Chapter 105 Why buy it
This really confuses Li Tao, Aunt Liu must be sick, how can she sweat so much in this room?
Li Tao, who was wondering, saw her laptop.

Seeing the focus of Li Tao's eyes, Liu Renna stood up "teng", she pointed to the door and said:

"Bao'er, go and close the door first, what if someone comes again?"

"Didn't you say no one came?"

While talking, Li Tao stretched out his hand to hook the laptop.

"In case, you go and close the door first, Bao'er~"

Liu Renna grabbed Li Tao's arm and acted like a baby, trying to prevent Li Tao from hooking the laptop.

"What's in your computer, show me."

Li Tao didn't like her, and wanted to open the laptop, Liu Renna tugged Li Tao's arm in desperation.

As a result, the two of them sat down on the black leather chair one after the other, Liu Renna sat down first, and Li Tao sat down on top of her.

"Don't look~ woo woo~ Bao'er, you are disobedient~"

In this position, Liu Renna was being pressed by him, but it couldn't stop Li Tao from opening the laptop.

It's not a hot-eyed action movie, but it's more hot-eyed than an action movie.

The page opened by the computer happens to be Tianbao Mall, and the searched item turned out to be vibration/motion.
"Why did you buy this thing!" Li Tao tilted his head and asked Liu Renna who had already buried her face on his back.

"I haven't bought it yet, I'm still choosing"

Li Tao: "."

No wonder I was so hot and sweaty that my pajamas were sticking to my body.

"Tell me, why are you buying this thing?" Li Tao put one hand behind him, rubbing Liu Renna's earlobe and asked.

Liu Renna was silent for a while, then suddenly bit Li Tao's back, ambiguously with the embarrassment of a little woman, and shouted: "Why do you say I bought this thing, I use it myself, you haven't finished yet , keep asking! I'll bite you to death!!!"

She bit it regardless of severity, Li Tao stood up feeling a bit skinny, and looked down at Liu Renna who was staring at her with a red face and embarrassment, Li Tao was really a little speechless.

Li Tao pinched her Qiong nose, and asked curiously: "I've never seen you use it before, why did you do it all of a sudden?"

Hearing Li Tao's words, Liu Renna suddenly sobbed with rain.

"It's not because of you! Yesterday you really made me give up. First, I sprayed nosebleeds on the cows. Later, I came to the venue for you. Even Yixiu couldn't exchange a drop of your nosebleeds. I even fainted with drugs. I, escaped!"

Sticking out her little head, she touched Li Tao's lower abdomen to wipe her tears: "After I woke up, my heart was cold. You white-eyed wolf probably won't want to hug me in this life. I can't be a big girl until I die, right?" , I am not a man I raised with my own hands, and I think it is dirty, so I am thinking about it."

Li Tao is speechless, this woman's brain circuit can always refresh his three views.

"This nosebleed, it really has nothing to do with whether a man is impulsive or not, you"

Li Tao was still insisting on giving her a popular science, but suddenly there was a knock on the door behind him.

Liu Renna tilted her head and glanced at the screen of the desktop computer, there was a reminder that someone had registered, she said quickly:
"Bao Er, hide quickly, the fines (points) are very high at the hospital, if you are reported once, Auntie will not be able to support you~"

Li Tao: "."

It's not too bad that she can't afford to support herself, Li Tao can live on food from the cafeteria, and Liu Renna can't bear this kind of poverty.

And Liu Renna's search shock/movement. The word "lady" is also affixed in front of it, so the sticks displayed below have tens of thousands of points.

Even if you buy things outside the school, you need to pass the points in the school. The logic is probably that Liu Renna places an order, the school buys from the Tianbao Mall, and then Liu Renna uses the points to buy back the things in the school's hands.

Li Tao glanced left and right. Although the room is big, there is no place to hide.

Maybe it was the sound from the house that hadn't responded, and someone outside had already turned the doorknob.

"Hide below, in the table hole!"

Liu Renna grabbed Li Tao's shoulders and dropped him directly.

At the same time, the door of the office was opened, and an introverted girl walked in timidly.

"Excuse me, is this Director Liu?"


Yoo In Na brushed her hair to cover up her embarrassment.

Li Tao on the ground looked straight at him, feeling a bit inappropriate. After looking at it for a while, in order to show that he was a gentleman, he walked on his knees and turned 180 degrees on his knees. From the beginning, his face was facing the bottom of Liu Renna's skirt to the back of his head.

This behavior made Liu Renna roll her eyes again and again, and her voice trembled: "Do you think I don't prick?"

"Ah?" The girl who came in was a little dazed, and murmured in her heart, this psychiatrist must have a disease in her heart, she rolled her eyes and said some inexplicable words.

"Oh, I mean, do you think it's cold in here?"

As soon as Liu Renna said this, Wang Liying realized the extremely low temperature in the room. She turned her head and looked at the air conditioner that was spouting white mist. The sixteen degrees above made her speechless.

"A little bit, it's okay, right?"

"That's fine, I think this temperature is quite comfortable."

Wang Liying: "."

She was just being polite, but the director really didn't treat her as an outsider.

"I see that you have registered, but there are no previous cases. Do you have any mental illness? Our department has many interesting rooms~"

Liu Renna has never had a chance to unlock those weird rooms, and she has been looking forward to it for a long time.

Li Tao, who was kneeling on the ground, curled his lips. A serious psychiatrist would never put diseases behind his psychology. Liu Renna's fake is too watery.

"Sick?" Wang Liying's eyes suddenly dimmed, and her tone suddenly turned lifeless: "Almost, I feel like I'm dying."

"relationship issue?"

Wang Liying sighed deeply and nodded slowly.

Liu Renna's eyes glowed with gossip, she stretched out a hand to Wang Liying, and even spoke in the voice of the announcer: "Please start your story——"

Wang Liying's eyelashes trembled. Is the psychiatrist in front of me worthy of being the director?
But now that she is here, she also wants to express the depression in her heart: "I am from the School of Life Sciences, and I will be a junior in a few days when the school officially starts. Among the nine courtyards, our school and the School of Art are very similar in structure, basically the same. It's a woman, when I was a sophomore, all the girls in our class got out of the singles."

"They already had a partner in their freshman year, but they didn't reach that point. They held back until their sophomore year, huh~"

Wang Liying sneered and said nothing.

"Without the constraints of school rules, the girls in our class like to show off the shit on the bed. I have been ridiculed by them for being prudish because I am single."

"Finally one day, I didn't want to be used by them as a prop to relieve stress. At that time, my counselor asked me to go to the law school to help her get a file back."

"There, I met him. He was the first boy I met alone when I entered Luma. Later, as soon as he pursued me, I agreed, but what I didn't expect was that"

(End of this chapter)

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