Chapter 106 The Novice Doctor
Wang Liying then began to complain about the various differences between the two.

Disagreement in three views, disagreement in personality, diametrically opposite behaviors...

He is also very gentle to other girls, especially one of his professional female teachers, because of this female teacher Wang Liying had numerous quarrels with him.

A series of contradictions, outsiders will only feel noisy when they hear it, but those who experience it personally seem to be experiencing life again.

Liu Renna's attitude made Li Tao feel helpless. It seemed that she had just listened to it for a while, and she had no motivation to listen to it if there were no exciting stories.

Not only did she fail to comfort Wang Liying when she said she lost control of her emotions, but she also failed to answer her questions.

Wang Liying, who didn't get any feedback, has more and more desire to tell.

What left Li Tao speechless was that Liu Renna seemed tired of listening to it. She slowly turned on the laptop, and then pure music with a special melody came from the speakers hanging in the four corners of the room. The volume just covered Wang Liying's voice, keeping it flat , and even Wang Liying is like a background supplement for this pure music.

Adjusting a comfortable angle for herself, Liu Renna began to browse the webpage, her two snow-white thighs rested on Li Tao's shoulders, her feet swayed in front of his abdomen, and she would rub Li Tao's belly with the back of her feet from time to time.

Thinking that this woman was picking up that kind of thing, Li Tao felt uncomfortable. Liu Renna really bought it back. How is that different from calling him a eunuch?
Thinking of this, Li Tao couldn't help poking the soles of Liu Renna's feet, reminding her to turn her attention to the business.

Liu Renna was caught off guard with a "wow~", and her two calves pressed against Li Tao's chest and hooked him to the back. In order to avenge his mischief, Liu Renna directly removed the little fart|fart from the chair and sat on his neck superior.

"Doctor Liu, do you have anything to say?"

Wang Liying, who was still immersed in the memories, looked at Liu Renna strangely. Just now she gasped, which made Wang Liying feel a little scratchy.

"Well, it does."

Liu Renna asked in a somewhat mysterious tone: "Have you ever used that kind of thing, that is?"

"What brand is better?"

Wang Liying blinked, pondered for a while before suddenly realizing: "Oh, I don't need that thing."

Liu Renna felt that an arrow had been shot in her heart.

"I have a boyfriend."

Two arrows were shot in the heart.

"I think no matter how good a brand is, it can't compare to the real thing."

"Dr. Liu's question touches my knowledge blind spot."

Wang Liying stared at Liu Renna strangely and asked, "Doctor Liu, what are you asking?"

Liu Renna closed the computer directly with a "snap~", and said in a heavy tone: "I am doing a psychological test for you, and the result is not good. Your suicide risk is quite high."

After a pause, Liu Renna looked at her with a half-smile: "Why do you think I need to consider that kind of thing based on my beauty?"

Wang Liying glanced at her, and quickly looked away, with a complicated tone: "Of course not, Dr. Liu should have a lot of emotional experience. Frankly speaking, I haven't had the confidence to look at you just now. The gap is too big, which makes me jealous. Don't think so, Luma University's school beauty is far behind yours."

The corners of Liu Renna's mouth turned up, pinching Li Tao, the meaning was self-evident.

In any group of women, your aunt's face will always be the ceiling.

The volume of the pure music gradually weakened, and Liu Renna stared at Wang Liying in silence for a while before saying:

"What stage are you with him now?"

"He disappeared. He didn't contact me during the two-month summer vacation. I left him a message. I will arrive at school early on September [-]. If he still misses me, come and meet me. I'll wait for him for three days."

After Wang Liying finished speaking, her whole body was wrapped in a sense of despondency.

Because one day has passed since the three-day period, and today is September [-]th.

With the sound of Yoo In Na tapping the keyboard with her fingertips, the sound playing stopped abruptly.

With her arms pressed against the table and her chin resting, she said in a rare mature and gentle tone: "Although there is no right or wrong in feelings, you are wrong."

"I was wrong? I'm trying to save him, but what about him? He's forcing me to die." Wang Liying's voice was slightly hoarse.

Liu Renna took a deep breath, her eyes flickered, and she seemed to have a special emotion in her heart. She moved her hand from the table to her lower abdomen, and stroked Li Tao's head:
"Don't forget your own view of love because of the love atmosphere of the people around you."

"You are walking in the opposite direction from the beginning, and every next step is away from the end point. Every step is wrong, not because the road is uneven or wrong, but because the direction is wrong."

Liu Renna's words made Wang Liying startled, but Liu Renna seemed to be talking to herself:

"For example, I know what kind of man I want. Even though people of my age are already married and have children, I have never wavered. I wait for him to want me, and I only want his love."

"Now you think about the voice and appearance of that man in your heart, think about all the things you have experienced with him, and then touch your chest and feel the heartbeat. If you love him, the heart will give you feedback."

After Liu Renna finished speaking, her upper body leaned forward 45 degrees, she took Li Tao's dazed hand, and slowly pressed it on her heart.

But after a while, Liu Renna said abruptly: "Just to let you feel, don't do anything else."

Wang Liying just squinted her eyes, and was a little innocent by Liu Renna's words: "I don't have one."

Liu Renna nodded to her and said, "You continue to feel."

Li Tao was a little embarrassed and accidentally shook it.

But Aunt Liu's heart beat so fast.
Aunt Liu seemed to have seen through her answer, and instead of asking about her result, she continued:
"You said before that the fuse of your relationship was his female teacher. With your 'follow-up investigation', you can come up with more and more 'powerful arguments' during the quarrel."

Before Liu Renna could finish speaking, Wang Liying couldn't wait to interrupt:
"Because he was wronged, he just kept silent, treated me coldly and violently, and didn't know how to apologize to me... Gradually, I became disheartened, and even when we went to bed and took off our clothes, we were not interested in going to the next step. The holiday began I proposed to break up with him in the early stage, but I still couldn’t bear it.”

Liu Renna tapped the table slowly, making Wang Liying, who lowered her head, focus on her again.

"You think his silence is trying to compete with you?"

After a long pause, she continued: "No, it's actually disappointment and estrangement."

Liu Renna looked up at the ceiling, her breathing suddenly became a little short.

Her voice was erratic: "Be with the person you love, always and always, don't question his love, you are here, it is there."

"As long as the person you love is there, even if you don't move, you can reach heaven with pure feeling."

(End of this chapter)

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