder Yan Yan would be so jealous of this little girl.

Tao Yaoyao was brought back to the palace and fell into a deep sleep. Suddenly, the system alarmed, "The host is in danger, the host is in danger,"

After hearing this, Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback, opened her eyes and felt the thick smoke around her, she couldn't help coughing, "What happened?"

"Concubine Yan Gui asked someone to set the fire," Mr. System's words surprised Tao Yaoyao.

"Her? Damn... Did I try too hard recently to make her want to burn me to death?" Tao Yaoyao said while looking for an exit, is this Yanyan too cruel.

"It's not as usual. She wanted to burn you to death on a temporary basis. You'd better be careful. The heroine here is not a little white flower. If she is careless, she will die," Mr. System reminded coldly.

Tao Yaoyao felt a little dizzy when she heard it, because she inhaled a lot of smoke, she didn't expect that Yan Yan was so cruel, but she didn't know that Yan Yan's murderous intentions started a long time ago, and at this moment, Tao Yaoyao hooked up with King Ankang .

King Ankang felt that Tao Yaoyao was just a brat, although he made a fuss, he didn't feel too bad, he told Yan Yan this, and Yan Yan immediately decided to kill Tao Yaoyao.

"Mingyue..." There was a voice outside the door, Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback, seeing someone rushing in, Tao Yaoyao was choked by the smoke, she was slightly taken aback when she felt that someone was hugging her.

She raised her head and saw Emperor Qi Jing, "Father?" She was so shocked that she didn't expect that Emperor Qi Jing would come in?Emperor Qi Jing hugged Tao Yaoyao and ran outside.

"Mingyue, don't be afraid, Father is here," Tao Yaoyao nodded slightly when she heard this, and was soon carried out by Emperor Qi Jing, who left the scene of fire with Tao Yaoyao in his arms.

"Let me investigate, I must thoroughly investigate." If he hadn't been concerned about Tao Yaoyao's collusion with King Ankang, he would not have come to inquire. When he came to this door, he felt that Tao Yaoyao was sleeping, so he couldn't bear it. To disturb, after all, the child's sleeping is the biggest thing, but I didn't expect it to be on fire inside.

After Qi Jingdi saw it, he ran in without thinking, Tao Yaoyao looked around, Qi Jingdi held a wet towel to Tao Yaoyao's face, her face was very dry and dark because of the fire, in the After wiping off the red, Tao Yaoyao looked at Emperor Qi Jing with a blushing face.

Because Emperor Qi Jing discovered it early, the fire was not too big, and the two of them didn't suffer much injuries when they came out.

"Your Majesty...His Royal Highness has nothing serious to do, just rest up for a few days." Princess Mingyue was fine, but Emperor Qi Jing had his hand burnt instead.

Tao Yaoyao sat over and said, "Father... why did you come in by yourself, don't you know how to let someone come in?"

"Stupid girl, you are my daughter, will you really watch you die? Well... how big is it?" What hasn't he experienced before?Not to mention this small fire.

Tao Yaoyao was deeply aware that Emperor Qi Jing loved Princess Mingyue a lot, and it could be seen from the information given to him by Mr. System that after Princess Mingyue died, he immediately ignored Yanyan for half a year.

Later, if there was no such accident, Emperor Qi Jing probably wouldn't be pampering Yan Yan anymore. This shows the status of Princess Mingyue in his heart, and after realizing this, Tao Yaoyao tightly shook hands.

Mr. System doesn't provide any information, he only came out to bubble up when he was threatened, there is no way to count on the other party right now, he has to investigate by himself, this face in the previous life was like a fish in water, and this poison is even more difficult to guard against, soon peach Yaoyao thought of the anti-drug beads in her system backpack, which might be useful right now.

Tao Yaoyao was arranged to sleep in another bedroom, which was very close to Emperor Qi Jing's, and it only took 5 minutes to get there. Many people thought it was against the rules, but no one dared to look at the eyes of Emperor Qi Jing who wanted to eat people. Word.

After Tao Yaoyao was not burned to death, her whole body became distorted, "Bitch..."

She didn't die this time, so she didn't believe that the bitch was still alive next time, and dared to seduce brother Ankang. Thinking that Wang Ankang's face was a little ugly, couldn't men be trusted?

(End of this chapter)

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