Chapter 111 Bargaining
"Do you have any regrets?"

Li Tao shook his head mockingly after asking, he suddenly felt like a hypocritical priest.

"That night, I remembered that you were very concerned about Zhao Lin's affairs. I thought that he was withdrawn. Apart from his wife, maybe I can provide you with some information."

Is this why she was holding her breath?

Li Tao's throat was a little dry, he avoided Qiu Shuyu's gaze, and said after a long time: "I was investigating something, and the clue pointed to a corpse, but the corpse stored in the morgue suddenly disappeared, and the people who had contact with it Among them is Zhao Lin."

"Well, when did he get in touch?"

"The middle of summer vacation, around the end of July."

"At that time... I remember he said he was going to stay in school to deal with a project."

"What?" Li Tao wanted to ask Zhao Lin if there was anything strange, but when he looked up and saw Qiu Shuyu's radiant and tired face, he suddenly couldn't ask such a question.

"He likes to lose everything. That day after he vented on me, he answered the phone and left in a hurry. About half an hour later, he came back and beat me up because he thought I didn't remind him to put the folder on the desk. take away."

That's why when Li Tao saw Qiu Shuyu for the first time, she held the belt and ran to the parking lot to give it to Zhao Lin.

"I've always paid no attention to his affairs, but when he picked me up with a folder that day, he accidentally threw out all the information in it. I remember that there was an A4 piece of paper titled "Ultimate Anatomy Failure Self-blame", Cough cough ~ vomit!"

Qiu Shuyu sat up suddenly, coughing violently, blood mixed with body fluid, soaking the white sheet.

Even her bloodshot eyeballs were about to jump out from the coughing.

Li Tao immediately sat on the hospital bed, and stabilized the needle between Qiu Shuyu's eyebrows: "My business, I will figure out a way for myself in the future, and the boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge. Don't you have any wishes?"

Li Tao said with a bitter voice: "I learned first aid from a member of the gangsters. You were injured too badly. It seems that there is still a regret. So I used six injections to let you have 10 minutes. Now there are only three left."

Qiu Shuyu wiped away the glistening blood from the corner of her mouth, and said openly: "It's fine, I don't have any wishes. I used to think about paying back the money and going to a foreign country to start a new life. Now there is no need."

"Unfortunately, ahem, there is one." Qiu Shuyu was already in a panic at the moment, she needed to open her mouth to speak, but when she opened her mouth, the blood in her throat overflowed.

"Actually, when you jumped off the rooftop and hugged me tightly, I fell in love with you."

"I have never loved anyone, I don't understand love, but I think that feeling is love, I don't understand why. Why so late (meet), why so soon (end)"

Li Tao held her wrist tightly.

Qiu Shuyu looked at the countdown time on the heartbeat detector, and said in a timid voice, "There are still 30 seconds left."

Who is not afraid of death, especially when you know the time when you are buried by death accurate to the second.

"Can you." She raised her hand and wiped the blood stuck in her mouth.

"Can you just give me a kiss on the cheek"


When Li Tao came out of the emergency room, Han Guguan was supporting Zhuzhen, looking at Li Tao with questioning eyes.

"she left."

Li Tao's voice was flat, no, was it cold?Not right either.

Qiu Shuyu's death could even be described as absurd, and he couldn't even help her avenge her.

The driver died earlier than her, but Li Tao could only suppress this unwillingness.

"Is your name Li Tao?"

Zhuzhen didn't go into the operating room to look at Qiu Shuyu who had closed her eyes, but broke away from Han Guguan's hand, looked directly at Li Tao and asked.

"Bury her somewhere far away from this university."

Luma University should be the place where Qiu Shuyu was most unwilling to stay. If buried here, it would be difficult for her to rest in peace.

"Don't go, take this."

Zhuzhen suddenly grabbed Li Tao's arm and gave him a card:

"Qiu Shuyu should hope that all her relics belong to you. There are a lot of points in the card. She wants to save this card for 1000 million. You can also use this card to clean her place occasionally. Maybe you can Get to know her better."

Zhuzhen burst into tears after she finished speaking, and walked with heavy steps towards her former friend who was pushed out by the nurse to sleep forever.

Li Tao raised his head and swallowed sickly through his nose, he also couldn't see Qiu Shuyu like this.

When the corpse was approaching him, Li Tao walked out of the corridor as if fleeing.

He leaned against the pale wall of the hospital, looking at the student card over and over in his hand.

Out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of Zhuzhen who was pushing the corpse away, and whispered softly, "I'll save it for you to 1000 million, and I'll bring it to you when the time comes."

Han Guguan and Zhang Chenxi came over with disappointed expressions.

"Taozi, I... well, this is really true, I don't even know what to say."

Li Tao shook his head and said nothing, so Han Guguan had no choice but to complain to Zhang Chenxi: "Yeah, tomorrow is a simulated confrontation between the Red and Blue Army, and the instructor suddenly asked the three of us to send a box of steel bars."

Zhang Chenxi sighed, and muttered, "Things haven't been going my way these few days. I should have told you two earlier. This is not a good life."

Han Guguan frowned and looked at him, and Zhang Chenxi continued: "You may not have noticed that the three of us helped the instructor of Class B of the Mathematics and Physics College next door to move things at different times this morning, and our instructor's expression at that time was not right. It should be a festival with him."

Li Tao consciously didn't want to get involved in other people's bad affairs, so he stared at Qiu Shuyu's student card for a long time, and finally put the card in his pocket, canceling the use of her points to buy medicine.

"Old Han, you accompany me to buy some medicine, and I will pay you back when I have accumulated enough points."

"Ang, okay!" Han Guguan also told Zhang Chenxi, "You have settled all the expenses of the hospitals involved in the car accident."

"it is good."


Li Tao drove the car to the community quickly, and after parking the car in the underground parking | garage, Li Tao walked towards the unit building.

In the elevator, he shook his head vigorously to get rid of distracting thoughts, and began to recall the solution to the poison of "withering" taught by Master Xuanwutang.

He has already prepared the three kinds of medicines plus antibiotics, but adding some wine as a reminder of the drug effect should give better feedback. Thinking of this, he has already arrived at the door of the house.

"Bang bang bang~"

Li Tao stood outside the door and knocked on the wooden anti-theft door. It didn't take long for the door to be opened, and a handsome Yi Rener with messy hair in a sea-blue tulle nightgown came out.

"Why are you here? Shouldn't you be training at this time?"

It was only then that Li Tao remembered that he hadn't told Xiangxue about her being poisoned.

Before Li Tao could speak, Xiangxue suddenly grabbed his clothes: "Why are you so dirty?"

Li Tao hadn't changed his clothes since yesterday, and encountered so many troubles one after another. Not only was it dirty, Xiangxue reminded him so, he also felt a little sticky.

"Then I take a shower first?"

"Yeah, I'll wash it with you. My hair is going to be a chicken coop. I'm lying in the bathtub and you just help me wash my hair."

"Come on, I'm suffering a little bit." Li Tao looked at this beauty, in the baggy pajamas, who was defenselessly soft and salivating.

Li Tao felt that the school rules were superfluous.

"What is there to suffer?"

Xiangxue's small face blushed twice: "Little brat, I beat you up~"

Li Tao pinched her buttocks through the pajamas, which made Xiangxue roll her eyes.

"Then I don't want to take off my clothes, so I can help you take a shower. You've been out all day." Xiangxue put his arms into her arms, rubbing her small head against Li Tao's chin very attached.

Li Tao's head was in a mess, and he really felt that after a day outside, it was reasonable to go home and enjoy being served by women.

"Okay, pick me a bath towel, I'll go in and wash it first." Li Tao said and was about to go in.

As a result, Xiangxue suddenly grabbed his arm like a child playing tricks, and she squatted down again, holding Li Tao to prevent him from leaving.

"Go wash at your house, Yoo In Na isn't here~"

"Why, it's all the same, you're still familiar with this place." Li Tao asked a little puzzled.

Xiangxue stood on tiptoe, leaned close to Li Tao's ear and said, "I have an immoral pleasure when I go to your house to wash."

Li Tao: "."

"It's like teaching children how to be bad, especially worrying that your adults will come back, hee hee, I even said that I am excited, are you crazy~"

"Smelly pervert."

"Go, go, please~"

Xiangxue stood on tiptoe and covered Li Tao's lips with her small mouth

"The risk is a bit high." Li Tao rolled his eyes and said in embarrassment.

"Then what else do you want~"

Xiangxue pouted, feeling that Li Tao was overreaching.

"Sister Xue'er, after the military training is over in a few days, you and I will treat my counselor to dinner."

"I still miss my sister after eating you little bastard?!!!"

One moment Xiangxue was still in Li Tao's arms like a caring little wife, but the next moment her whole face was distorted. Li Tao's thoughts were horrific and insane!

"Get out~ I want you sisters to relax and ease the relationship. By the way, explain to me what happened in the car that day. We are not shocked. Otherwise, the counselor has misunderstood me. Don't ask her for help if I need anything in the future. Don't let her trip me up."

Xiangxue breathed a sigh of relief, she poked Li Tao's lips with her finger and said, "I have a deep hatred with that woman, unless she kneels down and begs me to forgive her, will the relationship be eased? There is no way."

"Also, don't call me Sister Xueer, call me Teacher Xueer."

(End of this chapter)

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